
Why is Football the number 1 Sport in the World?

Why is it preferred by a lot of countries.

I think it is a very simple answer for this one.

Football doesn't need loads of equipment, all you need is a ball and to make some goals or posts. This means it is open to the poor communities as well. They are not restricted by having to buy things in order to play. Young children can play barefoot and dream of being a star.

The sport is so commercialized and is on Television in every country. Thee is a  big marketing budget which FIFA handle and it reaches all corners of the globe. When the world cup is played it is the most viewed sport in the world attracting huge audiences.

Football (not American)/Soccer is #1 sport because, football is actually one of the simple games around, even though there are a long list of rules and regulations. The game is available on almost every platform like TV, Internet streams, or even radio. The immense popularity of the game means that a football fan is often a few clicks from catching the game that would be taking place on the other side of the globe. At the same time, they can also drop in to watch a local game between local teams. A fan can take the interest in the sport even further by taking to the game – even in the local streets – with a few friends.

Football happens to be an intense and action packed game. The results are mostly decided within 90 minutes. The excitement value is further increased by the presence of top quality players. Apart from being a great spectacle to watch, football also presents the opportunity to earn money by betting on different markets regarding each game. Betting on football is incredibly popular in several parts of the world that some fans even regard this to be more exciting than the game itself. The popularity of the sport results in the availability of several sites providing tips on betting. 

Football has become part of the culture with fans often seen crying if their team loses an important match. Football evolved as a game for the local community. The game is extremely cost-effective compared to some of the sports, This cost effectiveness is a huge reason for its popularity.

It's the number one sport in the world because you need nearly nothing to start playing it, practicing it, and becoming really good at it. And once you are really good at it, you have a chance to be discovered by a big team, and start earning a lot of money. 

Basicaly, it is an accessible way out of poverty for many people, all over the world. Even the poorest people can start playing it, with an empty sodacan, or even a rock. You don't need no expensive gear, no expensive to keep animals, no access to specific places...

What would you do If you were being bullied At work?

We all hear about bullies at elementary, middle, and high school. What about at the workplace? We are seeing more and more of this bad behavior. How would you handle the situation? What if the person had power?

What are the most amazing contributions of Leonardo Da Vinci to science and inventions?

Leonardo da Vinci known for his popular drawing of the portrait of Mona Lisa is also a major contributor to science but unfortunately most of his works are not known and even celebrated.
I'd like to know his amazing contributions to science and his inventions.

Leonardo Da Vinci made some important contribution in both science and art. As an engineer, Leonardo conceived ideas vastly ahead of his own time, conceptually inventing the parachute, an improved version of the helicopter, an armored fighting vehicle, the use of concentrated solar power, a calculator, a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics and the double hull. In practice, he greatly advanced the state of knowledge in the fields of anatomy, astronomy, civil engineering, optics, and the study of water (hydrodynamics).

Leonardo's most famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, is a study of the proportions of the human body, linking art and science in a single work that has come to represent Renaissance Humanism.

You can find out more about him by visiting this link:

Drug trafficking

Black money transfer


The bad part of decentralization is:

1. An organ from the government that is getting bigger and bigger until the structure of the government becomes more complex.

2. Conformity and Balance will be increasingly disrupted between the various interests of local governments.

3. Decentralization of territories that will encourage the emergence of a regional understanding.

4. Because it is used a lot to negotiate, the time needed is increasingly.

I assume you're talking exclusively about cryptocurrencies, since you added that tag to your question. 

I would say that one perceived downside of decentralization is a lack of a central organization behind the cryptocurrency. Meaning that it could be more difficult to properly organize marketing & user support for that cryptocurrency. 

There is not one single company people can go to when they are experiencing, that's confusing for people. I can almost guarantee that a lot of novice Bitcoin users must have been in panic mode when they made a mistake with a transaction and there was no official entity to ask support. 

This highly depends on your skill and intention for working and also the happiness/salary you get from working.

If you are quite talented with your job and your intention for working is mostly for the money, career and experience then 5 years would probably a good timeframe for it. 

If you work as a developer specializing in one area, then after 5 years you would have gained enough experience to try and switch out to other fields. A field more advance where a lot of new things to be learned and by extension an increase in salary. The more advance your knowledge and expertise is, the more you will be paid. And 5 years is a good amount of time to accumulate that knowledge and experience before switching to other field or company.

However if you are lazy and want consistency, then being loyal to the company pays very well. One could get promoted to a managerial position in which he/she literally have people to do most of his job. Managing is hard, but you get to boss people which is very enticing to lazy people.

