#TIL STEEMSQL use case -very similar comments by some users. Scary occurrences? (by @ace108)

Yesterday, I was playing with steemsql.com and looking at some comments where author responded to presumably spammy comments in this post:
#TIL Another use case of STEEMSQL - see for yourself are there spam comments or not?
I was #whysocurious again. I wonder what are the comments some of these people made at first level post that had prompted author to respond. I’m thinking maybe they put many similar comments with at least maybe 28 characters the same in their comments. Can it be many?
Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Summer.
让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“夏天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/
Can there be many? Here are the stats
@aryan12o | Nice...i Upvoted and Followe | 16 |
@bassemm | "thanks or following me ;) k" | 12 |
@davidzack | Hello @princeraja. Welcome t | 51 |
@davidzack | Hello @ashish1444. Welcome t | 24 |
@davidzack | Hello @kamranbhatti. Welcome | 22 |
@davidzack | Hello @pistox. Welcome to St | 19 |
@davidzack | Hello @raul01. Welcome to St | 19 |
@davidzack | Hello @alijavaid. Welcome to | 19 |
@davidzack | Hello @darkiller18. Welcome | 16 |
@davidzack | Hello @bigdeej. Welcome to S | 15 |
@davidzack | Hello @juanangel40bcn. Welco | 13 |
@diegobusel | wow | 13 |
@dihoa | Welcome! Hope you enjoy Stee | 17 |
@dihoa | Great photography, thanks fo | 15 |
@dihoa | Very amazing photos my frien | 13 |
@dihoa | Welcome To Steemit. This is | 13 |
@dihoa | welcome to steemit and good | 12 |
@dihoa | So much beauty in your posts | 12 |
@dinar | Good 😊 | 25 |
@dinar | Nice 👍 | 17 |
@dinar | Hello ! Very interesting blo | 15 |
@djnoel | Hi good post nice to me you | 140 |
@djnoel | Welcome my friend nice to me | 111 |
@djnoel | Hi good post my friend i am | 90 |
@djnoel | Welcome mi friend nice to me | 88 |
@djnoel | Nice post my friend i am @dj | 69 |
@djnoel | Que buen post amigo suerte p | 69 |
@djnoel | Welcome mi friend good post | 44 |
@djnoel | Buen post amigo un saludo yo | 44 |
@djnoel | Buen post amig@ un saludo yo | 31 |
@djnoel | Buen post amig@ yo soi @djno | 28 |
@djnoel | Nice post my friend welcome | 14 |
@doanthuy | Woowww this is really very i | 47 |
@doanthuy | Very nice, Will be looking f | 44 |
@doanthuy | Great photography, thanks fo | 42 |
@doanthuy | U are amaizing! I love your | 28 |
@doanthuy | Love this, Thanks for sharin | 28 |
@doanthuy | Your photos are great! Thank | 28 |
@doanthuy | wonderful beautiful pictures | 27 |
@doanthuy | Awesome pictures, really coo | 27 |
@doanthuy | Excellent photography and th | 26 |
@doanthuy | Great your publication, cong | 26 |
@doanthuy | Beautiful so amazing Good po | 25 |
@doanthuy | , amazing photos! Steemit in | 25 |
@doanthuy | Amazing photography, welcome | 25 |
@doanthuy | Very amazing photos my frien | 25 |
@doanthuy | wonderful photos. Fantastic | 25 |
@doanthuy | Looks absolutely beautiful. | 25 |
@doanthuy | so beautiful hat, love it. @ | 25 |
@doanthuy | Wowww, these shots looks ama | 25 |
@doanthuy | Really nice view and thanks | 24 |
@doanthuy | I've fallen in love with you | 24 |
@doanthuy | Wow! So many beautiful photo | 24 |
@doanthuy | "Beautiful images!!! Which d" | 24 |
@doanthuy | beautiful photography I must | 24 |
@doanthuy | Great post and I enjoyed the | 24 |
@doanthuy | great pics. thanks for shari | 24 |
@doanthuy | I like it, thanks for sharin | 24 |
@doanthuy | i like this things in steemi | 24 |
@doanthuy | I love the top photo the bes | 24 |
@doanthuy | Happy to find you on Steemit | 24 |
@doanthuy | I like your photos, you are | 23 |
@doanthuy | Great pictures...thanks for | 23 |
@doanthuy | "Amazing photographs Lookin" | 23 |
@doanthuy | WOW YOUR PICS ARE AMAZING ke | 23 |
@doanthuy | "Wow very beautiful view i l" | 23 |
@doanthuy | Very good ! Keep it in the f | 23 |
@doanthuy | Very great stuff! It are an | 23 |
@doanthuy | Very interesting post! I fol | 23 |
@doanthuy | Love â¤ï¸ your pictures!! | 23 |
@doanthuy | "Nice picture. Please upvote" | 23 |
@doanthuy | "So beautiful pictures . You" | 23 |
@doanthuy | THANK YOU for all the beauti | 23 |
@doanthuy | Your posts are always perfec | 23 |
@doanthuy | Nice post.. I love your pict | 22 |
@doanthuy | wow nice colours amazing cli | 22 |
@doanthuy | Wonderful photography work, | 22 |
@doanthuy | Absolutely amazing photos, t | 22 |
@doanthuy | beautiful post and beautiful | 22 |
@doanthuy | "Beautifull Architecture! :" | 22 |
@doanthuy | Great post, nice photos and | 22 |
@doanthuy | Great post...loved it..waiti | 22 |
@doanthuy | Excellent work ! Thank you | 22 |
@doanthuy | Heya....love the post!! Than | 22 |
@doanthuy | I love all the bright colors | 21 |
@doanthuy | great content! It was a grea | 21 |
@doanthuy | Beautiful pictures. I'm real | 21 |
@doanthuy | Awesome pictures. very detai | 21 |
@doanthuy | Amazing pictures like always | 21 |
@doanthuy | "wooow,, i like that. congra" | 21 |
@doanthuy | Wow, excellent shots and sup | 21 |
@doanthuy | Waaoooouuu beautiful picture | 21 |
@doanthuy | Well done post thanks for sh | 21 |
@doanthuy | This is so awesome!! And It | 21 |
@doanthuy | So beautiful thanks for shar | 21 |
@doanthuy | So much beauty in your posts | 21 |
@doanthuy | Really great post and I unde | 21 |
@doanthuy | so beautiful photography tha | 21 |
@doanthuy | Your all the pics are amazin | 21 |
@doanthuy | Your pictures come out reall | 20 |
@doanthuy | Wowww amazing photo. Have a | 20 |
@doanthuy | you really cute ! profession | 20 |
@doanthuy | your posts are very good, Su | 20 |
@doanthuy | Really Beautiful pictures! @ | 20 |
@doanthuy | Thankyou for sharing its bea | 20 |
@doanthuy | Welcome to Steemit :) Nice P | 20 |
@doanthuy | Wow, so cool. So nice to con | 20 |
@doanthuy | WOW, these picture look amaz | 20 |
@doanthuy | wow, this is a beautiful pos | 20 |
@doanthuy | Wow! That looks beautiful, g | 20 |
@doanthuy | wow - such great pictures! | 20 |
@doanthuy | All gorgeous photos! Great w | 20 |
@doanthuy | All of your pictures are lik | 20 |
@doanthuy | awesome work, follow and res | 20 |
@doanthuy | Beautiful! I hope you enjoy | 20 |
@doanthuy | Beautiful pictures, I have n | 19 |
@doanthuy | AmazingđŸ˜ love it. So colo | 19 |
@doanthuy | Awesome is not enough for th | 19 |
@doanthuy | Hey, nice post! Glad to meet | 19 |
@doanthuy | Thank you for the beautiful | 19 |
@doanthuy | Thank you again, very nice p | 19 |
@doanthuy | nice pics - you are very pho | 18 |
@doanthuy | Its great picture. Please fo | 18 |
@doanthuy | Great post, very informative | 18 |
@doanthuy | Amazing ... a very amazing p | 18 |
@doanthuy | amazing and beautiful pictur | 18 |
@doanthuy | Awesome Pictures! Thank you | 18 |
@doanthuy | Beautiful post as always ;) | 18 |
@doanthuy | Amazing post. thank you for | 17 |
@doanthuy | Great post once again :) <3 | 17 |
@doanthuy | Really amazing postđŸ˜ love | 17 |
@doanthuy | WOW! So many amazing photos | 16 |
@doanthuy | Great shots! I recently star | 16 |
@doanthuy | I love your photo. Thank yo | 16 |
@doanthuy | amazing, beautiful picture, | 16 |
@doanthuy | Pretty colors in the yard!đŸ | 15 |
@doanthuy | Nice! Make a post when you a | 14 |
@doanthuy | You look great and the view | 14 |
@dongbich | This is totally awesome!! Gr | 14 |
@dongbich | amazing.... this post is so | 14 |
@dongbich |  | 17 |
@fazulujjan | Upvot Me i really upvote you | 12 |
@good-joinned | ""WELCOME TO STEEMIT" I appre" | 87 |
@good-joinned | " WELCOME TO STEEMIT
I a" | 15 |
@iqbalmaulana | I upvoted you, please lock u | 12 |
@kishore1988 | good post | 102 |
@kishore1988 | nice post | 58 |
@kishore1988 | Wonderful post.Please visit | 49 |
@kishore1988 | good post upvoted | 32 |
@kishore1988 | very good post | 16 |
@kishore1988 | good post.Upvoted | 13 |
@kishore1988 | very informative | 12 |
@krpawarssc | Plz Follow me and upvote my | 17 |
@kumaran444 | useful info | 31 |
@kumaran444 | Cool info | 22 |
@kumaran444 | Nice info | 15 |
@muneshtharinda | Here you'll find only offici | 21 |
@raviraj4you | Join Steemit Upvote Exchange | 50 |
@raviraj4you | The FREE Easy to Use Bitcoin | 32 |
@raviraj4you | "Upvoted & Followed you. Plea" | 31 |
@raviraj4you | Lovely post, Followed and Up | 23 |
@raviraj4you | Very good post | 18 |
@raviraj4you | Mining Bitcoin Using Old Com | 15 |
@raviraj4you | "Upvoted & Followed you. Need" | 13 |
@rupaibabu | followed and upvoted pls do | 40 |
@rupaibabu | “Join Steemit Upvote Exchang | 38 |
@rupaibabu | “Be popular on steemit http: | 26 |
@rupaibabu | etovpu and pholo me back pls | 21 |
@shahaalam19 | Good to see.i am so happy be | 20 |
@shahaalam19 | Nice post.i am following you | 19 |
@shahaalam19 | I love your blog,i already f | 16 |
@shahaalam19 | Good, i am a new steemit mem | 13 |
@tuyetthi | Great photography, thanks fo | 38 |
@tuyetthi | Woowww this is really very i | 35 |
@tuyetthi | Very nice, Will be looking f | 32 |
@tuyetthi | Beautiful so amazing Good po | 26 |
@tuyetthi | Great pictures...thanks for | 25 |
@tuyetthi | wonderful beautiful pictures | 25 |
@tuyetthi | Love this, Thanks for sharin | 25 |
@tuyetthi | Waaoooouuu beautiful picture | 24 |
@tuyetthi | "Wow very beautiful view i l" | 24 |
@tuyetthi | Wow, so cool. So nice to con | 24 |
@tuyetthi | Great post...loved it..waiti | 24 |
@tuyetthi | "Beautiful images!!! Which d" | 24 |
@tuyetthi | Your posts are always perfec | 24 |
@tuyetthi | awesome work, follow and res | 23 |
@tuyetthi | Amazing post. thank you for | 23 |
@tuyetthi | Hey, nice post! Glad to meet | 23 |
@tuyetthi | WOW, these picture look amaz | 23 |
@tuyetthi | Very amazing photos my frien | 23 |
@tuyetthi | Pretty colors in the yard!ðŸ | 23 |
@tuyetthi | so beautiful photography tha | 23 |
@tuyetthi | Really nice view and thanks | 23 |
@tuyetthi | Love â¤ï¸ your pictures!! | 22 |
@tuyetthi | wow - such great pictures! | 22 |
@tuyetthi | wonderful photos. Fantastic | 22 |
@tuyetthi | i like this things in steemi | 22 |
@tuyetthi | I like it, thanks for sharin | 22 |
@tuyetthi | Great shots! I recently star | 22 |
@tuyetthi | Great your publication, cong | 22 |
@tuyetthi | Great post and I enjoyed the | 22 |
@tuyetthi | great content! It was a grea | 22 |
@tuyetthi | Amazing photography, welcome | 22 |
@tuyetthi | , amazing photos! Steemit in | 22 |
@tuyetthi | Awesome pictures. very detai | 22 |
@tuyetthi | Beautiful! I hope you enjoy | 22 |
@tuyetthi | beautiful post and beautiful | 22 |
@tuyetthi | "Beautifull Architecture! :" | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Awesome pictures, really coo | 21 |
@tuyetthi | beautiful photography I must | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Absolutely amazing photos, t | 21 |
@tuyetthi | All gorgeous photos! Great w | 21 |
@tuyetthi | "Amazing photographs Lookin" | 21 |
@tuyetthi | WOW YOUR PICS ARE AMAZING ke | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Very good ! Keep it in the f | 21 |
@tuyetthi | U are amaizing! I love your | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Very interesting post! I fol | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Welcome to Steemit :) Nice P | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Its great picture. Please fo | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Nice! Make a post when you a | 21 |
@tuyetthi | Wowww amazing photo. Have a | 21 |
@tuyetthi | you really cute ! profession | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Your pictures come out reall | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Your photos are great! Thank | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Nice post.. I love your pict | 20 |
@tuyetthi | "Nice picture. Please upvote" | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Looks absolutely beautiful. | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Really great post and I unde | 20 |
@tuyetthi | so beautiful hat, love it. @ | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Really amazing post😊 love | 20 |
@tuyetthi | THANK YOU for all the beauti | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Well done post thanks for sh | 20 |
@tuyetthi | WOW! So many amazing photos | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Amazing pictures like always | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Awesome Pictures! Thank you | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Excellent work ! Thank you | 20 |
@tuyetthi | I like your photos, you are | 20 |
@tuyetthi | Beautiful pictures. I'm real | 19 |
@tuyetthi | Excellent photography and th | 19 |
@tuyetthi | Amazing ... a very amazing p | 19 |
@tuyetthi | Wonderful photography work, | 19 |
@tuyetthi | This is so awesome!! And It | 19 |
@tuyetthi | So beautiful thanks for shar | 19 |
@tuyetthi | I've fallen in love with you | 19 |
@tuyetthi | nice pics - you are very pho | 19 |
@tuyetthi | Wowww, these shots looks ama | 19 |
@tuyetthi | You look great and the view | 18 |
@tuyetthi | Thank you again, very nice p | 18 |
@tuyetthi | So much beauty in your posts | 18 |
@tuyetthi | wow, this is a beautiful pos | 18 |
@tuyetthi | Awesome is not enough for th | 18 |
@tuyetthi | I love all the bright colors | 18 |
@tuyetthi | Great post once again :) <3 | 18 |
@tuyetthi | Great post, very informative | 18 |
@tuyetthi | Great post, nice photos and | 17 |
@tuyetthi | great pics. thanks for shari | 17 |
@tuyetthi | I love your photo. Thank yo | 17 |
@tuyetthi | All of your pictures are lik | 17 |
@tuyetthi | Beautiful post as always ;) | 17 |
@tuyetthi | Beautiful pictures, I have n | 17 |
@tuyetthi | Wow, excellent shots and sup | 17 |
@tuyetthi | Wow! So many beautiful photo | 17 |
@tuyetthi | "wooow,, i like that. congra" | 17 |
@tuyetthi | Really Beautiful pictures! @ | 17 |
@tuyetthi | your posts are very good, Su | 17 |
@tuyetthi | "So beautiful pictures . You" | 16 |
@tuyetthi | Thankyou for sharing its bea | 16 |
@tuyetthi | wow nice colours amazing cli | 16 |
@tuyetthi | amazing and beautiful pictur | 16 |
@tuyetthi | amazing, beautiful picture, | 16 |
