Most famous pop singer who is genuinely a bad person
This guy. Justin Bieber is a very popular and somewhat annoying pop singer but he is also a bad person.
Here are 12 reasons why:
- Got a monkey and abandoned it in a foreign country
This sad little monkey is named O.G. Mally and he was Justin’s first monkey. The monkey made headlines after Justin got him as an accessory and then made even more headlines after Justin abandoned him in Germany.
Punched a cake on the set of CSI
Ordered his bodyguards to carry him along The Great Wall of China.
He made a couple of racist videos.
In 2014, a video emerged that showed the singer making an extremely tasteless joke that was laden with usage of the n-word. This was at the same time that a separate video emerged which featured him joking about joining the Ku Klux Klan.
In the same video he changes the lyrics of his songs to make them about killing black people. His career probably should have ended here, but vile racist comments can make someone president in this day and age.
- He spat on fans from a balcony
While fans were gathering around on the ground below to try and get a chance to see him, Justin decided to thank them by spitting on them.
6.He also allegedly spat on a neighbour
At the age of 19, Justin Bieber got a new Ferrari delivered to his home. He then proceeded to drive erratically around his neighbourhood in it when a 47-year-old business man who lived in the neighbourhood told him to stop driving like a maniac. Bieber responded by spitting on him and threatening to kill him.
- Ok last one about spit – he spat on a DJ who he thought was taking photos of him.
The Ohio DJ claimed that Justin Bieber spat in his face after wrongly believing that he had been taking photographs of the singer. Bouncers had even searched the DJs phone and had found that there were no photos, but Justin was unsatisfied.
8.He said that he doesn’t believe in abortions and that rape happens for a reason.
Back in 2011, Rolling Stone interviewed Justin Bieber and he was asked what he thought of abortion in the case of rape. Justin said “Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason.”
9.He hotboxed his private jet despite warnings from the pilots.
Flying in a private jet is probably the ultimate luxury experience. Yet Justin and his crew decided to smoke so much weed on board a flight from Canada to New Jersey that the pilots had to wear oxygen masks so that they wouldn’t risk inhaling marijuana and failing subsequent drug tests.
10.Urinated in a mop bucket before proceeding to say “F**k Bill Clinton”
11.Got jealous of Prince being the centre of attention following his death.
When Andrew Watt of the band California Breed posted a photo on Instagram as a tribute to the late Prince saying that he was “the last of the greatest living performers”, Justin responded pretty immaturely.
In the fashion of those who say “not all men”, Justin commented “Well not the last greatest living performer.”
This is too much.
- Punched a fan in the face and made them bleed.
The fan, who had definitely overstepped a boundary or two, was punched in the face after reaching into Justin’s car to touch him while he was in the backseat. Justin punched him in the mouth.
Thanks for putting up with that rant. Justin Bieber is disgusting and doesn't deserve the platform he has.