It is also worth to note that if you are no longer happy with your work and the environment of your workplace, if you can find another work then do so. However if you have a family that needs to be fed and your salary is more than okay, then just do it for your family. Around 85% of people hate their jobs and would quit it immediately if it wasn't for their family. :)

Fixed work and for life. If possible with 14 annual payments and holidays in August. This has been the holy grail for years in our society. To achieve this, starting as an apprentice in a company and moving up to the top three decades later was the usual modus operandi. To change to the competition or to look for another job supposed a risky movement from the professional and personal point of view.

A combination of the economic conjuncture and the education that younger workers have received has given rise to a new mentality. Now it is difficult to find a company and workers willing to form a well-matched marriage until the end of their (work) days.

The profile of a mobile, restless professional is gaining space, but at the same time he is capable of taking on challenges in a short time and efficiently. A survey published by the English newspaper The Guardian indicates that 90% of the youth of Generation Y or millennials (born between 1982 and 2004) would not stay more than five years in the same job. One third of the respondents do not intend to keep it for two years.

But does this continuous change of work bring benefits? In the opinion of Nacho Somalo, dean of the Impact Business School of the European University of Madrid, it is highly positive. "Enriches the professional much to carry out tasks of responsibility in different areas," he explains. But it qualifies: "Ojo, changing jobs is not the same as changing companies, you can change jobs within the same company or, on the contrary, change your company and not work". And both modifications are interesting.

Even for businesses, this tendency to mobility may be a requirement. "Today everything varies at a speed of vertigo and companies need new air, so the tendency to perpetuate in a position is negative, even for them," says the economist. The expert assures that it can be advantageous even at the economic level, because the expenses in training are compensated with the greater business performance that is obtained by having in staff a professional inaccessible to boredom.

And you will ask yourself: how often should you change your job? Unfortunately, there is no conclusive answer, since it will depend on the needs and expectations of the individual. Professor Somalo talks about 'exhausting a cycle': "The time to define labor changes depends a lot on the type of work and person, so it is good to talk about cycles and these are not all the same". When a worker perceives that he can not contribute more to the company or that this is the one that no longer enriches him, it is that the time has come. But if you want the opinion of the expert, "the best thing would be between 2 and 5 years to opt for the move [if you have options for it, of course]".

People who opt for this busy work life are known, in the Anglo-Saxon world, as job hoppers (skip jobs). It moves them to acquire new experiences, learn and obtain better salary conditions. For Roberto Esparza, specialist in Attraction and Talent Assignment, this profile becomes a problem if the jumper moves from offer to offer without clear objectives or obtaining benefits. "This supposes a negative rotation for the person and can become a problem in a job interview," he explains.

If you are thinking of changing jobs, Somalo advises not to get carried away by anxiety and honestly analyze the range of options available. Before a job interview, says that it is better to show to the recruiter with transparency, and if it is a job hopper, defend it and show why that data plays in your favor. "It is more important to understand why work has been changed than how often it should be done," the expert concludes.

If you want to have an extensive and colorful and splendid curriculum in experiences, according to the specialists, you should not doubt it, because the thoughtful transformation always adds up. There is no formula, no fixed calendar. That decision, however difficult it may be, you will only know ... and your pillow.

I think that's a complete disgrace to the natural laws that have been here for way longer than our bodies exist

You see, GAIA (mother nature) gives you everything you need for a happy & fulfilled, healthy life, on the contrary - all it asks from ourselves is to protect her

Yet we fail at that every single day. What majority of people don't understand, GAIA is not just trees, plants, air, etc. GAIA is every single animal there is. Every single living being, including you & me

therefore, every living being in GAIA plays a certain role & contributes to the perfect ecosystem of nature, the system was even way more advanced but since humans are actively engaged in destroying it, it now looks a bit different

The point is, every living being inside of GAIA contributes his role to make this perfect orchestra of the universe, even the ants & mosquitoes, even the beings you can't see without a microscope - all of them are of equal importance to GAIA

Meanwhile, humans propagate themselves as the most advanced civilization there is & was, but that's a huge lie when you look precisely - there was much more civilizations that were way more connected to nature & therefore understood the laws of life better

We are lost & slowly but safely are losing our true nature. By testing artificial "beauty products" that shouldn't exist at first place, on inhabitants of GAIA that have their particular assignments here, we are not only insulting GAIA that is our mother but at the same time we are putting ourselves above the animals that in reality worth exactly the same like us

Don't believe me? Go close your eyes, mouth & put 2 fingers on your nose. After 2 or so minutes, everything you regarded "as you" will disappear and you'll realize you are no different than any other inhabitant of GAIA

And the CREATOR, who am I not gonna classify as "God" or anything similar (West terminology), put equal amount of thoughts in ant as he did in you & me. Don't believe me, go out and observe ants, you shall realize the longer you observe

I feel strongly against the use of animals in beauty products as They must suffer immensely.

I make my family look for the BWC badge which stands for Beauty Without Cruelty. This organisation make everyone aware of what is actually happening in the industry and supports members and manufacturers who don't use animals in testing.

