Noah, but also many other people from the unshakable race survived a mythological flood by hiding in a bright cloud?
"The first ruler regretted everything that had happened through him. Once again he made a plan, to bring a flood upon the human creation. The enlightened greatness of forethought, however, warned Noah. Noah announced this to all the offspring, the human children, but those who were strangers to him did not listen to him. It did not happen the way Moses said, They hid in an ark. Rather, they hid in a particular place, not only Noah, but also many other people from the unshakable race. They entered that place and hid in a bright cloud. Noah knew about his supremacy. With him was the enlightened one who had enlightened them, since the first ruler had brought darkness upon the whole earth."
"Utnapishtim, in the Babylonian Gilgamesh epic, survivor of a mythological flood whom Gilgamesh consults about the secret of immortality. Utnapishtim was the only man to escape death, since, having preserved human and animal life in the great boat he built, he and his wife were deified by the god Enlil."
"A lot of scientific evidence suggests that the world once experienced a flood so large that it covered the entire planet, wiping out animals and people. In the Western world, everyone knows the legend of Noah’s Ark and the idea of The Great Flood is deeply tied to many religions.
It turns out that nearly every culture around the world has its own version of a Great Flood story. Most have an element of magic and mythology tied into their stories, while others are simply portraying the flood as factual history."
"There are hundreds of stories and legends about a worldwide flood. Why do diverse cultures share a strikingly similar story?
Did you know that stories about a worldwide flood are found in historic records all over the world? According to Dr. Duane Gish in his popular book Dinosaurs by Design, there are more than 270 such stories, most of which share a common theme and similar characters. So many flood stories with such similarities surely come from the Flood of Noah’s day."