Attention Hunters, Fishers, Firearms Enthusiasts, Outdoor Lovers! Communities are Already Here! Steem Giveaways!

in #myhuntingfishing7 years ago (edited)

There is a lot to cover in this post, so hold on to your hats. Or rather put down your fly rod and your musket for a bit, take off your hat and your coat and stay a while! This is going to be good.

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First off, I'd like to say that I am quite happy with how well things are going for our community. At the time of this writing we have 103 followers, we've had several quality hunting, fishing and outdoor blogs being posted with the #myhuntingfishing tag every day. In fact more than 40 posts have been made with the tag in the last week. I have been looking at the feed and feeling great about how well things are going. I love seeing all your quality posts in the feed. I have resteemed nearly every blog with the tag and upvoted them with the @myhuntingfishing account. Most of the posts have also received an upvote from the @bbrewer account.

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In case you didn't know, we have our first official ambassador for the @myhuntingfishing blog and #myhuntingfishing tag. @nickbuha has accepted the role and received a small delegation (150 Steem Power) from @bbrewer to help him with his community building and outreach efforts. Check out his introduceyourself post here. Please join me in welcoming him as the first official ambassador for our community.

I know many of you are also working to spread the word and I can't thank you enough for your efforts. I am considering two additional delegations for community members who make an extra effort to build our community. I have had my eye on a couple of people who have been very active in the community. Unfortunately, there is limited amount of Steem Power to delegate at this time, but the hope is that as we grow, more will become available to delegate. Through our combined efforts we will be able to grow our community more efficiently. Time is a limited commodity for all of us but together we can do great things.

Because of all the outreach @huntbook has already done, I'd like to nominate him as an official ambassador for our community with a delegation of 150 Steem Power. @huntbook, please let me know if you accept.

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For the third and final (for now) delegation and official ambassador, I will do it differently...

I am now taking applications for one official ambassador position. You will receive a delegation of 150 SP from the @bbrewer account to help increase your influence in your outreach efforts.

I don't expect official ambassadors to exclusively do outreach work. The winner will be free to post, comment and upvote content on other subjects in addition to posts with the #myhuntingfishing tag, but the hope is that you will largely use your influence in engaging with our community and to bring in new community members who will post with our tag and engage with other community members through upvoting, commenting, resteeming posts, etc.

In order to apply, write a post with the #myhuntingfishing tag explaining why you would like to be nominated as an official ambassador for our community. Explain what actions you have and will take and what ideas you have to increase the value of our content and community members in the Steem ecosystem.


Plese consider using the #myhuntingfishing tag as the first tag on your posts. Going forward, the posts that use the #myhuntingfishing tag as the first tag will generally receive the highest rewards in the form of upvotes from the @myhuntingfishing and @bbrewer accounts. I will be using 75% voting weight from both accounts for posts that do not use the #myhuntingfishing tag first, while blog posts that do use the tag first will receive the 100% upvote.

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Note: For the 100% upvotes, be sure the #myhuntingfishing tag is in the first (far left) position at the time the post is initially published. The way Steemit is set up it always uses the first tag used at the time the post was initially published to display next to the title of the post in feeds. This is true even if you add or change the tags after initial publishing. You can only see the other tags when you open the post. Using the tag in this way will provide better exposure for our community.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all posts that include the #myhuntingfishing tag, regardless of where it is positioned! I am just asking for your consideration in making it "numero uno". One goal we can all share is for the #myhuntingfishing tag to be the main tag anyone on the Steem blockchain thinks of when they think of hunting and fishing posts.


The @bbrewer account has provided our community with a gift of 10 Steem to share with authors of great #myhuntingfishing posts and to those who go the extra mile in building our community!

Every day, for seven days I am going to select one post to receive an upvote from a paid upvoting service. I will send 1 Steem to the upvoting service along with the URL of the post to receive the upvote.

The remaining 3 Steem will be used to reward community members who go the extra mile in promoting the community to other hunters, fishers, firearms enthusiasts and outdoor lovers both on the blockchain and off. Special consideration will be made if a newcomer makes a post with the #myhuntingfishing tag and identifies the community member who referred them to the community. If you'd like, you can get creative and offer to share a portion of the Steem token you receive with the newcomer who makes the post.

You can also make a post to explain what outreach you have done. This will make it easier for me and the community to see what you have done. This would be especially important if your outreach is off the blockchain on other social media sites or personal interaction with others you know.

Note: In an effort to spread the love more widely, I will try to provide these three 1 Steem giveaways (I am not referring to the Steem sent to the upvoting services) to those who are not official ambassadors. However, if nobody else steps up I will consider ambassadors as a potential recipient as well. One exception may be for @huntbook who received 1 Steem today from the @myhuntingfishing account as a token of my appreciation for the outreach efforts he has already made. He was the one who brought @nickbuha to the community and probably others as well. Thank you @huntbook!