There are a few countries now that are joining the campaign which is good namely Brazil,Israel,South Africa,India and the European Union. The more the better and I am hoping it will eventually happen worldwide.

Animals are routinely tested and are injected ,gassed, forced fed and killed. They suffer so that we can look and feel beautiful.

I can remember a few years ago a  manufacturer testing shampoos on rabbits to see what it would to if it went into your eyes. The rabbits that suffered had huge infections in their eyes and some went blind all in the name of science and testing shampoos. 

I love animals and can't think of doing anything cruel so I would benefit. I know this practice has gone on for years but surely they know enough now to stop.


Menstruation is a natural thing for every woman when they are fertile. maybe that's an unpleasant thing for the most fertile woman

What is the single greatest factor that leads you to follow someone on Steemit?

Is it their content? Their comments? Something else?

For me its the content, plain and simple. This can include an original post or a comment they made.

It needs to be insightful, relevant, thought provoking. It doesn't necessarily need to be my way of thinking, in fact giving me pause and making me consider different viewpoints is something I really look for in people I follow. I already know what and how I think, why follow someone saying the same things I do? 

I like to learn things so I tend to follow people who post new and interesting things, not just cat memes or pic of flower with no description, I can google those if I want.

People who make me think, engage me in philosophical discussion or debate. The ones that can help expand my horizons so to speak.

These are the individuals I tend to follow the most

Nice insight! Thank you!

Has to be the content that they are writing and posting. I will follow them if i enjoyed it and would like to read more of their work.

Sometimes it could be someone following you and commenting and voting on you regularly. It is more out of good manners sometimes to show a thank you for their support. It all depends really and it is about engaging and getting on with everyone.

I have never chased a whale as I reckon you would be wasting your time but if they were a good entertaining writer then I would probably follow them. Account size should have nothing to do with it is what I am really trying to say.

Thanks for the honest answer! I appreciate it.

The quality of their content.

And how do I define the quality of their content? It depends... it can be how friendly they are, how beautiful their pictures are, how interesting the content is that they write, or how good the content is that they resteem.

Fair enough! Thanks for the reply!

It depends. If their content is the cream de la creme for that user then definitely I will follow him/her because of the posts, but if his posts are not that interesting for me, and I have such people following, but I am enjoying communicating with then I will follow the person just for communication. Sometimes it happens that I am writing articles that trigger the person and we start the interaction, but generally I find both posts and comments as important factors to follow someone. At the beginning I was following lots of users who have big amounts of SP in hope of some upvotes from them, but after a while I quit that strategy and I only kept in my list persons that I like to read and interact with. I don't like people who resteem a lot by the way. 

Good to know! Thanks for the input!

Posted using Partiko Android

The thing that is prioritized when following someone is that if they are interesting and they are posting contents from which I get to learn something and it should be a little interesting as well.

Each user has their own criteria and after following few of them it really attracts to go through the posts of the selected ones.

The way of presenting a content, really maters. 

The users who engages with the people who comments in their posts is another attraction that leads to a nice communication to build up.

I'm pretty sure I spend about 8 hours daily staring at one screen or the other and believe me when I say it's done a lot of harm.

I'm basically the only one in my entire family who doesn't have any problems with my sight but lately I've noticed that it's been deteriorating. On some days I'm at 100% and I feel like my eye sight is on superman's level, on other days it gets so bad that I can barely see what I'm typing on my phone and laptop.

Next up is my new found buddy, back aches, well sitting down all day and pushing buttons on a computer will most definitely take its toll on you and if you come from a family like mine where you start seeing signs of arthritis before you even get anywhere near 40 then you'll know that it's not a one time thing. My backs been hurting for days and until I lie down flat on my belly, the pain doesn't stop.

So I'll end things here, my backs hurting again, let me go and lie down.

10-12 hours a day

When I was working and much younger, 18-20 hours a day

That's not a joke or exaggeration either,

I would work in front of one for 8 to 10 hours a day, go home do a couple more hours work, get online and game. I actually met my wife through an online game 20 years ago, so you can imagine the time I put in on that game (we lived in different countries at the time).

Out of all the health issues I currently have decades later (I've been using computers for over 40 years on a daily basis) I can honestly say not one of them has come from extended PC use.

wow. 20 hours a day. that's something. thanks for the reply.

Yeah I was a heavy gamer back in the day.
Plus I was young, had lots of energy, didn't need that much sleep and enjoyed online gaming immensely

At the present condition as I am giving much more time in here (Steem Blockchain ) So I am spending quite a lot of time in front of the PC. 

Few problems that I have been noticing is that I am having problems in Sleeping due to the routine messed up But as it seems it is not because of the usage of the PC. 

And currently I am spending around 12 hours everyday in here and sometimes more even. 

I have not faced any issues till now over being in front of the PC yet.

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