
Honestly, I can't remember. Twelve hours? That would mean I'm sick.

Many reports say the average adult should sleep for eight hours. I dont seem to be able to pass five.

I'm nocturnal, not sure if I'd that should be used for humans though. I find the night the perfect time to work online and do things I wouldn't be able to do comfortably in the daytime.

The nights are usually the best time to get good internet speed without throttling. Also, there are cheaper data rates available for surfing the web at those seemingly 'ungodly' hours.

I stay up most part of the night watching YouTube videos or learning new ways to make money. Most times, I sleep by 2 or 3am android wake up 5 5 or 6am respectively.

I don't think I've ever slept that long in my adult life not even the times I fell sick.

I sometimes wonder how people manage it.

I remember when I was on school and in the hostels, I had a roommate who would sleep from 8pm till about 12pm. It always beat my imagination how he managed to do it.

Sleeping for good number of hours is quite good as science tells us. It provides ample time for the system to be rejuvenated and for cells to regenerate. However, it could greatly affect productivity, especially if you are nocturnal like me.

Well I wasn't been able to get a full 9 hours of sleep this past year. Being a graduating student was very hard that I get some sleeping disorder. I got insomia

I definitely got it when I was making my research study, I was seeing it very hard as my partner doesn't really help me at all. I was always pulling an all-nighter in programming and making the documentation of the research study. I even make a 5 day straight without taking any sleep, energy drinks and coffee was my source of energy back then.

Now I have finished my studies but I still can't manage to sleep at full 9 hours, seems that was my body clock in sleeping was not working perfectly this time as it always takes me 3 am in the morning before I manage to sleep. Now was already 2 am and I was still widely awake.

Hoping that my insomia soon will be gone

I don't remember and I don't want to experience that either. Between seven and eight hours of sleep is perfect for me. Nine is simply too much. I don't even think it's healthy. 

i hardly sleep for more than six hours,so the last time i

slept for more than nine hours was about five years ago when i fell sick due to malaria,i am a kind of person that

do not sleep for too many hours and that is why i sleep for maximum of six hours at any period of time,,well i

know that sleeping is good for the body and the scientist made us to know that getting more than seven hours of

sleep daily is good for our health but i wish i can be able to sleep for longer hours but i am not being able to

achieve it due to the way my body operates...

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