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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

rry Rahmawan

Arry Rahmawan

Life Skills

The Top 8 Habits People Generate

2 years ago

by Arry Rahmawan

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Written by Arry Rahmawan

Talk about productivity, it will not be endless. Especially along with the times, the greater the challenge we face to make our lives productive. Often with the various technological developments that exist, rather than making us productive and can take advantage of the time well, it actually even 'disturb' our main activities.

If reading history, precisely many surprising things that I find related to how productive the scholars of antiquity. Ibn Taimiyah, for example, was able to complete one book within a week. Which of these books are referred to by 1000 authors. Abu Ishaq asy-Syairazi, throughout his life produced 100 volumes of books. Imam Ath-Thabari, a historian and commentator once counted how many works he produced during his lifetime. Apparently, it is known that since he baligh (adult) until his death, he wrote no less than 14 pieces every day.

Knowing these histories sometimes makes me ashamed. Is not the progress of the times, should we be far, far, and far more productive than the people - the old people?

It should be so. However, the development of the times often makes our lives have very many choices. Where these choices are often distraction to our ultimate purpose in life. Starting from the choice to respond to sudden opportunities, friendships with new people, the choice to continue to exist in cyberspace, and other choices that make life unproductive.

Then, how do we have a productive life in this fast-paced era like today? One way we can use is to imitate the habits (habits) made by those who are productive. Celestine Chia, founder of Personal Excellence, examines the 8 habits of productive people in modern times that we can use to improve the productivity of our lives.

These 8 habits are,

Focus on the Essentials. Productive people try to use their time as best as possible by doing the things that matter. Important things are marked with when we do it, it will have a big positive impact (value added) and get closer to the dream we want to achieve. Allocate Strategic Time Strategically. Earning does not mean continuing to work non-stop. They are also concerned with the rest time for their body and mind. One way that can be used is the technique of pomodoro. Where they work focus within 25 - 30 minutes, after which they rest for 5 - 10 minutes. In short, there are 1 - 2 short breaks per hour they work. In addition, in a week they do 2-3 times exercise to keep the body fit

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