7-Day Wayback Music Challenge: Day 7: Böhse Onkelz - Wer nichts wagt, kann nichts verlieren
I have been invited to this challenge by @paganlord.
Welcome to my final song in this challenge:
I always like passionate songs with a message. And so it is with this song:
Du bist die Wolke, die den Mond verdunkelt
Toter als tot
Lebendig doch leer
Mit 30 schon gestorben
Mit 70 erst begraben
Ohne eigenen Willen
Ohne zu fragen
Du bist zu schwach
Zu schwach, um Nein zu sagen
Doch stark genug,
Um Deine Frau zu schlagen
Du stehst für alles, was ich nicht will
Du kotzt mich an
Du bist so kacke
Dass nicht mal ich's beschreiben kann
Du sitzt still auf Deinem Arsch
Ganz egal, was auch passiert
Denn wer nichts wagt
Kann nichts verlier'n
Dein Feuer ist erloschen
Deine Flügel sind verkümmert
Von keinem Traum gestört
Stehst Du vor Deinen Trümmern
So wartest Du auf's Ende
Und verschwendest Deine Zeit
Dann darfst Du Dich nicht wundern
Wenn niemand um Dich weint
Du bist nichts
Und Du wirst es immer bleiben
Von keinem Gott erhört
Ohne zu leiden
This album and especially this song opened again a new world of music type to me. These angry lyrics sung / shouted by Kevin Russell made me think to myself: "This guy is very furious with someone and he is right to be so and i'll never want to be the one he is angry about!"
Besides Kevin's angry voice fit's very well with german language. A few years later an american guest student said that german is a harsh language. I didn't know what harsh means. She explained: "Just like a punch in the face!" Yeah, I think that describes it very well
I nominate @carolinmatthie.
The rules:
Choose one song from your high-school/college years.
Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (Was it a breakup song? You blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.
Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
Mention one person who should do this on each day.
Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
previous days: