
Is use of bid-bots unethical? If yes, why this platform allows bid-bots to work?

Some people argue that bid-bots are curse to this platform. According to them it is the raping of the reward pool. It is unethical in their view. On the other hands, many witnesses are the owner of bid-bots. If bid-bots are bad, then who should be the guilty party? The user or the bot owner? Why user should be culprit if the Steem platform doesn't ban bid-bots?

There is two sides to this issue. The good and bad side.

The fight against bidbots is due to the fact that many posts that are of little or no value often find themselves at trending page or having huge rewards which should not be so. That is the bad side.

Now the good side, some innovations need to be boosted so everyone can see it which will pitch it to investors.

Coming to who to blame if it's the user or bot owner. I will say both are to be blamed. The user promoting sub-par post for his or her own personal gain andtl the bot owner not vetting posts submitted. Steemit is decentralised and ban on bid bots means negating that decentralisation.

Now what is been done to make sure bidbots are used positively. Some bidbots owner such as @smarsteem owned by @therealwolf has other parts @smartmarket that whitelist users based on their original posts and credibility. @minnowbooster is also another bot that has a whitelist.

This are some of the steps been taking to ensure positive usage of bidbots and it has been successful.

There are both ethical and unethical side of using bid bots. It depends on users how they will use it.

Let's talk about unethical side first.

You will see there are some users on this platform sharing very low quality content which doesn't add any value to the platform. But still they have plenty of rewards in there posts. They are just using bid-bots on their post. It can be said that, they are stealing from reward pool as they are adding nothing to the platform but getting many.

Let's talk about ethical side now.

Bid-bots are brought in place of promote. You can see a promote option below of your post. By sending sbd you can promote your post. But this promotion doesn't ever cover half of the spend money. Then bid-bots came and now a good content creator can boost his post through bid-bots and it gets more influence than that promotion option.

Without these bid-bots also have blacklist and whitelist. The user who continuously share low quality content and keep using bid-bots on them, get blacklisted by the bot owner.And this system is getting more optimized day by day.

In this world everything has a good and a bad side. You can cut fruits by a knife and can also kill a people with it. It will depend on you, how you will use it.

Maybe I err - but my point of view on Bid-Bots:

As far as I know from beginning of in 2016 far over 90 percent of the Steemtokens were/are in the hands of the developer and some early birds.

So using Bid-Bots serves smart and active people on Steemit because it enhances the redistribution of the tokens. 

Many bots also set certain quality standarts, so they can't be used on scam and spam.

You may say, bid-bots also enhance the inflation of tokens and hurt the Steemprice.

Well, that is true to some extend, but please bear in mind, that there is also the possibillity to destroy Steemtokens and taking them out of the system by transferring them to @null.

So I guess Steemit is a very clever thing :-)

The cumulation of most of Steemtokens in the hand of a few people also gurantees the quality standarts and longlivity of Steemit if they handle their property well.

Bidbots make it possible to gain more visibility and also more income on your post.

I guess it is with bid-bots like with everything in life: Use it but do not abuse it.

As long as they are tolerated by the developers, it is just clever to use them to build up  a good Steempower and a strong account.

As there are various bots for all ranges of SBD even newbies can make profit as there are some already starting at 0.001 SBD and so you can grow a strong account out of nothing with just work and time.

I wish you all the best :-)

Hello @Akdx,

@zoneboy and @futuremind already answered the bid bot part, but I felt like I need to answer the 2nd part of your question better:

"Why does the platform allow bidbots".

Well, it has to do with what the platform is: a Decentralized Blockchain.

If we were on a centralized platform, there would be an administration running things, banning and allowing features left and right.

However, this is a decentralized platform (the Steem Blockchain) so there's no administration banning stuff.

Sure, witnesses with a consensus could do it if they wanted to, but even if they all wanted to it would be counter-intuitive since the attractiveness of the blockchain is decentralization, which means people here expect not to have their freedoms limited - like by bans and getting their actions to be prohibited.


I believe that the steemit platform allows bid-bots to be

used because bid-bots has its advantages on the platform though it also has some features which some

people do abuse and make it have negative effect on steemit,bid-bots are good tools that can be used to

promote a content on steemit,there are some users that have good contents but they do not get the visibility

which they really desire and want and that is why bid-bots can be useful for someone on steemit....the reason

why many people believe that using bid-bots are unethical because so many spammers now take

advantage of bid bots by using the bid bots to upvote their spammy contents and earn undeserved rewards....i believe that bid-bots can still be used on the steemit

platform but the only steps that should be taken is that there should be a creative way to ensure that it would be more difficult for a spammer to use bid-bots or it

would be unprofitable for them and i believe that the new steemit hardfork will solve all that...

