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RE: A Penny for Your Songs (5) - Of Elephants and Other Animals

in #music6 years ago

Haha, thanks for worrying about me <3
But yeah, I'm fine. I'm just spent today, I'm not even sure what I'm still doing up, to be honest. At any rate, I loved your reply, so much that now I just have to make an effort and formulate something that makes sense, don't I?

Some of the stuff I share, by my own rules, has just been meaningful at some point in my life. Might be yesterday, or 10 years ago. I often find myself re-experiencing some sort of watered-down version of what I've been through when I listen to these songs, but that doesn't mean that I haven't moved on. Or at least, that I haven't learned to accept my scars, to use a word that you might appreciate.

About sadness, there's a lot of different sides to it. The thing about Damien Rice is that he's (not always, to be fair) sad in a very self-conscious way, and he's usually all about himself. You can just tell he's the one who messed up, and he's got a way about himself that reminds me very strongly of myself. I guess his songs never really get old for me, you know? I do have some actual heartbreak songs, but that's a story for another time I guess :) And you said it yourself, when you're actually heartbroken pretty much anything works. Except for reggaeton, that makes me want to kill myself even when I'm happy.

And Leprous, I shared that one because it came out yesterday and I just like it, musically speaking. It is a bit darker than their usual, granted. The truth is, the first time I listened to them I couldn't stand Einar's way of singing, and now I can't seem to live without his AaaAAaaAAaa. It's mostly like a real-life meme at this point.

The Sound of Silence by Disturbed gives me the goosebumps every time. It's a masterpiece. And I have mixed feelings about Evanescence, but I think that's because of the people who introduced me to them :)

Now, the song you posted. I didn't know it. You have no idea on how many levels I relate to that song. The part about trying to change my ways? Spot-on. Nice one, I'll keep this one close. Thank you for sharing it, I hope you're all better now :)

Sorry for the wall of text, I should really learn the art of cutting it short sometimes.

But why do I remind you of the French? O.o


I loved your reply, so much that now I just have to make an effort and formulate something that makes sense, don't I?

Awful when that happens, right? :P

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. And I am glad to hear you're okay. Thing is, everything passes, eventually, no matter how bad it may seem right now.
Something I like to do, when I'm feeling bad or like I've lost something is set a goal - a month from now, I tell myself, I'll be in quite a different place. And time passes and I remember it on the given night and I'm usually right - I'm doing something else, I've met new people, I've had some fun in the meantime. Because you just gotta keep living, don't you? :)

I so get that, about listening to old songs. I do that, too, and they bring out a lot of the original emotions, but also a sort of strength - this is awful. What happened was awful. But I've been through this, already. I'm not gonna cry now like I cried the first time, because I'm just not there anymore.

It's mostly like a real-life meme at this point.

:)) He seems like a pretty good singer, so you could do a lot worse :P

You have no idea on how many levels I relate to that song.

Really? I am so glad. Shinedown are one of my favorite bands and I feel the same about a lot of their songs. There's this great acoustic show they did a few years back and that's always given me strength. Brent (the singer) is a really talented storyteller and the background he gives on some of the songs is just so touching.

But why do I remind you of the French? O.o

Because the Damien Rice video was off a French show or something. Anyway, the lady was speaking French :D

(I wrote this on sunday but then HF22 happenened)

Awful when that happens, right? :P

Ugh, tell me about it. :D

Thank you for the thoughtful reply to my thoughtful reply.
I never really thought about setting goals for myself. I tend to close up a bit and find solace in my own space, if needed. I'm quite sure you can somehow relate, because I can tell you're passionate about a lot of different things. That has always helped me go through hard times, I guess, having a lot of interests and things I like to do. Maybe that's my way to "keep living".

About old songs, that's pretty much my process too. I remember this one song, I think it was Dreaming Light by Anathema, that would destroy my soul every time I listened to it, and this went on for like a year. The day I could finally listen to it without hurting I knew that I was healed. (I didn't really keep listening to it because I'm a masochist, it's just that I love that song and it pissed me off that it was ruined for me. Call me an idiot but I have priorities!)

I really appreciated the song and I really appreciate that you have posted that concert. Personally I rarely find someone I can trust with a song that lasts more than 4 minutes, let alone a 2-hour concert XD I will definitely try and find some time over the next few days to give it a careful listen and let you know what I think.

