
 You just copy pasted some info you took from different sites and made it as your own question on musing which is not OK, in my opinion. I see the you have a nice payout also for your thread so whoever upvoted you, if it was musing or not, just upvote plagiarism. I would advice you to create your own threads instead of copy pasting info from internet and address them as your questions.   Here are two places where you can find the info from your question: 1.   Which seems to be also a a copy paste info from the next source that I will give which is an article from The Guardian. 2. In this article if you go to question number six that has the name "Why do we dream?" you will find the information that you just copy pasted and introduced in your question which is exactly this: " We spend around a third of our lives sleeping. Considering how much time we spend doing it, you might think we’d know everything about it. But scientists are still searching for a complete explanation of why we sleep and dream. Subscribers to Sigmund Freud’s views believed dreams were expressions of unfulfilled wishes – often sexual – while others wonder whether dreams are anything but the random firings of a sleeping brain. Animal studies and advances in brain imaging have led us to a more complex understanding that suggests dreaming could play a role in memory, learning and emotions. " If you would have copied the following phrase also that states " Rats, for example, have been shown to replay their waking experiences in dreams, apparently helping them to solve complex tasks such as navigating mazes. " you would have copied the whole answer from an article from The Guardian and present it in musing-io as your own personal question. I don't know if you are aware or not, but plagiarized content and presented as your own is generally flagged on Steem. In musing-io I see you git an upvote, but be careful. The situation might change.   

Okay i first read on it before posting actually i have been waiting to know the answer that's why i posted it

No. Life cannot be quantified with a formula. This is because there are too many variables to be considered and the way human beings are, the smallest thing can cause a massive change in attitude or behaviour. Plus humans are most of the time, distinctly different from one another. So this means that if you did some how manage to make a formula that quantifies life, it wouldn't be applicable to every single person.

Off the three new iPhones released, which do you think will be the consumer favourite?

I just want to know which one you think people will buy more between the Xs, Xr and the Xs max

The three new iPhones that came out, the iPhone Xr, iPhone Xs and the iPhone Xs max are all top tier flagship phones and deciding which one will be a consumer favourite is quite difficult. I think everything will boil down to personal preference and the price so I'll look at it from both aspects.

1. Price: In terms of price, I'd like to think that the Xr will be the more sought after device, even though 750 dollars isn't cheap, it gives people the typical iPhone experience for a fraction of the other iPhone prices. The draw backs of the phone are that it uses a HD plus IPS LCD display which is a bit of a downgrade from the iPhone X which has a full HD amoled screen. Apart from that and the fact that it doesn't have a dual rear camera(nobody's going to notice the difference) and it has larger bezels, it's pretty much on par with the other new iPhones. I think from a price point of view this will be the one to get.

2. Personal preference: Well in terms of personal preference we have to look at the three smartphones separately. The iPhone Xs will be for people who probably enjoyed their experience on the iPhone X and are looking to upgrade to a new iPhone within the same price range. I don't think that this will be the most purchased iPhone out of the three, it's basically the iPhone X with an 's' attached to it. The Xs max on the other hand is a natural competitor for the Samsung galaxy note 9 and it will probably appeal to people who have large hands or like large phones in general. Its got the biggest battery ever found on an iPhone(which is tiny compared to other smartphone brands), and the screen is a whopping 6.5" the largest ever on an iPhone. It's also got the largest storage option, so it's most definitely for people who would want a note 9 level space on an iPhone. Its price is the biggest hinderance to its sales because 1100-1400 dollars isn't for the faint of heart. The iPhone Xr on the other hand is cheaper and comes in multiple colours. Alot of people will probably prefer to spend less to get an iPhone seeing as there's not much difference between the old ones and the new ones, it may sport an LCD display but iPhone users are already used to that.

I strongly believe that even when it comes to personal preference the iPhone Xr will still be the consumer favourite. So overall, the iPhone Xr in my opinion, will be the consumer favourite.

It's great to finally see a real biology question here on Musing, so let me try to explain it as simple as possible. I am not a molecular biologist, but I learned a lot about this during my education, so hopefully I will be able to make it understandable. 

The CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) genes are originally found in bacteria and archaea (these are pretty much just ancient version of bacteria) where they function to prevent the genetic material from getting damaged by forign viral and other invading genetic material. 

What the CRISPR and CRISPR-associated (Cas) genes do is that they attach right in front of, and directly after, where the foreign genetic material has been injected on the DNA strand. And then it pretty much just cut the foreign genetic material away from the strand, and it will no longer be part of the genetic material during the next copy. 

This was pretty much the extremely short version, and there's a lot of information available if you want to dive deeper into this. 

Anyway, CRISPR/Cas9 is also a tool for genetic editing, and it boild down to a lot of the same processes as its original form. By using a guiding RNA (gRNA) molecule, scientists can guide the CRISPR/Cas9 genes to attach to wherever they want in the genetic material of an organism, and then use this to perform a deletion of this genetic material. This is a very quick and easy way of deactivating a gene, since most genes will stop functioning once a part of it is removed. 

A modified version of this gene is also able to insert genetic material where the Cas9 gene attaches, which allows for even more advanged genetic editing. To keep this part very simple, the scientists pretty much just injects genetic material into the DNA strand after the original material has been removed, but before enzymes have been able to reattach the strands. 

CRISPR/Cas9 is pretty complex, and there are thousands of details that we haven't look at in this post. There's even entire books written about this tool, so there are a lot of resources avilable at libraries if you want to learn more about it. 

Thanks for such a great explanation valth! This should be heavily regulated because what happens when the genetic freaks take over? The regular, unedited kids will stand no chance. Genetic freaks will take over sports, science, business and quite possibly, everything else.

Sounds like another unfair advantage the rich will have against all over the world.

I agree with the idea of having it very heavily regulated, but right now it simply isn't. For some reason no one wants to discuss and figure out rules for this yet, but I'm sure we will have to do that in the future once we start seeing some "crazier" results.

We're not quite at the point where we can really genetically engineer humans or big animals yet, but we're able to do it with small invertebrates, bacteria and other small organisms. But it's only a matter of time before we have the knowledge needed to modify bigger organisms. (The reason behind this boils down to the length and complexity of the DNA in the organisms; shorter DNA is obviously a lot easier to research, understand, and modify).

This is a New Era in Molecular Biology. When you are looking for a precise, targeted changes to the genome of living cells the most efficient and reliable way is called crispr genome editing.

CRISPR on its own is a family of DNA sequences in bacteria and archaea

Is there any harm for children playing with opposite-sex toy for their future behaviors?

(I always wanted to learn this) Any side effect encountering future and any change in behavior.

Mathematics is a simply a rational science. When you look and study mathematics you will agree that it either pure which is theortical or an applied. The applied part of mathematics make it to be called a science. There are many interconnected nature of various sciences, logics and some programming which all can be traced down to mathematical technique. There are hypothesis that needs to be proven before it can be approved. Also there are experiments and predictions, which make mathematics complicated and with serious effort and verification result is guarantee at the end.

Discovery is different from invention, because discovery is something that's naturally existing but unknown, then was later found out as a result of man's research.

But invention is something that's non existence before but actually created and carved out by the genuiuity of man.

In other words mathematics was invented by man, one of earliest mathematicians was abacus he invented the first sophisticated counting and calculating algorithm.

People like Pythagoras too invented the relationship between the length of a triangle.

In other words these are all invented so mathematics is invented not discovered

Whoever invented or discovered it, really made my school days crappy 😾

I help kids in primary school, and their main problem is always mathematics. For them, its an inventovery :)

It does not. What makes a man/woman mature is not the longivity of their life but how their personalty are mold. You can live a hundred years but don't have the proper mindset. 

Even a 10-year old girl makes herself mature given life experience and having the proper attitude of mindset of everything. Maturity comes from the mind and heart, not from the length of living. As I mentioned, you can have a lot of experience in love but still don't have the right attitude and mindset, you can never be mature.

and..who even wants to? :) Old people (from my experience) are usually kids again....or kids as always.

I don't think maturity has anything to do with age, granted alot of people that are old are matured but there are equally alot of young people that are quite matured as well.

Let me put it this way, maturity is a function of how sensible you are as a person, for old people being sensible stems from a life time of experiences which include ups and downs, successes and mistakes. As people get older they tend to get more matured because of all the things they've seen in life but this doesn't mean that this holds true for everyone.

I've met alot of old people who are just as childish as they were when they were younger, they haven't learned anything at all over the years. People like that are living proof that maturity doesn't necessarily come with old age.

I also have friends who have amazed me with the level of maturity that they've displayed oflver the years and most of them aren't even up to 30. Becoming mature is a decision you have to make on your own, you can either continue being ignorant or you can wisen up.

Age doesn't necessarily make one mature, but experience is what makes you one mature to some extent, however in a few cases age can bring experience which makes one mature.

Nevertheless one can be very young and yet have so many life experience which can bring about maturity.

In a nutshell age doesn't connote maturity, However it definitely can bring experience which can Iin turn mean maturity but not in all cases

No. Age is just a number.  What does make you mature though, is the things you have been through in life. How you dealth with the hard times and what you learned from them. How many mistakes you made, that shaped the person you are now.  Times that you fell on the ground, but stood up.  . Did you crumble under the pressure of life, or did  you come out as a hero? 

Those are the kind of things that make one more mature. Life experiences. Lessons learned.  

That said, I've met people throughout my life that were much more mature than their age would suggest and in my experience they were one of the most valuable people that came into my life. Most of them have been through some really hard times but they came out as heroes. Much better people than they would have ever became if it wasn't for what they had to go through.

Everybody usually matures in age, however not very many individuals are mature.

A few people experience life rebuking every other person for their present situation. These are the candidly youthful. The day you understand that life owes you nothing you turn into a develop grown-up. Age does not gauge development, there are numerous grown-ups who can't deal with basic circumstances cause they are not develop rationally.

No doubt about it development is achieved by involvement. Development is totally reliant on the sort of encounters a man has throughout his life, which isn't generally identified with his age. Say, a multi year old vagrant, working and attempting to make the two finishes of her day meet, is certainly more develop than most likely nearly quarter century old person living off his rich guardians. Development has nothing to do with the age of the individual, it accompanies different encounters.

Depends on how one defines maturity.  It is very subjective. Each and every person's expectations of mature behavior is different I feel. In terms of being able to understand and realize the emotional state of others, perform actions without the intention of hurting anyone's feelings, having a mental makeup where we are objective when it comes to work, the ability to operate without wanting anyone's approval and being able to look at the bigger picture always. To add to it and make it simpler, i guess we shouldn't act upon jealousy, irrational fear, greed, envy, our ego.. anything that is impulsive, self destructive and can be brought under the ambit of compulsive behavior.  By this i do not mean that we should try and suppress such emotions, but rather make an effort to be self aware and understand the root of this behavior. 

A lot of it has to do with upbringing probably  and also the individual's willingness to evolve. Age is definitely not something that always determines a person's maturity. It is their willingness to learn and increase their self awareness. 

Unfortunately no. Just like being young in age doesn't make one immature.

Maturity has a lot to do with experience, and how you deal with that experiences, how much you've learned from them. And some people never really learn a lot.

We will use the following equation of motion to get the answer:

S = (v^2 -u^2)/2*g

where, S = Perpendicular distance traveled from the surface of the earth.

u = muzzle velocity of the bullet

v = final velocity (zero in our case)

g = acceleration due to gravity

So if the muzzle speed of the bullet was 700m/s then, 

S = (0 - 700^2)/2*(-9.8) = 25000 meters

So if the bullet was fired at a speed of 700 meters per second than it would go to a height of 25 kilometers.


  1. No air friction is assumed
  2. No wind velocity taken into account
  3. Neither the affect of Earths rotation nor revolution is considered

Thanks @harshcash! But will this equation apply if the bullet gets to outer space??

The equation would still apply as it relies mainly on gravity. and the object by not in contact with any solids so in outer space yes there wont be any atmosphere but the factors that have two be present is the speed of the bullet, the gravitational force of the earth at the point of firing and the angle of firing , the time the ending speed and the displacement all relies on those three factors. In outer space only the gravitational force would change, so the equation would still be applicable.