The most obvious voices to answer with here will be Sir David Attenborough and Morgan Freeman. But it depends on your life and its story, also on how you would want to story to be.

Spectacular, romantic, adventurous,... ?

Personally, I think I would like to consider Edward Norton and that not only because of his acting skills and past roles but definitely because of his personality as well.

Yet, if I wanted a more exciting narrative then the two obvious choices would be the two most recent (animated) Jokers: Mark Hamill and Tony Hale. Mark Hamill is a legendary Joker and an obvious voice.

Tony Hale has recently surprised in the “Batman Ninja” but you may remember him as Buster Bluth in “Arrested Development” or, also, Gary Walsh in “Veep”. You can easily check out some of his work on his IMDb profile:

And, of course, not to forget in this list is Jack Nicholson. When I say Jack Nicholson I don’t mean it because of his Joker performance btw, although he is a very memorable Joker. But I’m more thinking about “The Shining”, “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, and also his Oscar-winning performance in “As Good As It Gets”.

Lastly, Kevin Spacey, No, not for Frank Underwood performance but for previous work. Aside from being an awesomely written dialogue (monologue) the drive to the desert area in “Se7en”, as well as his entrance when handing himself over in that same movie(“Inspectorrr!”. But the standout performance for me when it comes to Kevin Spacey and voice is American Beauty.

Yes, while like many others I love the voice of both Morgan Freeman and Sir David Attenborough, I would like my life to sound slightly more adventurous.

If my life get narrated, Chetan Bhagat should be the narrator. He is such an interesting writer whom I believe as the most entertained writer. If he write my story , I'm sure that it will be real as my life story and will reach to everyone.

Morgan Freeman. That man would make sound epic even a Coca-Cola add. Considering that my life is not epic at all I guess at least it would sound if he would narrated. Yes, definitely Morgan Freeman. 

I would love my mother to be the narrator of my life. This is because she knows every single thing about me since my childhood. She is the only best person who can narrate my life correctly and completely. She already knows what I can do and what I can't. I believe no one can know you better other than your parents and I am proud to make them narrate my life.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

I want to narrate my life myself because no one knows me as much I know myself and no one can feel my feelings as much I can. But if it is compulsory to be narrated by someone else then it'd be Shah Rukh Khan, he has a charm in his voice. But the truth is, I'm not that famous to be listen my life story by people .

 Woody Harrelson, I like his voice. Or maybe Sam Elliott.      

As for me, I believe that the scientific and religious origins of life on earth are one and the same. Or at least, closely related. The Bible doesn't really say that God created the Earth. According to the Bible it was already there, albeit shapeless, but already there. He just did a remodelling of it. Also it says he did it in a week and to the scientific mind that may seem preposterous but that's from God's point of view. And the same Bible says that a thousand years are like a day in the eyes of the lord. So basically, we can say it took God 6000 years to do it all. So let's say he did it in 60000 years.

Science says that life came from the sea and evolution happened and then eventually, man. The Bible says that God said, and I quote "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky" this also agrees with what science said about evolution. He did the same thing with the animals on land too. He didn't just say appear and the did, he called them forth and it took a thousand years for them to take the form he wanted. That's sounds a lot like evolution to me. And when it got to man the Bible says he moulded man from the dust of the Earth. This is the only part that seems off but let me try and break it down a bit. For a thousand years, God was working on man. Man must have started at one form through out those years and ended at another. And when God was satisfied, he gave him the breath of life and gave him domain over everything. So everything on earth was his to control. That's what the Bible says. And look at the history of man. From caveman to modern man, we have slowly but surely gotten to a point where we control almost everything on this planet. What separates us from the rest of the animals isn't our form, but rather our brain. And that's why we can control our surroundings.

I believe in evolution and I am also a Christian. Therefore I believe that God guided the evolution of all things.

What would a centralized Steemit look like?

Is the model where content creators / social media participants get paid a model that would work in the non-cryptocurrency world? In other words, does steemit pass the "This needs a blockchain" test? But actually, it already passes this test for many reasons that have to do with a (somewhat) decentralization of governance and censorship resistance, and forking risk... blah blah. But let's take away the currency aspect of it, and just ask, what happens if traditional social media platforms started just giving away Fiat to participants with some mechanism to attract just the right amount of people? Does this make sense?

I asked this to myself in my own blog recently (feel free to take a look) and am curious what people on musing think, especially now that more people are here.

