Dealshaker 招商会&說明會
日期 : 01/04/18 (Sun)
時間 : 3pm - 5pm(招商會)
8pm - 10pm(說明會)
地點 : 1A,Jalan Pusat Perniagaan Raja Uda 4,12300 Butterworth
Terence Lim
请大家踊跃參与; 不要錯过了解更多关于Dealshaker 的机会!!
Dealshaker Recruitment Conference
Date: 01/04/18 (Sun)
Time: 3pm - 5pm (Chamber of Commerce)
8pm - 10pm (information meeting)
Location: 1 A, Jalan Pusat Perniagaan Raja Uda 412300 Butterworth
May I invite you
Keynote speakers:
Terence Lim
(Leader of Singapore)
Please join us. Dont miss the chance to learn more about Dealshaker!!