Select your favorite ELECTRONIC music! Add your music to #steemradio-electronic and get paid 0.5 SBD/post !!!

in #music7 years ago (edited)

We are in the early stage of Building the sound of the STEEM community! This is our invitation for all of you to populate the #steemradio-electronic tag with your best music!

How does it work?

-Create one post in the next 48h where you are linking your favorite electronic hit at the beginning of the post and use #steemradio-electronic as your first tag.

-Please use in the title only the name of the artist and of the song. (see our example)

-Feel free to tell us more about your favorite song and don't forget to mention that you are posting for @steemradio and to link people to this post to understand why and for what are you posting. (It is enough to add something like "Music for @steemradio !" in your post)

-All the users that will qualify will be paid 0.5 SBD / post

Music curation for @steemradio - work in progress

alternativehip hopelectronicchillreggae

Please follow @steemradio and let the music play!
You can listen to all our trending music here: #steemradio-music

Building the Sound of the STEEM Community!


Hi there. I'd like to apologise in advance for the wall of text. Sorry.

I have an idea about making suggestions for steemradio. Now I understand why you are asking people to create posts for these suggestions, it makes them easier to find/view, it increases the amount of people who hear about steemradio, etc... But my problem is I have far too many suggestions that span a wide array of genres that I would inundate my followers (the few I have) with posts that will be of very little value to them. When they are trying to look through their home feeds for an interesting post by some of the people they follow they end up instead getting spammed by me suggesting tracks for steemradio.

Ok, so that's my problem, now what do I suggest as a solution? Well, I think a good idea would be to post from the steemradio account once a week asking for people to leave songs in the comments. Now, when I say once a week what I mean is pick three or four genres for each day of the week to make a requests post. So every Monday you make three or four posts asking for people to post songs for, say, blues/rock/jazz/classical, then on each Tuesday you ask for people to suggest songs for hip-hop/rap/R&B/etc... and so on, for each day of the week. Also, I don't mean only post those genre requests, continue posting whatever you would normally post as well.

Now I'm going to try and explain why I think this is a good idea, and I hope you will point out the flaws in my reasoning here because, it might help me gain more insight into how steemit works.

I think it would be easier to keep track of all the suggestions as they are all in one place. It would help build communities as people who are regularly frequenting the weekly requests posts will start to recognise each other in the comments and seeing the shared musical interests will be more likely to interact with one another. Which brings me to my next benefit, it will facilitate more conversation because people who are already leaving comments will be more likely to respond to another comment suggesting a song they like. Now, I might be in the minority here but I'm probably never going to open a post that's just sharing a youtube video, I doubt I'd even up vote a post like that, but if I saw that there was a post discussing music that had people actively commenting on it I'd be much more likely to read it, up vote it, and leave a comment. I also think that it would bring more attention to steemradio through the steemradio-genre tags, because instead of only a few stand alone video posts, that maybe only you will see, you have a dedicated post garnering more attention increasing it's standing in the hot and trending tabs, which in turn increases your chance of having a whale up vote it, which increases your audience even further.

Also, you can do all this and still have people request songs the way you are doing it now, and if it was me in your position I would encourage people doing it that way to write something about the song they are sharing. Perhaps a story about the first time they heard it, or write a little review or artist bio, or whatever, and then reward the best stories/reviews/etc at the end of the week. The reason I would do that is because it encourages good content instead of somebody just posting a youtube video of a popular song.

Phew. If you made it through all that you should give yourself a pat on the back because that was an effort. And again, I'm sorry to put you through that ordeal but I just really think that this would help you grow.

The reason we use the current format is to indirectly make people post just the best music from the same genre. Conversation is good but music is much important for us. We will try some of your ideas in some future post and see how our followers will respond. Thank you for your help!

Great initiative... I'll be sharing some of my favorites... Cheers from Mexico.

SteemRadio seems like an awesome project! Can't wait to see what you churn out!

I love steem radio
steem is the future.

done :) good luck

I just sumitted.
We need (I know I do) #steemradio-classical

We need more tags but this is wonderful: you just started the #steemradio-classical ! We will populate this too! Thanks!

I created a post I hope I did it correctly. Keep up the work @steemradio

It is fine! Thank you!

Fantastic idea .. will post some stuff later

and what about french music or world music?