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RE: Music collection (continued)

in #music6 years ago

Ooooooo~ This is a first I see of any music collections. I've been wondering and finally have this off my checklist of discoveries for anyone committing to documenting their music collections and taking the time to discuss about them. So with that outta the way, seems like a whole slew of things to see and watch, so let's get cracking!

I swear, the Tuber EP (sex and depression) really reminds me of "I'm a COWBOY, YEAH!" but yet it's own thing with drums, guitars and maybe some electro/techno in the background (maybe confusing that for an electronic guitar, don't forgive me I am tipsy~). Quite something that I like and something mainstream music should seek to getting back into (of course with vocals since it does help build layers for those that pay attention). Regardless, this first track does really live up, muiscally, to the joyrides of sex and the slogging troughs of depression (hell when it does get "low" I can hear static that feels like drugs are being consumed or just undying rage that later comes to life in that faint shrill. Quite interesting, but there's a million and one things here and I shall come back to give it a properly respectful hearing when I do get the chance.

Now that's an interesting story for that "Out of the Blue" Tuber track. I think your writing here does enough describing as it is. But must I draw a comparison to ID's DOOM OST (which definitely did do MIDI conversions to avoid copyright, not saying that Tuber does, just wanted to point that cultural fact out)? It really does feel "out of the blue" from the instrumentals used, the pacing and "story" of the song, how it presents itself and the general passion exuding off from each beat. Like we are "out of the blue" doing something, high action, high stakes, no more cares as we accept the price for something is the action we're commiting now and carrying the greatness forward because "nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion" as GWF Hegel would say it. Also the midway point, instead of the end, to suddenly change everything / flip the tables is something "out of the blue."

Diolu (by Clouds) is definitely those moody (can be done well at times) Metals. Of course, this is "Heaven was Blind to my Grief" - yet this song (if I hadn't heard the rest which I most certainly haven't) is definitely a greatly executed moody Metal (sorry Melodic Fueneral Doom Metal, yet let's be real here and agree it's moody and made us cry ;-;). From the first act that gets caught on by the singer, with all the supressed riffing at the background to the somber tone. Which then gets caught by the second act with the piano, the "deep" voice definitely kicking us all awake (parallel to Satan/devilry definitely hinted at here) from our somber tones. As with that we get to act three, with the voice definitely sounding zombie/groaning, just the pure anguish and terror along with the rage boiling inside the (as I shall refer right now) second singer. Definitely a listen people need to ear in on; probably contingently covers well your feelings during the entire process of getting the track XD

The next two by "Wolfheart" definitely strikes the cord of all Metal heads out there. The first playing around with "the peaceful life" ideals to the sound wacky roller-coster that life can be when the heavy riffing gets on board to happen. The second song definitely what I come to expect from Metal in general while also being nice (when we think in term of Video Games and how epic those struggles can get; or in fighting competition of any a kind).

Lucifer's Child "El Dragón" was probably the first to caught me off guard as it was already jumping the roller coster with its Black metal and just wanting to tell the story. But yeah, stock standard for Black metal and quite nice to hear some Black metal at this point of my music eclecticism.

On the Rupture albums songs presented, I will just agree with what's said here for all three songs, very melodic and doomy/death-y in all three in some way, shape or form. (And by now I've come to realize how much "deep" voices are used in association with doom/death metal songs.)

Following a general trend with the rest, I was banging my head for some of them and just enjoying my days of exploring the general Metal Head sphere while I still could before YouTube started purging copyrighted songs left-n-right. Probably what caught my eyes is the 1914 band and the cover art for the "Scarred People" album (the latter definitely reminding me of Thief 2's Mechanist faction). But yes 1914, really does tap into the Great War / WWI spirit, so death-y, metallic and definitely deserving a listen.

Finally comics! c: - Gotta say that it feels like I'm seeing visually Super Hero comics, yet it's own thing with something very mature (in the violent kind of course). Hell the æsthetic and lines look interesting enough to the naked eye, so it probably is a good read (if I only had time...)~

So happy collectin' and happy steeming!


Thank you for your comment. Nice to read your thoughts about the music. Just to comment on your thoughts, I like Tuber instrumental only as they are, it's funny that when a good friend invited us to his apartment one day and we put this music on Youtube to listen to while sitting there, he wondered where the vocals are after a while, maybe it sounds incomplete to some people without vocals? It matters not really, we all enjoy different things and it's all good.
About Clouds' music, yes indeed the music is purposefully made about loss and grief, this is their musical identity.

Welcome for the comment! ~^^~
Thanks for sharing yer collection and making us hearing some good ol' Metal! Rock on!~