
How to move Steem from savings to Power?

I accidently put some of my Steem into the savings section.
I want to transfer from savings to any other category but all it says is to withdraw and the savings are too low that i do not want to withdraw but actually wanted to transfer into power.
Is their anyway?

You need to transfer "Steem from Savings" to "Liquid Steem" first. You can do this by going to Wallet then click "Withdraw" from Steem from savings.

Bear in mind that there is a 3 day waiting period before it becomes liquid steem (or simply steem). After 3 days, you can now freely move your liquid Steem to Steem Power through the process called "Powering Up".

Just head over again to your wallet and click "Power Up".

it takes 3 days for steem to be moved from savings to be available. i dont know if there is a minimum limit there should not be any. i have moved to savings a few times and it was no issue moving it back except the 3 days delay which is for our security.

once you have steem available from savings in 3 days time period you can then power up to convert it into steem power.

Thanks for the info sara, I didn't know this.

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Need?

How many hours of sleep do you need to function well during the day?

waaw this is a question that might have to be answered for each reader. How much do you need to sleep? yes, you are a person who needs enough sleep, as well as me. But how much of your sleep time is enough to feel tired in your eyes ?, Back to the doctor's site, maybe they will say that enough sleep is for about 8 hours. Yes, even I have to believe that. Why? I also have a few questions about bedtime on the doctor's site. Why do we have to sleep for about 8 hours, what will happen if you or I sleep under 8 hours or even more than 8 hours? But do you know that sleep is very influential on the health of your body. First of all is the influence of mood, maybe you are a person who always experiences problems with mood. Yes, even I myself am one of the lovers of bad mood. Do you know that one of the causes of badmood is due to lack of sleep? Yes, that is very true. You will feel a fatigue due to lack of sleep, and finally you will find a weak point in interacting, and then this will have an impact on your mind to start a job that you will do, even you will reject all interactions from the outside just because of feeling You.

Good sleep is considered a synonym for good health. Sleep is very important in our life because the proper we sleep the proper our day goes.
Sleeping time depends on our daily routine and how much time we are able to give to our work and passionate about our work.
I normally sleep 6 hours a day from 2-8 as i have a very busy schedule and i love to work more rather than my sleep.
Sleeping time is very good in between 6-8 hours of sleep a normal persons should have daily do get his day better.

There are some variables especially "age" dtermines how much sleep you would need.. Sleep is a vital part in our day to day life.

Did you ever felt sleepiness, not focusing, cramp iin your leg during meetings, class, work or anything you were doing? If you did then it was because you are sleep deprived. You are not getting the amount of sleep you need.

There was a research conducted by NSF(National Science Foundation) and with information from that they released the optimum time of sleep a person needs according to their age.

Newborn babys - 14-17 hrs
Infants - 12-15 hrs
Toddlers -11-14 hrs
Preschoolers -10-13 hrs
School age - 9-11 hrs
Teenagers - 8-10 hours
Younger adults - 7-9 hours
Adults - 7-9 hours
Older adults - 7-8 hrs

Sleep is a natural activity of every individual. Almost a third of our lives, we spend to sleep. Formerly, sleep is considered as a body time to rest after being tired of working, schooling, and other activities.

As time goes by, science proves that sleep is no longer just something to fill the time when someone is in an inactive state. In fact, sleep alone involves a lot of activity and it has a lot of influence on health.

Various studies were conducted to see how the effects of sleep on the body found that sleep is related, among others, to the increase and decrease in body weight, to the risk of death in the future.

A study conducted by the University of Wincosin, USA found that the duration (duration) of a person's sleep can affect the Body Mass Index (BMI). The study was conducted on 1024 volunteers aged 30-60 years. In this study, less than 7.7 hours of sleep habits associated with increased BMI, both in children, adolescents, and adults. Why does this happen? Apparently, after examining the levels of hormones in the study sample, found that sleep is associated with changes in hormone levels called leptin and ghrelin.

We all as humans need to sleep in addition to other needs such as food, drink, and oxygen, in order to survive. Sleep is a vital clue to your health condition. Humans spend about 1/3 the time of their lives to sleep.