Thanks @omegagamerow. What happens if the gravitational force on the bullet becomes zero , due to distance from the earth?

There are several things that you learn during your time in the crypto market. Although the basics of the trading remains the same but each person develops their own style to keep up with the markets. So I think it would be more helpful to cover the basic rules that can be universally applied. 

Please keep in mind that you asked the question about trading crypto and not about generally investing in crypto, because there are differences between the two. So I am going to treat the question as I see it. Here are a few rules to keep in mind before you start trading crypto:

1. Invest only what you are willing to loose. This mantra doesn't really means that you don't trust the market. The idea behind this is to invest that amount of money, over which you can take cool, calm and objective decisions. People loose money over emotions and gain money by being objective and logical.

2. Research, research and more research. Take a careful look at the projects that you want to start investing in. You don't have to be a technical wiz to listen to videos and read reviews, so don't worry about your lack of knowledge of the crypto world. You'll learn as you go along.

3. Look up on the technical analysis of the price movement of the coins. TA is something that is absolutely essential if you want to become a good trader. From the biggest to the smallest traders, all use TA to get a future projection of markets.

4. Have a strategy - Day trading, weekly trading, monthly trading, etc. Stick to it and don't get greedy because it will cloud your judgement. Greed will make even a logical mind stupid. 

Thanks for the tips.

First of all decentralized technology is still new to the world. Its market penetration and adoption is still negligible.

With the passage of time as more and more people are aware of this technology, it is becoming more and more popular. 

Now even many countries has started accepting this as currency and many other are in the process of adopting.

So in future a more countries will jump into it and it will gain more trust of people. Its value will also increase.

Honestly speaking, crypto has still lot of potential in it. Especially if someone is targeting it for a longer period. 

If someone intends to invest in this business, one should be very careful and have proper study of the crypto currencies, which he/she intend to buy.

One should also be very clear which type of investment he/she wants to make i.e short term or day trading, medium term and long term.

It seems that prices are at the lower side and eventually will go up if invested for the longer period. The point here is one should invest only that much of amount which he can afford to hold for a longer period. 

If someone is will for short term, he should have proper market research before entering into some coins. It is also advisable to have some market to form an opinion.

Another point where many of us make a mistake is that one should not invest all the money in one coin instead invest should be diversified. analytical tools available in the

One should not make all the investment at once in one time instead investment should be made in steps.  

The main theme of game of thrones is that doing good will get you killed. Good guys die. That's just the way the world works. It's a true and proper reflection of the bitter truth of this world. The bad people always win because they play dirty and the good guys keep losing because they don't do what needs to be done to win.

But at the same time the series also shows that being bad isn't always perfect because karma catches up with everyone. And as such, every antagonist in the series eventually dies a gruesome death that matches the cruel way they have lived their lives. This is seen in Geoffrey's choking to death, little finger, the silent killer getting his throat slit open and Ramsey Bolton, the brutal murderer getting eaten by dogs.

These themes and the show help to represent the real world and the way it works in a way that no other series of movie does. Can't wait for the next season to come out

The main theme of "Game of thrones" is politics and howbeit it has other theme as well and when you take a lot at everything the series revolved around you will noticed it's mainly politics and why do I say this?

We could see a possible hunt for the people trying to sit on the iron throne from Cersi Lannister to Danneryis Tagearyn the betrayal by Euron greyjoy and how he killed his brother to take over the salt throne is evidence of political corruption, the unruly desire for power and the insatiable urge to worship.

There is also themes like sorcery, magic, archaic believe in things like dragon, incest, prostitution acute nudity and the way of life of people who lived in the earliest centuries a very long time ago.

However the plot of the series centres on politics and the second will be political corruption and betrayal

Game of Thrones Theme", also referred to as "Game of Thrones Main Title Theme", is the theme music of the television series Game of Thrones. It plays during the title sequence and was composed by Ramin Djawadi in 2011, after series creator David Benioff and D. B. Weiss approached him requesting a theme

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