Mydailypost - Naturelive - ¡Aqui Estoy! | Here I am!
¡Aquí estoy!, desde lejos me lo decía, me acerque con precaución a sabiendas que hasta el disparo del obturador lo espantaría, mayor fue mi asombro, ni se movió, solo giro la cabeza y sonrió.
Here I am! From afar he told me, I approached cautiously knowing that until the shutter shot would frighten him, my astonishment was greater, he did not move, he just turned his head and smiled.
Here I am! From afar he told me, I approached cautiously knowing that until the shutter shot would frighten him, my astonishment was greater, he did not move, he just turned his head and smiled.
Fotografia de mi autoria: Camara Nikon D3100
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Excelente foto. Casi que posando para el lente
gracias hermano!!!