Most of us already know that getting a good night's sleep is important, but not many are trying to sleep for about 8 hours a night. For many people who have "sleep debt", they have forgotten how it feels "really fresh because enough sleep".

An expert, Dr. Rafael Pelayo, a clinical professor in the sleep medicine division at Stanford School of Medicine, explains the secrets of

I need 7 hours to 8 hours of sleep compliment 1.5 litres of water during the ​day and 1 hour no screen before sleep.

Good sleep is considered a synonym for good health. Sleep is very important in our life because the proper we sleep the proper our day goes.
Sleeping time depends on our daily routine and how much time we are able to give to our work and passionate about our work.
I normally sleep 6 hours a day from 2-8 as i have a very busy schedule and i love to work more rather than my sleep.
Sleeping time is very good in between 6-8 hours of sleep a normal persons should have daily do get his day better.

Yes you can. All you have to do is use a tool like steemconnect's account creation tool: In order to use that though, you need to have at least 0.1 STEEM on hand, and 15 SP of your own ready to be delegated out to the new account that will be created, or 3 STEEM on hand to power up into that account.

Then there's blocktrades( or quicksteem( Quicksteem just uses blocktrade's APIs to do the same thing as them but with a different front end. They charge about 4 STEEM last I checked to create an account and it comes with 3 STEEM powered up on it.

There's also AnonSteem( Its like blocktrades, but costs 5 STEEM or you can pay in BTC/LTC. I haven't used them so I don't know how well they work.

The tool from steemconnect, or blocktrades are the best way to create a STEEM account without having to give up your personal details. When you register through, they too are paying the fees to create an account, but they will only do it in exchange for personal details. If you are willing to pay, you don't have to give those details up.

yes you can!!!!, but you needs to pay some amount and get direct access to steemit account without verification and mobile/email verification. there are two 3rd party sites are available they are provide option for paid steemit account and these sites are official 3rd party sites so there is no needs to worry about scam. one of my fav site is blocktrade they have many payment options like bitcoin, etherium, doge coin and steem.

Yeah that is very possible but your registration
Will not be done on the official steemit website
And the reason why is because you must have
Phone number and email address when you
Want to register directly on but
If you do not have phone number or email then
You can use other services that offers steemit
Account opening have a features which you can use to
Create a steemit account instantly but the
Service comes with a fee which is the account
Creation and it can be as nuch as three steem or more, also have a feature that allow you to open a steemit account for a fee

The benefit of opening the account directlt on
Steemit is that you will not need to pay any fee
And even when they approve the account you
Will get 15 steempower on your steemit account
Whcih will make your account useful,then you need to know that you may have to wait for
Two weeks before steemit will open an account
Which you registered directly with them

well i dont think so as email id is the very normal and important thing which any website ask for.

How would you protect your idea while you are looking for a developer to make it a reality?

In other words. You have a great idea for a project, you are sure that it could do amazing but you lack the skills as a programmer. A key element of making this a reality is finding the right developer to code it. This puts you at a crossroads, you could share details with a developer that could say he/she is not interested, and steal your idea all together. But, if you don't share information. How would they know if they are interested. What is the right approach?

I would vaguely explaining about it to developers at first. Then having them signing a NDA can be a good way to make sure they don't (or at least legally can't) talk about it with others. Having a written contract with them about protecting the idea and not building it themselves or sharing it can go a long way as long as your developer is in the same law jurisdiction as you. Patenting your idea if its possible can help too.

If your idea is in early days and you are still in the research process, there are a few ways to share it with potential developers without exposing yourself to too much risk.

Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) - a legal document that both parties sign to acknowledge that the project discussed is not to be shared with anyone outside the project without permission.
Use comparable examples - when describing an idea to a programmer or engineer, explain it with something comparable.
Break it up - Discuss only parts of the idea with certain people. Don't expose your secret weapon. For example, discuss the technical parts, but don't tell how you are planning to monetize it.
There is no real, bulletproof way to stop someone from stealing your idea. Instead of focusing on protecting it, you should focus on executing it.

There is no tendency to upvote questions on here yet I guess.

I don't have the full demographic data of users that uses, but from what i see, they are mostly low sp users that tries to find an easy way to get upvotes on the Steem Blockchain (judging by the rampant plagiarism and low quality content we can all see on here).

