Follow Friday - 5 Great Q and As
Follow Friday this week is going to be a little different as I'm going to pull what I consider five great questions and answers from @musing .io, our blockchain's very own version of Quora.
Now it appears to me that the excellent DApps that we have running on the blockchain seem to suffer at the hands of a somewhat snobby attitude from certain quarters but I can't understand why, including accusations of them 'not adding value'.
This last statement couldn't be further from the truth because the value they add is inclusivity and the ability for people whose language may not be primarily English or people who maybe aren't great writers to interact, join in the party and earn a few rewards. They empower people. Especially at the current juncture where there is a definite lack of encouragement for new members and a distinct lack of interesting content appearing in my feed, this has never been more important.
@musing .io rewards great, well thought out answers and answers drawn from personal experience with huge upvotes. Questions that are interesting and explained are also upvoted. What's not to like? So here are a few great questions and answers to highlight some of the stuff you can read if you pop over and take a look. Steemit is NOT Steem, it is just one small part of a suite of applications that run upon the steem blockchain, each has a role to play and appeal to different groups of people so its about time people within the Steemit nexus got used to this idea.
So just to try and put this 'don't add value' nonsense to bed, here are a few of the Q and As from last week...
@acesontop posed a great hypothetical question about Teslas and Mercedes and got a couple of interesting answers....
@imwatsi asked how crypto would affect the way people gave to charity , again some well thought out answers.
@jolasol15 was in need of some serious relationship advice and was immediately furnished with a whole raft of answers. Let's hope she ditched the rat.......
@mozila had his future career in mind when he asked about becoming a programmer and again got a hatful of helpful people offering advice and their personal experience.
@milaan was interested to learn whether a country's paper money could be practically replaced by crypto and got the thoughts of a number of members with some very well thought out and researched answers.
Yes, there is a little gamesmanship going on and a little abuse of by alt accounts but generally, the standard is very high and its manually and expertly moderated by the team there.
Anyone who cares about the future of this blockchain ought to be using as much of it as they can, so why don't more people get over there to ask questions or give some answers. Isn't the sharing of knowledge the one thing that binds us ALL together?
Hope this has given you a little insight into the fun and interesting stuff that gets posted there and I fully intend to do a curation round-up of some of the other DApps on a weekly basis so I hope to see a few more people joining in and showing them some love and support.
Thanks for the mention. Keep up with the good work!
Youre welcome mate and have a great weekend :-)
Not sure when I opened the musing last time :p
You should go and take a look. Its awesome :-)