On the other side of Jazz.
In March 2015, the year I finished my book, which up to that time I have remained in manuscript form until today. This book is about music and love, a book about emotions and imagination, movement and despair, a high speed and a full stop. I translate it from Russian language and therefore have subtleties and misunderstandings in the work on this. I ask for it not to judge. From the standpoint of the right holder, I try not to make it into what a publishing house, and it could possibly be the first online book in blockchain system. There is no certainty that it might be interesting to anyone so I will do it in fragments thereby analyzing an interest in this. So off you go!
On the other side of Jazz.
The faces of our abilities, our steps, sometimes give us an outline of our actions; and we passed these segments, we begin to think that all the threads and weave them possible are not just. Maybe it's a reinforcement of new forces, new interests, new knowledge, new experiences and opportunities, as well as love, communication, city and strany.I let this hidden notes quite minor, though quite major enough, the black bars are replaced with white and we can sigh of relief and say, "this is it" all that has passed. It is as if in the palm and is considered as an experience that will not be erased. It's like a life program that laid the basis for further action. And amidst all this bustle you walk scheduled routes that are already laid and altered consciousness, encountering new obstacles and overcoming the barriers of a sprinter in the 110-meter distance. Get a sense of buzz, responding to a question to worry you, tearing them apart and analyzing the remains constantly biting into the very essence of what is happening. From these situations day after day we are trying to build their lives, their world, which stands firmly with reinforced base, such as a sand castle on the beach waiting for his new wave, a stronger wave which once again will test your strength. And your castle will withstand the onslaught of all, up to that time is a huge flow of water does not wash away everything completely. And then on the sands, analyzing everything that happens, we start to collect all over again. To build a foundation that will be even stronger and that is able to withstand more than a strong wave. Such waves can be infinitely many. We do not miss a single one. This is our wave that will carry us far. At the very beginning or the very end. It is necessary to understand the mechanism, it is necessary to adapt to the world, and not try to adjust it. Get this element, which ripens in you day by day and be a part of it, in the savage world of modern things. All instinct life principles will come by itself. Look around and ask yourself whether it is I? Or who am I? The most important and relevant issues in the struggle with the elements. And if I really so helpless before all this?
Or do we just hold on to all the things we possess! But the only thing we have to hold it in our lives. Fully . Feeling the importance of, and at the same time, enveloping the futility of all the undertakings having at a logical conclusion, as we would not want to. Therefore, everything that happened, I accepted with dignity and as what inevitably happened way back anymore. And sensing all that is in this concept, I will move on ...