My dear friend it is definitely preferable to buy SBD and Steen and I tell you why, hardforms are bitcoin bifurcations, which means that this refers to the process by which a source code is copied from a program that in this case would be the bitcoin platform. Forks can have two intentions: to clone the bitcoin code to create a new cryptomoney from it or to perform an update to the existing code.

In both cases, being bitcoin an open source system, anyone can access the code. So anyone with advanced blockchain knowledge can run a bifurcation. To create a new blockchain project based on open source bitcoin there are no impediments, but to update the existing code and implement it definitively requires a previous consensus.

In other words, you wouldn't have any real support, but the chain of steen blocks is extremely solid and I don't think we need to tell you more.

recalling a hardfork that occurred in 2013 when a miner created an additional block chain that was not compatible with previous versions of Bitcoin Core software. To solve this problem, an agreement had to be reached with the main miner pools to install an old version of the software while they developed a new one that would be released days later. Such errors can create distrust in the bitcoiners community and therefore a drop in the price of the asset in the market.

Like Steemit, just with a better user experience and also manual curation.

If only, it will look like or

If steem + all apps, it will be like Google.

Why does Steemworld only show two digits after the decimal point?

On a vote breakdown with Steemblockexplorer, I can see vote value to three decimal places. On Steemd, if I go to the detailed view, I can get the individual rshares. But on Steemworld the vote values are only reported to two decimal places, even though Steem will award 1/100th of a SBD or STEEM.

Most people are only used to seeing two decimal places, so many front-ends such as Steemworld (and have opted for the norm to not confuse people. As you mentioned, the internal Steemit system itself honors three digits of precision. 

The currency STEEM itself (native to the actual blockchain) allows 8 digits of precision as is the convention established by Bitcoin. You should be able to specify 8 digits of precision for STEEM on most exchanges. [By the way, if the value of STEEM massively increases, I would expect more digits of precision to be in popular use.]

Actually you can see more then two decimal places on By going to Settings->View->Decimal Places you can adjust the amount of decimal places you would like to see. Standard setting is 2 but I have it on 3 for example. There you can see, that you will be actually getting 0.002SBD and 0.002STEEM for this question.

See the picture for the setting.

Hope this helped!

This actually is helpful! Thanks!

I didn't about this one before :)

This is very helpful, thank you. I hadn't explored the settings. Wish I could give this a bigger upvote.

How many different Steem dApps do you use?

How many different Steem applications do you use (e.g. steemit, busy, musing, fundition etc)? Do you have separate accounts for each dApp or do you use one main account for everything? What affects your choice of separate / single accounts? If you use lots of dApps what is the main factor attracting you to a new Steem dApp?

I have been using a number of condenser for steemit and I am using a single account,

I only use them depending on the content that I was making

  1. -when I upvote and sometimes comment
  2. -definitely here, when asking and answering random question - I just found it today
  3. - when I was uploading videos
  4. -like I use this when I upvote and sometimes comment
  5. -when I make my #ulog post
  6. esteem surfer -when I make my newly come up challenge to myself #dailyquestion , been using this for a week
  7. esteem mobile app - when I make post when I am not at home
  8. steepshot - when I suddenly capture an image and I want it to be published in steemit

To be honest, I don't use many dApps. I only use Busy and Musing. Trying to use many websites is very cumbersome. I do watch dtube videos sometimes and browse Steepshot photos, but I do all of this from

I also don't use multiple accounts. Having more than one account dilutes the effort we make on the main one and this in turn means less income overall. I do everything on this account.

I have only one Steem account, which I use to interact with all the DApps, websites, and services in the blockchain. However, I use several Steem applications, DApps, and websites when interacting with the blockcchain. These are: This has become the main interface I use when blogging, reading other people's posts, responding to comments, and accessing my wallet. It has way more features than and has a very rich analysis dashboard that provides me really interesting graphs that track things such as Author Rewards, Account Growth, Number of Posts, and other useful data. I used to hang out in Quora, and even Yahoo Answers. But, since I got involved in Steemit, I have moved all my Q&A needs to here. I really enjoy answering questions. So, when I discovered a few weeks ago, I was really happy about it. The idea of getting rewarded for something I already do for free elsewhere is just a really big incentive why I made the jump here. It still needs some work and the Q&A database is still small, but it's new and growing. So I'm excited about it. Another recent discovery. What I love about this is all the innovative, cool, and sometimes out-of-this-world products featured here. I love discovering new tech and keeping up with the latest developments, so this serves that purpose. and Peakmonsters ( I use these two sites to access my Steem Monsters Collection and buy booster packs and individual cards. I almost use the two equally, though Peakmonsters has a better interface for the trading market. I love the graphics in the main SteemMonsters site, though, so I use that when I like to admire my cards.