Regarding the upvote requests sent to the upvote services. Upvotes may be provided for past posts or future posts. We have been seeing many great posts and I want some flexibility in what posts I can have upvoted. Unfortunately I can only go back 2-3 days or the post may get flagged by @grumpycat. This also helps in case we have a day or two with little or no posts being made. At the rate we are going, that may not happen, which is great!

I'd like some help from the community in curating the posts if possible. What I mean by that is if you think a post is worthy of a paid upvote from an upvoting service, aside from upvoting, commenting and resteeming that post yourself, please nominate the post for the upvote in the comments section of that post. You can nominate your own posts. Maybe others will post a reply indicating they support the nomination. Another idea is to make a new post to promote another post you feel should be upvoted in the daily upvoting program. This idea should probably be reserved for promoting the posts of other community members but I'll leave that up to you.


I guess something I should say is that since upvote bots are somewhat controversial here on Steemit, if you'd like to opt out of the upvote service and receive the 1 Steem directly in your wallet, just let me know.

Time permitting, before I send the upvote request I will write a short post using the #myhuntingfishing tag to announce the recipient of the daily giveaway and provide a link to the post receiving the upvote.

I can't afford to do this type of giveaway every week but maybe I could do it once in a while or whenever I have extra Steem that I want to throw at it. So, stay tuned for more giveaways like this in the future.

Remember that the purpose of these giveaways is to build the community and motivate the creation of more great content. I wouldn't want the community to die if the giveaways slow down. :)

That being said, if anybody would like to contribute to these giveaways, please feel free to send Steem to the @myhuntingfishing account with a memo to that effect. You will be recognized for your contribution and given special thanks. The funds will be earmarked for future giveaways.


I'd like to announce that the @myhuntingfishing account has purchased a @chainBB forum board! The URL of the forum is

In fact, we have purchased several forum boards (visit the Forums Tab/Page at to see them all!

Since I mentioned, I will also add that it hasn't been updated with fresh content in a while. I would like to consider using some of the great content posted by our community to freshen things up a little. My thought is, for those who are willing, to have some of your posts shared there with full credit to you and a link back to your post on Steemit. Let me know if you are interested.

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Initially, I want us to focus on the myhuntingfishing forum and see if we can make something of it. But if you have been wanting to focus in on just one of these topics, the forums are a great place to do that. These forums are also a great way for ambassadors to reach out to other Steem community members that are posting with tags in our niche, but who are not yet members of the #myhuntingfishing community.

I wrote a post about chainBB forums about 9 months ago on the @bbrewer blog. You can see that post here. Here are some things you should know about chainbb forums. First off, a percentage of the rewards received for actions taken in the forum (5% if I remember correctly) goes to the creators of chainBB. Also, 1% of the rewards go to @myhuntingfishing. That percentage can increase as the forum becomes more profitable (lowering the percentage taken by the creators of chainBB, I think).

In order for the @myhuntingfishing account to receive it's cut of the rewards on one of your posts, you would need to make the post from the chainBB forum itself. The same applies to comments. Don't forget to use the #myhuntingfishing tag for increased visibility and rewards.

I find this opportunity quite exciting because it opens up a door for the @myhuntingfishing account to gain more Steem Power which will provide higher rewards for our community contributors and will help us be self sufficient as well.


I know that the format of the forum is quite different from I'd like your honest feedback about the forum and all of this. I hope you will like it, and want to use it.

I think that in the long term @jesta, the creator of chainBB, wants to continue to develop and refine this forum technology. One of the things that has been mentioned, but I believe has not yet been deployed on chainBB as far as I know is the ability to designate a percentage of the proceeds to beneficiaries. That is really exciting. I see it as a tool for motivating ambassadors and other community members to use the forum.

We are getting in on the ground floor and I think it's a great opportunity. Imagine if some day we have thousands of community members interacting on the forum!

When you go to visit the myhuntingfishing forum you will notice that it is currently set up to feed all posts on the Steem blockchain into the forum with the following tags: #myhuntingfishing; #hunting; #fishing, #firearms; and #outdoors.

There are some settings that can be tinkered with and I am open to suggestions. One such setting is whether or not we want the forum to be on the Steem blockchain but isolated from Steemit or if we want it to be synced with Steemit. It is currently synced with Steemit, which means if you make a post or comment on the forum, it shows up on Steemit and vice-versa. For the time being I think I want to leave it synced with Steemit but in the future I would consider making it independent from Steemit.

We still have the myhuntingfishing discord chat we can use as well. I encourage you to check it out too at:


I consider us to be a community and I don't pretend to be a self-appointed dictator making up all the rules. This post outlines four things I propose to do with the little chunk of influence and Steem/Steem Power I have between my two accounts. I have invested hundreds of dollars of my own money into these accounts. I have spent hundreds of hours on Steemit and other Steem apps building my reputation and influence. I own the @bbrewer account and the @myhutingfishing account and have 100% control over these accounts and their funds and delegations.