@tuyetthi | I love the top photo the bes | 15 |
@tuyetthi | Wow! That looks beautiful, g | 15 |
@tuyetthi | Very great stuff! It are an | 15 |
@tuyetthi | Thank you for the beautiful | 15 |
@tuyetthi | Your all the pics are amazin | 15 |
@tuyetthi | Happy to find you on Steemit | 14 |
@tuyetthi | Heya....love the post!! Than | 13 |
@tuyetthi | Amazing😊 love it. So colo | 13 |
@yash0108 | please follow and up-vote i | 93 |
@yash0108 | Excellent post. Amazing. We | 57 |
@yash0108 | Excellent post. Amazing. Wel | 46 |
@yash0108 | Excellent post. Well done. U | 37 |
@yash0108 | Follow and up-vote. i will d | 27 |
@yash0108 | follow and up-vote i will do | 23 |
@yash0108 | I'll follow your account to | 20 |
@yash0108 | UP VOTE N COMMENTS ALL THESE | 18 |
@yash0108 | Welcome Friends "Blog For Yo | 14 |
@yash0108 | I believe we will enjoy and | 14 |
@yash0108 | Excellent post. Well done. | 12 |
@yash0108 | I welcome you to Steemit. I | 12 |
Now, the question. To mute or not to mute?

请看我其他帖: @ace108

That's is a very scary info @ace108
So many Spam comments.
I wish I have enough Power to blast them all.
Where I seen Mr Stacker did it.
He just wipes them off. Zapppped!!!
Perhaps, the next best thing is identify the ones you seen and mute them.
I actually laughed because I was scrolling and scrolling on the list of some of those spam bots. That is crazy. I'm checking their accounts to see if it is benefiting them at all. Like if they are picking up followers or anything meaningful.
I think they will still get followers. It's like a sales strategy. Numbers game. Shoot more and hope to hit some.
Quite scary indeed. I usually see these comments on posts that have photos or introduction posts. Usually, I think they are looking for an easy source of followers or hoping for a upvote.
They have their reasons but the risk of being flag its the price they have to pay.
@ace108 Wow - You have really analysed well using SQL. I have no idea how SQL is used but you have some interesting results indeed. Even I had noticed that many comments on my posts are just "good post" or "nice picture" which I think are spam based on just the tags of my post. Thank you for this analysis. Was interesting to see. Upvoted.
Update at my end is that I have posted a blog with Original GIFs of 💕𝓐 𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓛𝓲o𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 that you may find interesting. I would be honored if you visit my blogs and take a look. Your valuable comments will be eagerly awaited. Thanks
You're welcome and thanks for your comment
Spam is the new it thing. Theres a few new bots everyday....kinda like they're multiplying
Faster and faster. Faster than rodents. :-)
I prefer rodents
Mute em!!!
You too, huh.
Definitely, these comments are a blight
Don't get me started! A few of these names I recognised instantly!
Oh, these are not so recent then.
More frequent the last 2-3 days
That's sad. Having problem catching the feed already and more such comments.
Unfortunatly Steemit is full of bots.. :(
Great work uncovering the technicals!
This compilation is a excellent demonstration of this.
Thank you for reading. This is just a review of the list of people I found yesterday whom authors have responded too. God knows how many others. OK, time for more #myexperiment.
Yeah.. saw this name every post i open. Damn
If that's not a bot, it means the guy has got more time than you and I. :-)
really a good post , thanks for sharing !
You're welcome and thanks for your comments.