Online Business Made Easy
Members, there is currently an issue with Payza not returning IPN to our server so several hundred Payza cashouts were not completed.
You will see a status of processing in your account for your latest cashout. We have been in contact with Payza and we hope to get this matter solved as soon as possible.
If you had a pending Payza cashout that has disappeared from your account, please do not write in to us.
We are aware of this and working to get it corrected ASAP
2018/01/22 (UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
Total members | 12485 |
Total earned | $4654093 |
Total paid out | $1534077 |
Did you know?
We can push our earning to our money pool by working together
Here's how you can benefit and help increase our revenue share by being active.
If only half the active members do one CPA offer each, we could push the daily earnings up to about 6% daily!
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