I hope to continue to use these resources to reward the community the best way that I can. It should go without saying that if the time ever comes when I determine I need to Power Down and withdraw the funds from these accounts, I will do so, but I don't anticipate that day coming for a long time, if ever. My goal is to grow this community and these accounts to the point where we can all enjoy the rewards and use them as we wish, without having to Power Down our accounts.

Most importantly, the the greatest rewards for these efforts have come and will continue to come in the interactions, knowledge, experiences and entertainment we share with one another.

I hope that each of you will think of things you can do to grow the community. But most importantly, let's keep posting great hunting, fishing, firearms and outdoor content to be enjoyed by us all!

Speaking of which, I have been planning for a while now to write a post about the blacktail buck I harvested in the fall of last year, so stay tuned for that post! :)

Happy hunting and tight lines!


I am honored to serve as an official ambassador for our myhuntingfishing community.

Conservation and wildlife management, together with the ethical pursuit of fish and game and the promotion and retention of our sporting traditions are forever on my mind.

I have received some truly great gifts from my life as hunter, fisherman, and sportsman. It is a debt of gratitude that I don't know if I could ever repay, to people, and places, and wild things, both near, and far away.

Perhaps you feel the same way?

I look forward to getting to know others from this wonderful outdoor community. And to reading your stories, always the stories...

In the meantime, my only advice to you is to "just do it!"

Get out there, fish, and hunt, and rejoice in whatever floats your boat.

Enjoy, and share...


Hey, just saw this! Thank you @ huntbook!

I am honored to serve as an official ambassador for our myhuntingfishing community.

Conservation and wildlife management, together with the ethical pursuit of fish and game and the promotion and retention of our sporting traditions are forever on my mind.

I have received some truly great gifts from my life as hunter, fisherman, and sportsman. It is a debt of gratitude that I don't know if I could ever repay, to people, and places, and wild things, both near, and far away.

You have nailed it, my friend. That is one of many, many reasons you are an ambassador for our community. You just get it. We could't be more excited to have you and @nickbuha helping us promote these wonderful traditions.

I appreciate that, more than you know. And of course, we owe you a great debt of gratitude for putting it all in motion. No doubt, our community will live long, and prosper!


I cant thank you enough for making me an ambassador, I hope to not disappoint. I think Iv'e said this before but I think @huntbook would make a great ambassador, I hope he accepts.

I am grateful that I was also chosen for the first giveaway. I can not wait to see who the next winner will be.

I'm looking forward to checking out the chainbb forum, it seems interesting.

Thank you @bbrewer for creating the @myhuntingfishing/ #myhuntingfishing community. I think you are doing fantastic work, I can't wait to read about your Blacktail Buck!

It's an honor and a pleasure! I know you will not disappoint! Just keep being you!

Who knew, discord invite links expire. The invite link in the post has been updated. The link is also here:
Upvoted for visibility.

@myhuntingfishing This link is expired, do ya have another link?

This is awesome and thanks for doing this. I hope to be a good and positive part of the community and help out where I can.

My pleasure Todd! We are thrilled to have you with us! Can't wait to see more of your stuff coming out of Colorado! Is it fishing season there yet?

Congratulations for the excellent work.
You are doing an exceptional job.
Do you send me the invitation for discord?

Thank you! Please try this link and let me know if you have any issues:

the invitation has expired

I just now found you guys, thanks to someone resteeming. I am now following and resteemed.
@leemlafarmboise and @huntbook

That is fantastic! Welcome to the community! Can't wait to get to know you! Great work @leemlafarmboise and @huntbook!

I would nominate Toad to be your PR guy, if worse came to worse he can try to buy back bad PR with cryToadcurrency. He is good, he was the PR guy for a squirrel Union in Central Park, NY, they was considered rodents and he got them upgraded to custodians, official nut removers. He said going into it a squirrel is simply a rat with better PR and he proved it.

If there is any way you could get me in contact with Toad I would be forever grateful. That kind of talent and resourcefulness could send us directly to the moon.

Wow that is really cool, you've been working hard. Its growing and that is a good thing. Keep it up.
You could of offered that cooler of mine in the give away, I wouldn't of minded one bit.

Thank you! I have been doing a lot behind the scenes. Darn it. I should have mentioned that cooler. I guess I would never have imagined that it was up for grabs still!

Good job.. I have just joined the discord now and i will still be using #myhuntingfishing tooo..weldone.. It is a great work

Awesome! Welcome to the community! Looking forward to your hunting/fishing posts.

Really, really great choice on ambassadors! They both go out of their way to promote our lifestyle and the #myhuntingfishing tag!

Thank you @papacrusher. As far as I know I haven't seen @huntbook officially accept the role, so as of yet he has not received his delegation... You have been pretty active yourself in the community... are you interested at all? :) Will you be making an application post?

Thanks, they are both great! :)

Update: @huntbook has accepted!

Cool! This is really great news! I will probably pass on tendering an application at this point. I have a little too much on my plate at the moment. But I'll be around like always! lol

No worries! Sounds good!

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