
Simple answer, Yes.
I assume you are asking about medical doctors. Let's look at it this way, most physicians earn over $150,000 which puts them into the top income brackets in the US.
$150,000 top 8%
$200,000 top 4%
Which means that even in America they are considered rich.

If you are talking world-wide standards, most Americans are rich. If a person has more than one pair of shoes, they have more than most of the 7 billion people on the planet.

I don't know how accurate this site is but it ranks income based on some worldwide stats. (I don't know the site, it may be a scam, so I would not donate without doing some research)

They put someone with a $150k income in the top 0.06% and $200k is top 0.04%. Someone who makes $20,000 is even in the top 3.65% and 15k still keeps you in the top 10% at 7.91%. My daughter makes close to that at a part-time job.

I guess the point is being rich is subjective, and is very dependant on where you live. especially when considering the cost of living differences.

For some reason, and I have no idea why, there’s this stereotype that doctors do incredibly well, especially in America.

It’s absolute true that there are surgeons in private practice that make a million or maybe even a couple million a year, but these people aren’t exactly fresh out of medical school; they’ve gone to medical school for 4 years, after having been in college for 4 years, gone on to residency, which depending on the specialty, means another 4 to 7 years and then likely spent some time working elsewhere. What that all amounts to is that even though, yes, a couple million dollars is unquestionably quite a chunk of change, it is relatively poor compensation for the time and investment required to get there in the first place.

Even once you are in a place where you can make that amount of money, you’re likely working anywhere from 55 to 80 hours a week depending on the week and at that point, people typically begin to gradually shift their priorities.

Oh, and notice I mentioned surgeons? Yah, well, good luck making anything near a milllion dollars as a doctor with a specialty other than surgery…

Doctor are the God for patients who saves their life according to me the only doctor is rich who do his job in a right way and save people life.

Being a doctor is a good profession that many
people would really want to be associated with all

the time but also the profession comes with its
own challenges too,some doctors are rich and

some doctors are poor,yeah most doctors might
not be very rich but the fact is they are very

comfortable with what they earn,about your question,i would say most american doctors that i

have seen or know or heard about are very. Comfortable so to an extent yes most american doctors can be classified as being rich