My picture day - Where was I? (10 SBD Bounty)

in #mypictureday8 years ago

Inspired by the contest @timsaid started here (you should all participate), I was on my way again with my camera today.

I visited my family. In fact this is where I grew up in Germany. This is also where I have gone to school and where I made my highschool graduation. The first one posting the complete name of the village I was today in in the comments will recieve 10 SBD. (The name itself is a tongue twister for non native German speakers).

Inspiriert von der Photochallenge von @timsaid, bei der Ihr alle mitmachen solltet, war ich heute mal wieder mit meiner Kamera unterwegs. Ich habe meine Familie besucht. Ich bin also da, wo ich aufgewachsen bin, wo ich zur Schule und zum Gymnasium gegangen bin. Der oder Die Erste, die den kompletten Namen des Dorfes in die Kommentare schreibt, wird 10 SBD Kopfgeld von mir erhalten (Der Dorfname selbst ist selbst für Deutsche noch ein Zungenbrecher).

this is the view from where I went almost daily with my bike

this is the forest where I found my first mushrooms

a nearer view... behind these walls you´ll find my old highschool

here you get some really nice food "homestyle cuisine"

impressive daily view when I was walking to school"

some more clues

and leaving for home again

THX for watching and guessing.
I wish you good luck with the bounty!

DANKE fürs Lesen und das Mitmachen. Viel Glück mit der Kopfgeldjagd.

All images are made today with my Exilim EX-FH100

Alle Bilder sind mit der Exilim EX-FH100 gemacht

See you soon


maybe Schwarzach am Main. or Weideweg... don't know which one is correct. I am not from Germany. So, sorry for that if I am getting confused with names.

This is amazingly pretty close. But I have to quote myself... "the exact name" and so Shortcut was the first to get it right. I´ll send you 2 SDB for being that close, hoping this is alright for you.

Hahaha... Actually I didn't played it win money. I did it to check whether I could get it right or not, that was my intention. I would be so happy if some one else answer it and win the prize.. I am happy that I am pretty close to the actual name. It just took barely 2 or 3 minutes to find it out.
Lets wait for the winner. I sincerely wanted your post to get more up votes and more answers. Hope you will.
Thank you
EDIT: omg, you have already transferred me 2 SBD. Thanks for the gift.


That's it! Sending the bounty... (Did you know it, or google it?)

Wow, thank you! I "googled" for "Zum Benediktiner" and the autocomplete feature took me to Münsterschwarzach. (Actually I'm using duckduckgo most of the time, but "I duckduckwent" sounds a bit strange...) Thanks again!

Sehr clever ;)

Naja, blieb mir nichts anderes übrig, nachdem die reverse Image-Suche keine brauchbaren Ergebnisse geliefert hatte und schlau genug war, die Geo-Tags aus den Bildern zu entfernen ;-) are from Germany. So, it was much easy for you..

I'm sorry, you were so close... next time you'll make it!

Thats ok dear friend. Winning prize was not really in my mind. I just wanted that, that post must gain more attention and up votes.

awww... we had a winner already. Congrats @shortcut.

Thank you :-)

I don't know much about the foreign places but the pictures you took are awesome.

hahaha klasse :-) gugg mal hier ich glaub @timsaid hat nicht nur dich dazu gebracht ^^
ich werde mir aber noch ein wenig zeit lassen bevor ich an sowas teilnehme :-)
dir folge ich aber jetzt auch
grüße vom anderen ende der welt
chris :-)

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