
A computer virus is a program that can duplicate or copy itself, and then spread by inserting a copy of itself into another program or document. The term virus in computers can also be analogized with biological viruses that are self-propagating by inserting themselves into living cells

Computer Virus is a program / application that can replicate itself and spread by inserting itself in other programs and data. usually the user does not know if the computer in his possession terjangkit virus until one of the data is lost or the existing programs on the computer can not run. Computer viruses are generally created for bad purposes, many negative effects are caused by computer viruses such as reproduce itself so that memory becomes small, this makes the computer often hang or freeze, then change the extension on the files and programs that make the program / file it can not be used, and can also steal personal data someone without the person's knowledge. besides that virus can also damage hardware on computer.

Understanding Virus
Virus is a program or software created with the intention to damage or interfere with the performance of a computer. Software like this can damage the contents of the file, and some even to damage the operating system and computer networks by destroying the various data contained in it. The existence of a virus on a computer is difficult to detect, unless we have installed anti-virus software. Usually new computer users realize the computer has contracted the virus after a kerusakah on the computer system.

Virus Spread
Virus can spread from one computer to another through various media such as through floppy disk, flash disk, memmory card or other media. Viruses can also spread on computer networks via e-mail and bad websites.

Most viruses only damage certain types of files. When the virus infected file is opened by computer, then the virus will spread to the files of the same type, so it will be a lot of yyang files infected with the virus. If one of the files infected with the virus was sent to another computer, then the virus will spread to the computer that will receive the file earlier.

Addressing and Calling Computer Viruses
It's important to keep your computer protected from infection and virus attacks. One of them by installing software that can check the existence of a virus before the virus is damaging our computer system software. Anti-virus software can be obtained by purchasing the program. This program can detect and remove viruses found on our computer. This program will automatically check the floppy disk and e-mail attachment to clean the virus. If we have installed an anti-virus software, then we should always update it with the latest edition. This needs to be done because every time always found a new virus variants, so it needs to be made refinement on anti-virus software used in order to counteract the new viruses.

But if we can not install anti-virus program, then the things we must do to prevent the entry of virus to our computer are:
Avoid using someone else's flash disk is not guaranteed the cleanliness of the data, because the disk may contain viruses.
Carefully open the internet sites are not clear origin
Always use original software licensed.
Never open attachments to emails other than those from people we trust and are guaranteed not to contain any particular virus load.
Always keep backups of all data we have to minimize losses caused by virus attacks. Because the virus can make us lose important data that we still need.
So understanding computer viruses and how to overcome them and menangkalnya so that our computers safe from infection of this dangerous virus attack, may be useful. thanks.

Not only can make the loss of files or important documents alone, it turns out the virus can also make a computer into error and even worse damaged. Bad effects caused by the virus of course greatly disrupt the performance of the computer, as well as can inhibit our activities using a computer, such as when doing tasks and so forth.

In addition, the danger of other computer viruses is that it can reproduce itself automatically and then attack important computer systems without being detected. It is then that makes the computer performance becomes very slow until a lot of error programs are certainly very troublesome.

Apart from this, it turns out the virus itself is not only one type, but there are many types of viruses that often attack the computer. These viruses even also have the ability of each with different dangers posed.
