The SHOCKING Answer to Charlie Shrem's MYSTERY Letter????
After hours of research and digital analysis, I have finally unlocked the secret of Charlie Shrem's mystery letter!!!
The breakthrough came when I used an intensity threshold filter to convert the scanned letter to black and white! I noticed a confusing, huge spike in light intensity at a high threshold.
Hahah ..nice one
Now that's how you sleuth something out. Good job Sherlock :))
It took years of training. :p
Thanks ;)
Yes! Haha... perfectly done. The secret was buried in that letter after all. :)
It's always buried in plain sight! :D
Excellent! Thank you for sharing. ☆☆☆☆☆😎
@trogdor OMG I can't stop laughing. That was the best. Right now I'm wishing i could summon a hoard of upvote bots and push this to the front page.
I'll hold off on that idea for obvious reasons ;)
Guys! Upvote this! Spread the word, the world must know this shocking truth!