Because the Damien Rice video was off a French show or something. Anyway, the lady was speaking French :D

Did I mention I was very, very tired yesterday? :(

Hey, as long as you've established a way to keep living and go on, that's all that matters :) True, it's really awful to have a really good song and not be able to appreciate it.
There are songs that from the first few notes, I get the same feeling of having the ground ripped from under my feet, just like I did the first time I heard it. I really hope you like the concert. A lot of the songs have messages and are really meaningful, so you know, they can help with a lot of different hard times in your life.

I ask myself sometimes, would it be worth it, if everything was perfect? If there was a sheen on every part of life, if there were no cuts, no scrapes, no scars. I think that sometimes you have to go through hell. I think that sometimes, you must go through hell.

It's one of my favorite quotes from the concert, right at the beginning of Shed Some Light - it just always makes me feel like this too will pass, no matter how bad it is, you know?
Anyway, hope you enjoy :D

I'm sure I will. I haven't had much time these days, but I'll just dedicate it a couple afternoons once I get back home :) I find it a bit hard to decide what to focus on when watching a live performance I don't know anything about, either the songs and the lyrics or the performance itself. I guess this time I'll go for songs & lyrics, even if I won't be watching much of the concert I imagine :D

The quote is really true, and something I've been thinking for a long time. You need to know what bad looks like if you want to really appreciate good in your life, and scars are just a reminder of that.

You need to know what bad looks like if you want to really appreciate good in your life, and scars are just a reminder of that.

My (recent) thoughts exactly. Everyone's creating problems where there are none and like to make it out worse than it actually is. Then you hit something truly bad and it doesn't impact the same and you don't complain, you just rewire your brain, in one instant, to focus on survival.
It's like those this is not a drill things, you know?

That's why I like the quote, too.

Ok. I just finished listening to the concert you posted and I'm not quite sure where to start. You have no idea how grateful I am to you for sharing that. I don't know how this guys managed to slip under my radar, but I'm really, really happy that I got to know them.

I'll just share a couple random pieces of trivia. I started watching it planning on dividing it in blocks, so that I could listen to 3-4 songs at a time and not lose focus, and I ended up watching the whole thing for two hours straight. And while I was watching it, I was thinking, you know, about the things that I liked the most, the things I connected with the most or that I liked for some particular reason, so that I could come back here afterwards and politely let you know what I thought. So when Sound of Madness started, with his introduction, I thought "hey, this is definitely a highlight". And then they played Shed Some Light, with that quote that you mentioned earlier (and the lyrics to the song, which were ground-shaking for me), and I though "look at that, another highlight". Two hours and an endless amount of highlights later, I still don't know what my favorite moment from the concert was. I probably would have to write a book about it.

I can tell you that Burning Bright is a song I don't think I'll forget very easily, because it really spoke to me in an unexpected way. If I had to choose a single song, that would probably be it, although it's a hard choice between that one, 5 or 6 others ahah

Seriously, thank you. I really liked their style, too. He has a hell of a voice, and their sound is so awesomely American, which is just one of those things that I am unequivocally attracted to, no matter what. And listening to musicians explaining their music is another thing I just LOVE.

Also, the cover of Simple Man is the best fucking version of that masterpiece I've ever heard.

Oh man, I'm glad you liked it so much :) And that you actually went and watched two hours, based on my, not a lot of people would, you know.
Yeah, I get what you mean, I've been listening to it over and over for a couple years now and I know most of it by heart and still, it manages to strike a chord.
Nearly impossible to pick one song, isn't it? Especially after you hear their introductions.

I think the concert is just one giant highlight ;)

They're actually playing Milan in December with Alter Bridge :D I know it's far from Rome, you know, just saying ;)

Also, the cover of Simple Man is the best fucking version of that masterpiece I've ever heard.

I know, right? I can't even listen to the original, I keep coming back to this one. Really glad you liked it.

Oh man, I'm glad you liked it so much :) And that you actually went and watched two hours, based on my, not a lot of people would, you know.

Well, now you know I trust your judgement, recommend with caution :P And hope we never get to talk about books. Or movies! ahah

They're actually playing Milan in December with Alter Bridge :D I know it's far from Rome, you know, just saying ;)

Uhmmmmmm...tempting. Well it wouldn't be the first time, pretty much all of the big bands stop at Milan. I actually have a good friend over there, I crash at his place in these kinds of occasions. Now if only I could distract him long enough from his damned black metal stuff...XD

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