My Daily Cash Machine: We Know What the World Wants

in #mydailycashmachine7 years ago (edited)

It seems everyone wants it, yet no one knows how to have it. Even those who know how to have it seems to lack the capacity to share it.

Thus, the cycle of the void on what everyone wants continues unabatedly: What everyone wants is to be engaged in valuable exchanges, yet no one knows how to claim it.

Addressing this problem is at the root of My Daily Cash Machine's mission.

On the surface, we think of My Daily Cash Machine as just another online advertising revenue sharing business model, and that's being generous. The truth is, we simply think of My Daily Cash Machine as another "rev share" and from that thought alone we make the fatal mistake of encumbering My Daily Cash Machine in our own minds with our previous unarticulated versions of "rev shares"(you know: "all rev shares…."). And from us polluting our own minds of My Daily Cash Machine with our previous distorted versions of what an online rev share is, we never recover fully enough to accept My Daily Cash Machine in its honest glory.

The mistake we make with My Daily Cash Machine is profound in the sense that we destroy the virtue of what My Daily Cash Machine intends to represent even before we venture enough to understand how My Daily Cash Machine distinguishes itself from previous "rev share" models. In this sense what we do is we destroy the virtue of the possibilities of My Daily Cash Machine way before we even venture enough to really engage My Daily Cash Machine for what it is. Engagement of My Daily Cash Machine should lead us to consideration of My Daily Cash Machine. Consideration should lead to appreciation. And appreciation should lead to more engagement, and that more engagement is what protects My Daily Cash Machine's interest because that engagement by the members now comes from an informed place of what My Daily Cash Machine is.

The consequence of our categorizing My Daily Cash Machine in the same context as all other "rev shares" even before we engage My Daily Cash Machine is the consequence which prevents us from having and being a part of the value contexts we claim we otherwise want to have by venturing online. We claim we want to make money, and yet what we do in our attempts to make money is approach our cyberspace engagements with these online platforms as a cheat of some sort. We think that the process of making money online is some magical feat pulled off by deftly maneuvered slight of hand tricks, instead of actually contemplating the efficacy of My Daily Cash Machine's business model.

From the moment we approach My Daily Cash Machine, for example, and we incorporate within our approach with the same ideas we would with references to "all rev shares", then what we're during in that instance of mental categorization is that we're destroying in our mental concepts the one "rev share" which is in fact not like "all other rev shares" we've ever experienced. It’s important to understand the distinction which My Daily Cash Machine makes because understanding the distinction can help your understanding of why you should join My Daily Cash Machine- Now!

What we want to do here is show you how My Daily Cash Machine is what you've always wanted to be a part of, something that serves you. I mean, isn't that what we all want: something that serves us for a change? Aren't we all tired of laboring against something which never states us as the reason for it being?

What we want to show you is how My Daily Cash Machine's difference in approach to the online revenue sharing business model actually is the right approach towards returning to every person the value in which they otherwise hope to have, yet have no clue of how to obtain it. We think that by your understanding the My Daily Cash Machine difference, you'll understand why we say: You simply must join MDCM- Now!

Make no mistake about it: My Daily Cash Machine is people-driven and people-oriented. In fact, My Daily Cash Machine may be the only online revenue sharing business model to decidedly state that its whole operations is "by the people, for the people". To see the validity of that assertion we pull back the covers and view My Daily Cash Machine in operation.

Why You Must Join My Daily Cash Machine- Now:

My Daily Cash Machine is what you have been looking for. You just don't know it. You don't know it because all that you really know is that you want to make money online. But you have no clue as to how. Just as we all want to be part of some type of valuable engagement yet are too often left clueless at describing what we want. Even in instances where we think we want something we later come to find out after we've obtained it that it wasn't really what we thought it was after all. We wander through life looking to be a part of value exchanges, even if we're lost as to describing the value we want, or even being able to describe what we want as "value". Instead, we know only that we want….something.

But what?

My Daily Cash Machine knows exactly what you want, what we all want, and what My Daily Cash Machine is by design is an ingenious method of delivering upon its members exactly what we all want: We want to be compensated on our value. We want to be recognized that we have internal worth, that our value is something that we were born into and that we can devise methodologies to harness the individual power of our individual value context in a manner which secures an objective approach to the fundamental intent.

The fundamental intent of My Daily Cash Machine is that of an awakening. My Daily Cash Machine aims to be instructive on how income is meant to be produced across online platforms. My Daily Cash Machine's business model is one which is intuitive towards the awareness that some of the biggest online platforms such as fb are simply leveraging free traffic and free memberships. Websites which are nothing more than online registrations and a few plug-ins are killing the game of advertising revenue but have no answer for the grander world's income problems. Are you not aware that the number of people who work for fb in any capacity pales compared to the number of fb's billions of members who post all of the content on fb? Why do these online platforms leverage free memberships in the manner in which they operate, instead of devising a method where more people could benefit from a global connection? This is the fundamental message behind My Daily Cash Machine.

In this sense, My Daily Cash Machine and Steemit are natural fits because Steemit in its approach to leveraging a global network across the Steemit platform has the same intent as My Daily Cash Machine: To reward the members for helping the platform grow.

For that reason, we invite you to not only come join My Daily Cash Machine now, we also want to invite you to stay close to MDCM space here on Steemit. Utilizing this platform for what its worth, My Daily Cash Machine plans to continue to flesh our business model out to the world to gauge it for itself. The principles behind Steemit relate to the intent and principles of My Daily Cash Machine. And as such, My Daily Cash Machine sees Steemit as the perfect place to present our business model to the world so that the world may see that My Daily Cash Machine aims to return upon the world the value the world so wants to share and participate in. My Daily Cash Machine, indeed, knows what the world wants, and My Daily Cash Machine only intends to deliver the value upon the world which the world so rightly deserves to have.

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