
I would like to add to steemit a part where I could know how many people have seen my post, ie, know how many visits has a post, if it is very seen or not, for this way know the effectiveness of the tags I have used, something that would allow you to optimize the use of tags, and do a better job on this something like seo on the web pages, this would really be very helpful, because sometimes we can not be sure that our publication reached people, some only read without comment and without voting and this would help a lot. 

The feature that I want Steemit must add was

  • Real time Chat
  • Numbers of viewers
  • Longer time before a post make its payout

This three are the features that I want to be added not only in but through the entire Steemit community.

First will be the real time chat

Being a social media website, I really think that steemit really do lack this feature.

I am aware that it wasn't possible as all the transactions and interactions in the community as being published in the Steem blockchain but I still really do want to have real time chat support as an added feature to the steemit.

The chat support will not be broadcast in the Steem blockchain, it will only serve as private messaging in the platform.

Well I don't think that a steemit condenser will have this feature but I still hope that someone would try to add it. 

Next would be the Number of Viewers

Being an author in the Steemit community I want to know how many people have opened my posts. This would help me a lot to make my posts better, this feature might help me look if my post's title was catchy or not, if my post's tag was being drop in the right tag.

But I guess it would also backfire to a lot of Steemians, they might lose their confidence seeing few numbers of viewers in their posts.

Lastly, I want Steemit to have longer time in having its author rewards

This feature was also a dream for me, if I would be given the chance I want the author rewards being pay out after a month or at least 2 weeks.

It's because I am seeing that the posts that was already published was almost set aside.

Hmmm, well not all as there were posts that was being opened even after a year but I can say that they are only few.

With the large number of posts being published in the community 1 week was not enough for us to find those worthy posts that needs to be rewarded. Sometimes I am seeing good quality posts that were already past in the 7 days duration and I feel sorry for that.

It might be bad waiting long before our posts to make it's payout but I do believe that it would benefit us more.

The feature that I really want to see added on Steem is an improved-smart-Relevant News Feed

What really keeps me from browsing my Feed here on Steem is how posts are being sorted by new-to-old. With Steem's Reverse Auction Reward System, wherein to maximize the curation reward one will get from upvoting a post, it is recommended to vote near the 30min time. But with our news feed displaying the newly created post first, one still needs to scroll way down for posts above the 30min timeframe. I personally think that there should be an toggle option for this (one for newest-to-oldest and one for Hot-Engaged post or Relevant post that you might be interested in). 

Long story short: My suggestion is a Facebook-like News Feed wherein the posts I see first are the relevant ones and am likely to be interested in.

The online sign feature. Steemit is from from a platform with users from the same location. Over a million users now means many people from different locations and different time zones. It may be midnight at your location and early morning elsewhere. This is varied timezone.

An online status with a green sign near the profile picture with offline and away sign too will let users know who is online and who is not. This has lot of benefits. Users can use this effectively when making conversation. They know what time the user is online. In the event of making a post too. You can know when the majority of your followers are online.

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