MyDailyPost Challenge: Sábado/Saturday. SepiaTone - Rome / Roma

Sin embargo, sólo quiero contarles el sentimiento indescriptible que se experimenta al estar ahí. Es imponente, majestuoso, sientes de alguna manera, que estás siendo transportado en una máquina del tiempo y participando en una de esos eventos que tuvieron lugar allí, como las peleas de los gladiadores, por ejemplo.
Ésta es mi contribución para el reto de hoy sábado. Espero que les guste.
Traveling through Italy, I met the Roman Colosseum. I think all people know where it is and what it represents for the history of mankind...
However, I just want to tell you the indescribable feeling that is experienced to be there. It is imposing, majestic, you feel somehow, that you are being transported in a time machine and participating in one of those events that took place there, like the fights of the gladiators, for example.
This is my contribution to the challenge of today Saturday. Hope you like.
For more information on daily activities, visit the hashtag #mydailypost and join in.
por @ sol25 y @leyargoz
Mydailypost Themes
Lunes/Monday: Sky
Martes/Tuesday: Monocolor
Miercoles/Wednesday: Macroshot
Jueves/Thursday: Naturelive
Viernes/Friday: Selectivecolor
Sabado/Saturday : Sepiatone
Domingo/Sunday: Mydailypost (Free topic)
By @leyargoz and @sol25