Some fine Bass covers: Introducing some great unknown musicians
This afternoon I posted some fine bassguitars, inspired me to spend a few hours on YouTube (sorry @dtube) to see some great bassplayers. But this time I wasn't looking for the already famous bassplayers but for bassplayers who play a well know cover to show their skills..... There are many great musicians on YouTube showing their musicality, and I can really enjoy watching and listening to them.... Gives me motivation to explore the bass some more and to try to go beyond my limits :)
Great thing of listening and watching these covers is that (because of the bass-sound is often on top of the song) you hear things in the song you didn't hear often in the original because of the mix.
Dream Theater - Take the time basscover by hohojiwa
Unbelievable, this guy makes this song look so easy while it is harder then hard... His technique and timing is just amazing.... I think he is Japanese or Chinese... In the clip you can see he is wearing a mouthmask, you see that quiet often with asian people, still don't know the reason...but not important, his bass skils are amazing....
Jamiroquai - Time Won't Wait [Bass Cover] by Marta Altesa
This is funkin/grooving like !@@# , what a great timing and bass sound she has.... So much diversity in this bassline. When she plays it, it seems so simple but believe me it is hard work....
John Mayer - Still Feel Like Your Man (Bass Cover) by Mart Goossens
A sweet song with a great groove and the (I think typical) Fender Sound. The song is to sweet for me, but the bassline is awesome...
Free (Marcus Miller version) (Bass Cover) by Lydia A Dutch bassplayer which I actually met when I was with my good friend Danny Samar. She is one of a kind, she has such a groove and can sing like an angel too... This Marcus Miller version of "Free" is the living proof of it...
CONTINUUM (Jaco Pastorius bass cover) by Mattia La Maida
A own interpretation of Jaco Pastorius's Continuum. A bit more funky but with the so recognizable fretless sound...
ABBA - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! - Bass Cover by infusion26
I think not many people really do know the virtuosity of the music of Abba. Especially the basslines in the songs are of a high expert level.... Proof this cover, great bassline... And again, hearing the bassline above the rest of the music gives the oppertunity to really listen to this line....just awesome...
Tool - Schism bass cover by Laura6100
I know this song from the game Guitar Hero, I have played this many times (the guitar part on level easy lol)... It's a mystic kind of song, but look at that speed of fingersetting of this woman.... Incredible..
Fascinating to watch...
Dream Theater - Panic Attack [bass cover] by s Lucifa
Another Dream Theater song just because it is amazing that there are people who really can study the arrangement and then play it also.... Those chops are amazing, I already hurt my fingers just by looking at this awesome bassplay...
Well I hope you enjoyed watching these 'unknown' talents.... I did for sure...
Have a great day

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Super awesome to see so many female bass players. It is refreshing to see that it is becoming more and more common for them to be in bands with artists. This probably wouldn't have been the case even 20 years go unless it was an all female band.