Hi Keith [eng-ita]
I was 12 when I heard for the first time one of the songs that most marked my teenage life. It was Prodigy's song"Smack my bitch up ". It was 1997 and I was already a premature enthusiast of electronic music, but I mostly listened to acidhouse and techno progressive. In Italy at that time there wasn’t internet and the information was few, but the TV channels were frequent, so that one of their videos caused a feeling in the world and still remains marked in our memories. Their style was against the current: jumping punks with samplers, electric guitars and colored crests. I was used to the strict continental musical patterns and that was a new concept to me. They were the Prodigy. With their founders Liam Howlett and Keith Flinth (who later became the most famous frontman in the world) and Maxim, they were the world's most influential rave 90 icons. And how to forget pieces like "Firestarter", "Breathe" and "Diesel power" and parallel artists like the Chemical Brothers and Fat Boy slim that made those years magical and that influenced a lot what would later be one of my greatest passions: the DJ.
Hi Keith, we'll miss you.
Ciao Keith
Avevo 12 anni quando sentii per la prima volta una delle canzoni che piu segno' la mia adolescenza. Si trattava di "Smack my bitch up" dei Prodigy. Era il 1997 ed ero gia un prematuro appassionato di musica elettronica, ma ascoltavo per lo piu' acidhouse e techno progressive. In Italia a quei tempi non c'era internet e l'informazione era poca, pero' i canali tv musicali erano frequenti, tanto che uno tra i loro video fece scalpore nel mondo ed ancora oggi rimane segnati nei nostri ricordi. Il loro stile era controcorrente: punk saltellanti con campionatori, chitarre elettriche e creste colorate.. Per me che ero abituato ai rigidi schemi musicali continentali era un concetto nuovo. Erano i Prodigy. Con i loro fondatori Liam Howlett e Keith Flinth (divenuto poi il frontman piu famoso al mondo) e Maxim, furono le icone rave anni 90 piu' influenti al mondo. E come dimenticare pezzi come "Firestarter", "Breathe" e "Diesel power" ed artisti paralleli come i Chemical Brothers e Fat Boy Slim che resero magici quegli anni e che influenzarono molto quello che poi sarabbe stato uno delle mie piu grandi passioni: il DJ.
Ciao Keith, ci mancherai.
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