Scarcity mindset? vote-weight hogging? lack of awareness that one can upvote questions? I am not these people so I wont know..

Personally I answer questions because I am abit of a smartass know-it-all wannabe myself. I did answer over 180+ questions on Quora in the last 3 months, so my incentives may not be the same as others.

But if i see a good question that makes a point (not stupid ones or ones that are obviously copied from Quora or worse, YahooAnswers) I'll upvote them...

Have my upvote kind sir!!

The main reason would be I think the demographic that musing has currently..

See, one thing happens when a new user first comes to this platform. They see quite a few things are easier here. you can ask questions and eaisly get upvotes by writing answers. So because of that a tendency flux occurs that makes the users write answers...

But the users currently writing answers here, most of them do not have enough sp to upvote a post and reward it with much. This inability makes them think if I upvote it wouldn't matter and so they don't upvote. And if they do upvote they only do to answers.

Another portion of users that have a little bit more sp upvotes answers but their daily limit reaches to max easily.. Because they also upvotes post in steemit and the answers here.

And now when it comes to the users who can upvote with enough juice to help the community they do it by uupvoting the answers because it positively meketizes musing and thus helps the community. Atleast they think so I think.. for example you can see that there are more answers here than questions. This can change if musing is delegated more sp to reward both questions and answer writers in general. I think in a few more months musing will reach that mile stone.

They will upvote if they have enough voting power

or steempower which enables their upvotes to be worth something or they could upvote the posts if

they think that the question is very interesting or

amazing,but i feel it is a good gesture if we all start upvoting a question or answer that we find it

interesting or learnt from it,when we do that it will

make the person who wrote the question or the answer to be encouraged to do better next time

and keep giving lovely answers by sharing their knowledge on this platform

For me, it has to do with the fact that most questions require close to zero effort to write. Why would I spend my voting power on upvoting your question when you only spent 20 seconds on writing a single sentence?

However, I might upvote real questions that actually has some use to it.

Giving answer to question is the choice of people where they only have less amount of VP and in this hype platform there are many users who are placing different question to the community so its not easy to up vote all question and give answer which is better post then they will automatically get's up vote and answer to question.

Would you rather eat your own foot or keep both of your own feet but have to eat someone else's foot instead?

I'm just curious. You can cook your own foot if it makes you feel better. If you eat the other person's foot it has to be uncooked. These are the rules. THIS is imaginary. DO NOT EAT FEET. But answer my question.

I'm just gonna go ahead and take this one as a serious question. :)

I will keep both of my own feet and eat someone else's foot instead ONLY IF I had no other choice. My reasoning for this is quite simple, "It hurts!!!" I'd rather eat someone to stay alive rather than me having to chop off my feet to stay alive. Again ONLY IF I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE.

Thanks for answering! I find it funny that we can become so serious about the question even though it's not a real thing. I guess because in our heads we can imaging people who would put others through such a thing. I did not watch the "Saw" movies but the thought of it all was quite disturbing! I'm not sure why my head actually went to this question, but I guess I was just curious about the human nature. Doom yourself or someone else.. it seems people go for the latter. I think i would go jump off a cliff or something and avoid the entire situation.

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. (Repeat...)

I'd rather keep my own feet thank you very much. If in addition I had to be in the same room as the person whose foot I'm eating this could be very awkward though. This must be the sick game of a future alien race or.... Actually I imagine that humans could be cruel enough to subject each other to such musings. Yuck I feel sick now.

lol.. sorry for the discomfort.. the way my mind wanders into a question is scary sometimes....

Do I get to cook it? or at least burn it a lil?

Heck no way im eating my own foot. 1 Sam's Foot Brisket coming right up!!

Well, you could cook your own foot but not the other persons.. that would just be rude.

@paintingangels Muuuahh mama nia this-ah foot-a is delicious with-a right herbs and spices!! 😂😂😂😂😂


The first thing people notice about other people (esp. strangers) are their looks. However with constant close interaction with that "attractive person", people can't help feel but get used to his/her looks making them slightly less attractive.

Plus, the issue of one's attitude which greatly defines a person and trumps his/her physical features. Someone physically "attractive" to many but with a very bad attitude is at no surprise not that "attractive" to many after some time.

