
Good points ;) and I didn't ask "is there a difference" but what is the difference. But I guess you explained it in a way, so it's cool :P

It's very possible that it's past my bedtime, and I'm beginning to misread things lol. I feel silly now hehe.

I suppose casual sex is merely sex without the presence of intimacy or love.

Great question, I my answer satisfies you.

Well to answer this question, I have to make the assumption that with casual sex, the two people involved aren't dating and with the other one they're definitely dating or more.

Ok so with casual sex, as the name implies it's casual, there no emotional attachment at all. The two people are driven by the desires of their flesh and nothing more. This is the kind of sex that you see with one night stands or friends with benefits and it can either be planned or spontaneous. The essence of this kind of sex is to simply satisfy yourself, to climax and reach orgasm then move on. Casual sex is usually short, it lacks passion and is usually just for the fun of it.

Sex with someone you're in love with is in my old man's words "Making love". It's the type of sex you have with someone that you're actually in love with, someone that you truly care about and can see yourself spending the rest of your lives together. It's so much more passionate than casual sex because there's a meeting of emotions or better yet a melding of emotions between two people to form something, something called love(Maybe that's why it's called making love). If you're someone that's had the opportunity to have both kinds of sex, then you'll know that making love is so much better than casual sex.

In truth, I'm no expert on the matter but if you ask me, I think making love is far better than casual sex.

I hope this helps.

Hehe, it does, thanks for stopping by!

Sex becomes an act of making love if you really love the person you are having sex with,but sex becomes just a normal activity if you are having sex with someone who you do not love in a situation whereby you are just having sex with the person for the sake of having it.

Correct, well said :)