Esteem Mobile App. When I want to access Steemit on my mobile. Though, I don't use this often. It serves as my main dashboard whenI want to see the activities going on in my account. It's also very useful for notifying me when I have new followers or account mentions. I used to rely on several account analysis dashboards, but since discovering Steemworld, I haven't had the need to use anything else. It really is the only service you'll need to analyze your account. I don't use this much.  These days, I only use it when I click on a link that leads directly to it, as opposed to Steempeak.

That's basically all the DApps and services I use to interact with the Steem blockchain. As you can see, my activities only include blogging and commenting, answering questions, and collecting (soon, playing) Steem Monsters. When choosing a DApp to use, the user interface is the most important for me. It's actually one of the main reasons why I traded the website for Steempeak.

Well to put it simply, a master node is a full node which rewards node operators for performing the core consensus function of running a blockchain. Due to the nature of how full nodes computers work and the financial constraints involved in running them, a lot of people will want to reduce the number of full node computers they have connected to a blockchain and this will in turn lead to problems like slow transaction processing times and congestion of the particular blockchain.

Now this is where master nodes come into place, they act as full nodes and the people operating them are financially rewarded for their services.

And I don't think I am, I know Dash uses master nodes and I don't have and I don't have any Dash.

I’m thinking getting some masternode from ZCoin, but don’t know whether it’s a good choice.

I don't consider deleting my Facebook because real life contacts use it and use it to organize / communicate.  But I also don't use it as a social platform, so there's really not much to delete although I suppose there's tracking data. If I really cared I could probably figure out how to avoid most of that too.

One idea I've had and haven't really figured out yet is to try to use Facebook to bring more people onto the Steem platform. I would basically be putting my own experience on there and see if that appeals to anyone I know. In the real life contacts world, many people are curious about it, but oftentimes they don't have the time or energy to try it. Just needs the right amount of motivation I suppose.

Well I've thought about it numerous times because I rarely use my Facebook these days.

The main reason why I haven't deleted it is because a good nber of my old friends occasionally connect with me through Facebook. Just the other day my classmate from waaaaay back in highschool sent me a message and we got to catch up.

As much as I'd like to delete it, it's still a pretty good avenue for people to connect with me, so that's basically why I still keep it around.

i dont have ,and i didnt have it .

I have not deleted my facebook account because it is useful to me,through facebook i have been able to freely make thousands of people to know more about my products and services

facebook is also a social media website that makes it easy to connect to people all over the world,facebook even gives you the opportunity to socialize with people who have the same interests and ambitions...

facebook also helps me to connect to my old time friends and people i never thought i could see again,facebook is a lovely platform and it is also useful too and a website where you can socialize and have fun...

though during the data leak saga that involved the CEO of facebook i felt dissapointed that my data might not be safe on facebook but after thorough observations

and alot of analysis then i found out that deleting my facebook might not be a total solution to prevent a data leak and also the benefits i gain from facebook is higher than the risks in it...

For sure they wil some day !

Look at the development, RFID etc.

In many countries cash money is more and more replaced by paying per creditcards and online transfers.

Blockchaintechnology is the future.

It is used in science for managment of data and right now even some countries are about to land their own cryptos.

Yes, I do believe that, but not too soon though. Probably in twenty to thirty years cryptocurrencies, at least some of them, will become official currencies around the world, but for many years to come they will only act as investing and trading assets. I don't expect, of course, all of the cryptocurrencies to replace fiat currencies. 

I don't think it will replace fiat currencies but hopefully it will be mass adopted and take a large percentage of the fiat use.  I think if it is 10% of the size of fiat, that will be huge.

Hmmm, I think it's not impossible.

We are seeing a big leap in the future, innovation was always beside the time and it's not impossible that in the future all of our transactions will be held in the digital world.

In order to accept cryptocurrency more generally, we need to overcome a number of obstacles.

One of the main factors hindering people from entering the digital currency market is that cryptocurrencies are not easy to use. 

 First question 

For most people, whether it is paper currency or online banking system, dealing with legal tender is almost second nature. They understand the value of legal tenders, know how to trade them for products and services, and how global cryptocurrencies are compared to a few other foreign currencies related to their lives. 

 Money is an easy-to-use legal currency. 

 In the real world, most people are so unfamiliar with the concept of cryptocurrency that it is difficult to launch a cryptocurrency wallet.

For those outside the cryptocurrency, this technology is very difficult to understand. The software itself is very unattractive and not user friendly. In most cases, it is used for simplicity and not for choice. 