Do an infinite a genie giving you 2 wish, just wish for more wishes.

Do past (like go gack to see the pyramids and hide your finding somewhere you know now one will look for thousands of years).....then come back to just before you left ....and tell yourself what you did and then use the 2 time travel differently.....togo the future, see the wonders, find 10 best things to invest in today, and go back to just before you used the time machine and tell yourself.

Rinse, repeat....LOL. this is time paradox, go figure :P

I would go back in time (1st use) to 2009 and invest all my money into bitcoin. Then return to the present (2nd use) and check my bank account .

How can I develop an app on the Steem platform?

How can i program my own app on the Steem platform? I know I have to use HTML and CSS for the frontend. What about the rest?

(I am an engineering student and am good at programming)

Learn Learn learn, and use python fopr doing it :) is also one of the greatest language/ connections to the steemit backend.

There are multiple options available for you to develop an app on steem platform. First of all, you have to first decide the purpose of your app. After you decide the purpose of your app, you can decide which technology you will be planning to use to develop the app.

If you are a javascript developer or a python developer, there is a highly sophisticated STEEM API available for you to use to build your app. The application that you build will utilize steem blockchain and will be decentralized. I'm not very great at Python but I will be able to give you directions for Javascript.

There is a Steem JS package available in npm which you can use to build applications. There is also a detailed documentation available on how you can use steemjs library. The repo link is available below. You can take a look at the documentation as well.

There are also multiple tutorials available in steemit that can direct you and help you build your first app using Steem blockchain.

This website was prepared in a way, that it could be maintained mostly by the community. This project is open-source, what means that everyone can contribute, by creating a pull request. Even if you are not a programmer, you can still help by adding information about new projects, which should be listed on Steem Projects or you can help by creating Comparision Grids.

What are categories?
Categories are broad groups of Steem projects into something more granular than Grids. A project can only have one category. Changing then requires backend work, and is not done lightly. This is intentional, done in order to make searching easier.

Which source control sites do you support?
Github and Bitbucket are supported.

*this information shared by steem project team .

Food can affect the occurrence of cancer such as instant food which if consumed in excess can cause health problems. This happens because there is accumulation of chemicals such as dyes, preservatives and additives when one is eating instant food in the long run.

The results of interviews that I did with some families of patients who have cancer and in the care where I work say most of these cancer patients often consume instant foods, such as instant noodles before they are convicted of cancer.

Eating fresh foods and organic vegetables is better for maintaining health and preventing cancer risk

yes It surely is !! Cancer is caused by the malfunction or mutation of a single cell. Eating improper food may result a normal cell to get converted to cancerous cell.
The micro particles present in the food might make the cell to alter it's genetic code and so as the cancer starts if alteration is high.
I highly recommend you to watch 'WHAT THE HEALTH' movie , which completely depicts how food plays a crucial role in injecting diseases into our body..
Finally Thanks for the question :)

Dietary factors are recognized as having a significant effect on the risk of cancers, with different dietary elements both increasing and reducing risk. Diet and obesity may be related to up to 30-35% of cancer deaths, while physical inactivity appears to be related to 7% risk of cancer occurrence.

No i don't think so because there are lots of foody people who loves food very much if this happens everyone might get cancer so this is because of over drinking daily and taking wrong things which may affect our liver and it gets damaged. Drugs are one of the popular reason for having cancer

Researchers study the dietary patterns of women ranging from the level of students, college students, career women, to housewives and are associated with increased inflammation in the body.

The results showed that women who regularly ate certain foods in an inflammatory dietary pattern were more likely to develop breast cancer before menopause, compared with women who ate a wide variety of foods.

The inflammatory diet is a diet low in vegetables and fruits, high in sugar, likes the consumption of soft drinks, carbohydrates, red and processed meats, and margarine, says researcher Karin B. Michels, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health.

Eating these foods has been linked to higher levels of risk in the emergence of inflammation in the body, says Michels.

"Our results suggest that the habit of eating certain foods can promote chronic inflammation in the body when consumed during adolescence or young adulthood and may increase the risk of breast cancer in young women before menopause," Michels said in a statement.

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