
Make a decision to let go. Realize that as humans we make mistakes, and that our mistakes do not define us.

It's not always easy to forgive, but if you put your heart to it, you can wipe the slate clean with whoever offended you.

Over time I care less about what happened and I slowly put less worth on the the person. Why be angry at someone who mean nothing to you?

You can't changed what happened, but you can change how you act on it and how you can get away from the person. Have a toxic friend? drop them, toxic family? leave them or dont put so much worth on said toxic family member.

Life is so natural to be mistakes, it is natural too. In life, many people make many mistakes. Forgetting is not a bad thing, but not accepting forgiveness or asking for forgiveness is wrong. It is wrong. This is the biggest irony in today's era that people do not delay in telling others about the mistake or misrepresenting their mistakes and not giving any wrong to their mistakes. When the fault is from us, then we expect that we get forgiveness and the mistake is with others, we get angry and wait and ask that we come to the front and ask for forgiveness. Today we will discuss this topic in our article and will do our best to understand that forgiveness is also good for our own. You will also hear from your experiences - "Excuse me and go ahead"

Whenever we cheat or hurt anybody or our loved ones, it is very difficult to forget or forgive them. Many wounds can not be forgotten by life, no matter how much effort to forget, they become refreshing. We believe those who make us suffer, sometimes at times they themselves are in pain and they make choices based on their own wounds and make decisions that hurt us. We believe that forgiving others is the most powerful and loving experience. With forgiveness, our mind also becomes calm and our decision-thinking power of thinking becomes positive too. This idea will definitely guide you - "It is human to make mistakes; Pardon god "

Forgiving others is not as easy as it is. Sometimes, hands have shaken, lips have said I have forgiven you, but what about your little heart, have you forgiven others sincerely? Have you given up and will not mention it in the future? Even if difficult, forgiving is a noble thing, forgiving is the ability that everyone can do, including you.

Forgiveness is not just a recommendation that almost all religions require, because there are many scientific studies that prove the magic of forgiveness. Forgiving others sincerely makes you healthier and happier, prove it! If you are still hard to forgive other people, take a breath, discard, then read this article to complete. Doing for yourself to forgive others not only relieves others who have done wrong to you, but rather to yourself. You will be relieved. You who will feel the good effects for health. You are ultimately calm and happy. Because resentment and resentment in the heart has been lost. Think positive and patient, no need to suspect that forgiving others will make you look weak. Forget the notion that forgiving the faults of others simply drops your self-esteem. That's all not true. To dare to forgive others, you are appreciative of yourself. Pull your smile curve, and do it. Position yourself in position,
judging others because we never feel the position. Try to close your eyes, and keep yourself in position. Usually, there will be an understanding of why the person to the heart makes you upset. If it does not work, do not judge it. Remember, every human is basically not spared from mistakes, you also can make the same mistakes. Reveal your heart's idioms, if you forgive him and hope he will not do the same the next time. Just tell me what's been up to you about his behavior, or what he says, or whatever you want to say. No problem, it will help him understand that his actions do not please you. Do this with gentle words and four eyes.

Discard Hate

The starting point to be able to start learning to forgive a person who hurt is to eliminate the hate that is in you. Especially hatred for people who have hurt you.

If hatred is still raging, you will never be able to step onto the next ladder to begin forgiving.

Admittedly, it is not easy to get rid of hate. One of the tips to get rid of hate is do not keep remembering what ever she did to you. Keeping in mind his bad actions will only enlarge his hatred.

Gently begin to remove the hate from your mind. Clear the mind of all that hatred. Nothing is positive when you hate.

Be mentally and mentally minded by abandoning that hatred.


When anger and hate are so big, you have to do cooling down. One way is to run worship.

For those of you who are Muslims can directly take wudlu and do sunnat prayers two rak'ahs. For non-Muslims directly worship according to religion and belief.

By doing worship, the heart will feel more calm. Devote all that you feel to the Creator.

This is also one of the therapies for you that may be difficult to tell others because of the element of great distrust.

Worshiping will also open your heart to be more willing to accept the situation. Convince you that there must be a wisdom behind all the hurt you experience.

Write What You Feel

For those of you who are quite difficult to pour out the heart to others, it is worth trying to write. The benefits are the same as you confide in your friends. Releasing all the anger of anger so that the mind and heart will feel relieved.

Writing is the right therapy to help you understand what's going on. Write down everything you feel without being left behind. Write down every thing you want to spend until there's nothing left.

After writing usually you will begin to understand and digest all the events that hurt you. Thus, the mind can be more open and can begin to forgive the person who hurt you.

a very wise minister once told me, the most important reason to forgive is so you are free

and then advice that forgiveness need to be complete, you have to forgive them, bless them, and release them

till this day, i have not found a better answer on how to forgive

Responding to this question posted on How do you forgive someone who hurt(s) you?
Any relationship is based on three dimensions: respect, trust and "love". Love is something which grows or withers; respect can be earned or lost but the most vulnerable dimension is trust which can only be given. Once a person loses your trust, you can never fully trust that person again. Forgiving a person is quite simple. If you were in a relationship with a person and that person cheats with someone else, forgiving them is easy but that doesn't mean that you can return to the relationship the way it was. You will always have doubts about that person and it will always colour the way your relationship works in the future. Forgiving that person means that the emotion of grieving that you might have about the relationship will no longer have an influence over the way you live your life. It doesn't mean that your partner gets to resume the relationship. I would suggest that you treat that person with the same consideration of a stranger ...

a very wise minister once told me, the most important reason to forgive is so you are free

and then advice that a forgiveness need to be complete, you have to forgive them, bless them, and release them

till this day, i have not found a better answer