Today's most trusted Ethereum and ERC  20 Token Wallet user interface:  

on the Internet is usually a form that seems to require a computer science degree to begin to understand. The language and terminology used is very inappropriate.  Most tutorials on the Internet cannot solve the problems that everyday users encounter in a simple, effective, and intuitive way .

 Compare the Ethereum Blockchain Resource Manager interface to your online banking :  

 How to solve this problem ? 

You just need to quickly review history and see what makes the World Wide Web look like today. The development of useful tools such as web browsers and e-mail has contributed significantly to the dramatic growth of the Internet, user interface and cryptocurrency must become easier to understand and intuitive.

No, cryptocurrency will never replace fiat currency, but cryptocurrency might be adopted by a major population by time. To maintain the economy most of the countries  will never allow it to take the position of fiat currencies. Also it's possible that cryptocurrency might be restricted or banned by some countries in future.

The best way to handle an authoritarian boss is to change your mindset and learn how to play by their rules so you can earn their respect and show them that you are a strong, smart, and competent employee.

According to's Five Boss Personality Types, an authoritative boss, like Don Draper from Mad Men, "is the ultimate risk taker and has a flair for drama. On the downside, he can be a poor communicator. He's creative and perceptive, but he's also suspicious of others." Not to be mistaken with an autocratic boss, who is often a bully, or the pace-setting boss who is very demanding of his employees.

In this respect, an authoritative boss is not really that bad. He is just difficult to deal with because of his suspicious personality and his poor communication skills. Thus, most the problems that arise from this kind of leader is that his suspicious nature leads him to not trust his employees, so he's always thinking something is up or that they are lying to him and making excuses whenever things go wrong. Another source of difficulty is that his poor communication skills often leave his employees confused about his instructions, so they could feel like headless chickens who are clueless and don't know what to do.

So, how do you handle an authoritative boss? 

The first thing you should do is to prevent or minimize the possibility of miscommunication. Make sure you get specific instructions. Ask questions to make sure you understand what your boss is saying and that you are interpreting his requests correctly. And always document your communication, as much as possible. Take meticulous notes, track all your email messages, and write down everything accurately. This way, when your boss complains that you didn't follow his instructions, you have something to refer to, without sounding like you're making excuses.

Second, be responsible for your actions. Always do your best, but when things go wrong, don't lie, don't make excuses, and don't blame someone else. Your boss may get angry, but he will respect you more for owning up to your mistakes. It will be much worse if you are caught in a lie or seen as making excuses. Authoritative bosses are suspicious, after all. So don't give him reasons to suspect you by being caught in a lie, or worse, blaming your co-worker for your own shortcomings. 

Third, let your boss feel respected and in control. Authoritative bosses, unless they are incompetent, are likely to be successful in their fields. That's where they get their authority. They know they are smart and that they deserve and expect to be respected. So, it is important is to acknowledge how clever they are, show them that you are following their lead, and show them respect and kindness. Just don't be a suck up, because their suspicious nature will notice if you are faking the compliments. 

Fourth, don't be a pushover. Don't be a yes man, when your boss is being unreasonable or too demanding. Learn to defend yourself, without being defensive or antagonistic. Correct your boss if he is wrong, but do it politely and in private. The goal is not to humiliate your boss, but to show that you are a strong person who also deserves respect. 

Finally, don't take things personally. If your boss os being demanding or difficult, or if he is being blunt with you and using harsh words when giving feedback, don't take things as a personal attack. Authoritative bosses are often poor communicators, so just focus on the critique and see what you can learn from his feedback. 

These are the things that employees can do when dealing with an authoritative boss. Just keep in mind that when dealing with authoritative bosses, it is a matter of finding ways to earn their respect and show your value as an employee, so you can get him on your side. This way, you can thrive even with an authoritative boss. Because believe it or not, in the scale of difficult bosses, you can do so much worse than an authoritative boss. 

Hope this helps. 


  1. Cope with Five Boss Personality Types.
  2. How To Deal With An Authoritarian-Like Boss.
  3. How to Work with an Authoritarian Type Boss.

Aren't most bosses authoritarian by definition? It's their department and they can run it according to their best judgement. Employees usually don't have a say on the decisions of companies, departments and all stuff that is above their level of authority.

But the way to handle any authoritarian figure is to undermine their power and control through measured strategical actions. Get your fellow employees to support you and you'll have power in the masses. If your boss tries to tell you to do something against the regulations and you are backed by your full department, he/she will not have a way to force you and will instead fall when the mass reports and boycotts start. It's hard but it's accomplishable. Any boss can be overthrown. :)

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