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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

In my opinion, there are two possibilities in the future

1. AI will replace humans

There will be times when AI will be sentient or have the awareness and ability to think like living things. Some films like Terminator, show that an AI can fight its own creator.

If human awareness can be incorporated into a computer, human intelligence that is assisted by various computer elements directly can produce extraordinary things. However, this can make the human consciousness put into the computer become rash and try to control everything because it has a much greater power. Even without direct destructive Al, there is a possibility that human beings no longer need their bodies so they move their consciousness into a computer.

2. Humans will live side by side with AI

Usually AI events are against the creator and the human race due to the lack of regulations that bind AI. Fundamental Regulations such as Asimov's Laws of Robotics, should be implemented into AIs made.

- A Robot is not allowed to harm humans either directly or indirectly.

- A Robot must obey human commands unless the order violates the first law.

- A Robot must protect itself as long as the protection itself violates the first and second laws.

In making laws for Al itself is not easy because an Al who has the ability to think faster and accurately than humans can find a gap through these laws. By applying the law to AI, AI will function as expected and not endanger humanity.

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