If music be the fruit of love, play on

in #music4 years ago

About 20 years ago, I had a toy musical keyboard. It played one tone, it had one speaker, it couldn't render more than one note at a time, and it had a lot of fake buttons that weren't attached to anything. I tried to learn to play music on it. Having very limited access to musical pieces, it didn't go so great. You'd think it would, however. In Romania we learn Music as a basic part of our compulsory 8 year education. Years and years of music, but not a moment spent learning to actually play an instrument. The focus of musical education was simply theoretical and going "la la la" while using our hand to indicate the measurement of time. Now, sure, we'd probably become good conductors, but you'd kinda need to first understand how a musical instrument is played for that.

So, basically, the only way you'd learn music was to do it on your own. And I didn't manage to do that.

Flash forward twenty years. I had a cold a few months ago, during which I got it into my head that "wouldn't it be neat to get a keyboard again, and play?". It would, wouldn't it? And if I could actually learn how to properly play, I could even make my own compositions to replace the music I normally use in videos.

But I actually needed to get the keyboard first. And, well, working 2 jobs in paralel and making a video once in a blue moon for @gaminghd and @free999enigma, I'm actually at the point that I can get a working one without upsetting people with my mad spending of money that is only technically mine.

And since I can't go outside and take pictures of geese, or hives, thanks to the lockdown, I may as well spend my time learning to play the music from Ultima or Monkey Island on this beauty:


I'll be back in a month with a sample of my progress. Be sure to check out @vladalexan and @stefanonsense for gaming related stuff.

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