Best of luck! Have you tried perhaps getting an agent / a producer? Normally artist will have an easier time practicing their craft, while someone else practices theirs. That's a happy solution if both parties are interested. And I don't mean necessarily signing with a huge label company. There are as many up starting marketers as there are musicians, and a friend in need is a friend indeed, if for nothing else, then for the lovely experience of working together.
yeah man i have thought about that just can't find noone here i can trust or work with
Keep lookin!
If anything then, learning marketing will help you find marketers, and after all, it's good for ya! Just that the time is limited. (I mean it's fun to learn whatever, but with doing we all want to specialize.) Of all the professions, I'd say getting a good marketing colleague is the hardest for artists to find.
What do you think @arrrados (he's my marketing colleague, so maybe he has some good advice)
ill check him out I got the basics in so more R&D never hurt nobody