
I just rounded up my service year about two months ago. No job at the moment and I don't have a clear plan on whether to establish a fish farm, since I did a practical course or whether to go job hunting.

As my number one passion, I love office jobs generally. The pay might be small but it's what I'd love to do.

Now I'm torn between the two options especially since establishing a farm of my own is going to cost me so much time, resources and efforts.

Bills have started coming in. I don't know how much I can endure pending when I get either a job or the other option. I'm a little bit worried.

If office jobs are your passion, why not go for it? If establishing a fish farm is not your passion, and will require lots of sunk cost, isn't this the slightly less attractive option? Just wondering aloud. All the best!

"Trying not to worry."

Haha, that may seem ironic - but sometimes we worry about all sorts of things, and then we worry about the act of worrying itself. Sometimes it is a vicious cycle, one we need deliverance from. 

Preparing for IELTS test at present I'm worried about that whether I will qualify or not 🙄

I am currently worried about my relationship because i have been in relationships that went sour in the past so i

am beginning to be scared and worried that this

present relationship would not go sour,right now i am enjoying the relationship and i would be very

heartbroken if the relatiobship ends so everyday i keep getting worried and scared but i will be optimistic that

nothing bad will happen to the relationship so i will keep my fingers crossed...

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