Biggest treasure ever hidden?! The secret of the pirate La Buse...

in #mysterie3 years ago

You want my treasure! Somewhere I have hidden the greatest treasure in the world.


Many of you know these words. probably from the most successful anime "One Piece". But these words actually came from a man of flesh and blood. His name was "La Buse" and he said these words shortly before his execution.

He supposedly left behind the greatest treasure of all time and we can all search for it and maybe find it because La Buse has left us a cryptogram that will lead us to this treasure.



Is it gold? Is it secret knowledge? Is it perhaps a weapon?

We don't know... The value of this treasure is estimated at about 5 billion dollars.

On April 26, 1720, the "Nossa Senhora do Cabo e São Pedro" docked in the Indian Ocean in the port of Saint-Denis on the French island of Bourbon (today: La Réunion). The Portuguese ship was equipped with 72 cannons. It was loaded with diamonds, precious jewelry, silver and gold bars, pearls, spices and precious stones.

It is said that among the countless precious items was the so-called "Golden Cross of Goa," which weighed over a hundred kilos and was made of the purest gold. Among the ship's passengers were the Viceroy of Portuguese India, an archbishop and several noblemen.


While repairs were being made to the "Nossa Senhora do Cabo e São Pedro", Taylor and Le Vasseur (La Buse) captured the ship. It was not the only successful foray of the two friends in the Indian Ocean. Together, they raided numerous ships off Madagascar and on the island of Bourbon after Le Vasseur had left the Caribbean.



Le Vasseur (born in 1680 or 1690 in northern France) belonged with other legendary buccaneers like Blackbeard to the notorious "Republic of Pirates" in the Bahamas, which existed there from 1706 to 1718. Because he was enormously fast with his ships, the Frenchman received the nickname "La Buse" ("The Buzzard").

In addition to merchant ships, the pirates in the Caribbean also attacked the Spanish "Silver Fleet" and even cities. As the hunt for the pirates intensified, Le Vasseur sailed first to the Gulf of Guinea (West Africa), then to the Indian Ocean. There he made common cause with Taylor.



After the buccaneers parted ways in 1722 following a dispute, Oliver Le Vasseur lived on the island of Sainte Marie off the east coast of Madagascar. There he half-heartedly accepted an offer of amnesty made to the pirates by France's king and the governor of Bourbon Island. Le Vasseur promised never to sail the seas as a pirate again. However, he did not fulfill the other condition for amnesty, the resettlement on the island of Bourbon.

This decision was his undoing in 1729.

At that time, Le Vasseur was working as a pilot in the bay of Antongil on Madagascar. When he boarded the ship "La Méduse" of the French East India Company, the captain recognized him and took him prisoner. On the island of Bourbon, he came before the judge in shackles. The former pirate refused to testify, was sentenced to death and led to the gallows on July 7, 1730. Since then, legends have grown up around the treasure of "La Buse".


Who knows... maybe you will find the treasure?

Write your ideas in the comments and look for the treasure!


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