fog memories
This is me leaving the boat ramp in the fog. I .have two interesting fog stories. We were in this boat but in the ocean when the fog set in, we did not have a compass so my husband said he was going to get us as close to the beach as he could. the ocean was flat calm. I saw something and was not sure what it was, but it was big, then my husband says wtf and I look and there stands a giant, I an not making this up, what I saw at first was his chair. we still talk about that day, all we can come up with is us being so close to the beach and the fog, it must have enlarged everything on the beach. another time in the fog I was trying to find my way to the east shore and could hear shot guns going off. It was duck season. I could not see anything but then I started seeing shotgun shell casings floating by me. Every time one would shoot I jumped.