Spiritual mystery: No one knows what is coming—who can tell someone else what will happen after them?
The Sacred Scriptures introduce us to a spiritual mystery, the knowledge of the future, of what is to come. The prophecy, as a particular knowledge of divine providence, is a spiritual gift, a charism of the Lord: "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above" James 1:17. It is important to understand that the science of theology explains that God exists from an eternal present, we cannot apply temporal concepts to God, only to God corresponds the knowledge of the future as such, the Lord is eternal.
The ability to see the future is beyond human reason, because the limit of reason is the virtue of prudence. That's why the Bible tells us: "No one knows what is coming—who can tell someone else what will happen after them?" Ecclesiastes 10:14.
The Bible teaches us that the gift of clairvoyance is deeply linked to wisdom, which is the very essence of God (God is the wisdom itself), that is why the wise have been advisers to kings since ancient times: "Who is like the wise? Who knows the explanation of things?" Ecclesiastes 8:1.
The Bible tells us how King Nebuchadnezzar after having a mysterious dream commanded to call all the wise men of his kingdom: "In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed" Daniel 2:1-2.
The wise are the people who, because of their connection with God, can reveal to us, when the creator allows them, of the mysteries from above.
The Bible tells us with all this that we should not submit to deception or scams: "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them" Leviticus 19:31.
The knowledge of the future is not something that can be bought or sold, but when it is presented it has an end that comes from above. God always has for certain situations this precious spiritual gift that is prophecy, and so we have to accept it.
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