Project 31 Mark +0.0001989062
Entry 1:
With the first skip fast approaching and all twelve of the members previously in the beginning stages of foreign flow sickness now fully ineffective for any duty, I have asked the RiverBorn for their assistance in caring for the sick. Redacted were apparently ready to help us some time ago but needed my request before they could start. The Scale of Justice, as Adilet & Adalet call themselves, were more reluctant. Strangely, all it took was a raised eyebrow from Redacted for them to relent. I feel safe in hypothesizing that Redacted are the Scale’s superior officers. This better explains Scales nervousness around Redacted. Their nervousness does not appear to be that which stems from fear, but one appearing similar to idol worship. I find it likely that Redacted are a rank of great significance based on how nervous they make the Scale.
I may be unable to write a report after the skip. I already feal like I am meters away from my body somehow, the River carrying my soul at a different rate from my body.
End entry.
End log.