My 2018 - this is my hobby: football is a game of love
Hello, i would first like to say a big thank you to @anomadsoul for giving me the chance to share my hobby with the world. Wiith that said i would now like to go into my hobby.
My hobby would have to be playing football and for many reasons. But i would start with the simplest.
So firstly, why i picked football is because ever since i was young, football was always me and my dads game. My dad never missed a game and i always loved watching it with him well mainly because he bought me stuffs during every match. Ooh and not to talk of if chelsea won then i was in for a treat because my dad was a chelsea fan.
So after my dad died, i took football to heart because it was our thing and i missed him so much and watching football somehow brought me comfort which i know sounds bizzare.
Secondly, we were not too rich as it was only my mum taking care of us and i noticed that footballers were very rich that was when i took it to heart that i would be a footballer and a rich one at that.
Thirdly, whenever i played football in school, the praises always brought me joy because i became really good and i even got into my schools football team. Also girls were always like wow you were good out there which in turn made me kind of famous in school which also was not a bad thing.
Also in football, you learn to trust in your teammates because football is a game of cooperation and no matter the issue between you and any of your teammates on the field they always have your back. If you are lazy and your teammates are strong you are also strong. They are there for you both physically and emotionally. It also brings you closer when off the field.
Lastly, i feel free and alive whenever i play and i feel like my dad is with me on the pitch and watches over me also my mom loves to see me play says it brings her joy to see me following in my fathers footstep.
So yeah football is not just a hobby to me. It is a way to lift my mom out of poverty because she has done so much for me and it is also a way for me to remember my dear dad. Thank you
Nice work.