My Original HipHop song NO MORE REIGNIN' (fast paced lyrics)

in #music8 years ago

This is my original Hip hop song No More Reignin' off my Alter Ego Full release Hip Hop Album, produced by Chrisville. 

No more reignin is the second biggest single off the albums release with over 70,000 plays on soundcloud and nearing 20,000 downloads of the track.  HUGE FAN RESPONSE  

I always like to shoot for something unique different and out of the box.  

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Grab a free copy of my Alter Ego full album release by clicking here!


Okay fuck it. I give up. I love you. You win. Throws money at the computer screen. Just take it.

lol thank you thank you. that means a ton! this music is my whole entire world exploding out of me to the stars far reaching out there in the black, I cant contain. Its huge to have someone diggin it! much love to you.. please download my albums on my site alot I am putting out for free, i just want it out there. so much more coming!!

I'll be honest I kind of laughed when I saw that hit my feed, like 30 seconds in oh was just like "orly." Didn't know you could flow and quite well.

thanks very much my friend :)

damn, what genre do you not cross over into? :) You're awesome!

im working on a heavy rock album now, that i hope to really show some major diversity with, I love crossing genres, im a pisces water sign who floats between the worlds, i cant seem to settle down in one sound, to many emotions floating around in my head. Huge love my friend. please grab some free downloads and albums off my site.

will definitely check it out! :)

You may not believe in the Father and Son as I do, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in you, or God hates you, or you're not deserving of goodness, comfort, respect and kind love. We have freewill to live and decide what we want in this life without the forceful manipulation of men and women in higher powers. This track speaks volumes and just as no one is making me live and believe what they want me to for their own desires and agendas, I too see your individualism, strong stance and unique approach to bring this track to such a climactic extent. Really well executed and I recognize the skill in your flow for sure. Too many religious greedy false representatives twisting their own rubix-cube-like labyrinths around the gullible, trusting and vulnerable. We have the choice to do what's right regardless of what we are taught that separates us, when we are all one in the same when it comes down to the basics of life and the simplicities and beauties this world has to offer our existing souls. Lovely track, up voted

everything is a manipulation of words, I do not call myself religious any longer in terms of any labeled term. The word God to me is man made and interpreted widely with both purity and corruption. I believe in something greater and im def very spiritual. That goodness thats in me and in you and in everyone, doesnt have to be handed down to me by a man made construct. In a world of confusion I am stable enough to understand the quiet place in myself where my moral and good exists. God is in me, you could say god is me and I am god we are all god, but those are tricky words. You could say anything you want really. lol when saying i dont believe in the father, maybe not believe in the son, i am being very specific to saying I dont believe someone else can make my decisions. Those choices and decisions are 100% mine to make. I have to believe in myself cause in trust its the only thing I def know ... me.. everything else is outer exterior perspectives. quite possibly an illusion or dream lol ;)

I completely understand and I too don't call myself religious but I'm sure the world views me differently on that matter, I'm glad music and positive caring energy and encouragement are the languages between us.

I have to add as well you are have an incredible heart that just beams out of the screen. Your goodness radiates I am so pleased to have discovered your presence on the planet, your posts fill with such life and great vibes. Your comments are always heart felt and full of you. they are real. much much love

Thank you very much for your wonderful words, you too also have goodness and kindness which you've expressed to me since we have interacted. I am happy we have connected and look forward to a future collaboration, i am too also knocking out a lot of pre-priority project collaborations.

Bad Ass Bonnie! Upvoted and Upvoted. Your content will be shared on @Steemit Twitter.

massive thanks my friend

A great addition of original content. Relaying through some of my private channels and relinking in a few selected places.

If you want to recieve more free publicity, simply bake in a Steemit intro/outro video in your content.

huge thanks my friend, i will do that with the intro outro video. do you have examples

thanks very much

Very very legit @soundlegion, i got it on repeat thumbs up

thanks much my friend

In all seriousness, I would write or ghost a track for you if you want to give me a theme. I am writing down rhymes all the time just to get them out of my brain. I have never heard any of them recorded and if it could benefit you too that would be fun. Just a thought. I usually only post poetry when I'm in my feels but I write almost constantly. In fact that's where you first popped up lol. I had put a freestyle down and copied it over to steem.

I am huge on collaboration, infact its my whole thing, I have some big projects im in final stages on then i want to dive into some collabs with people here on steemit. I would love to do a piece with you, I have a wide range of producers I can pull from who are pretty close knit. Stay close my friend, im def on this.

So let's put this at the top of the promoted page and let them come to you :)

thats huge huge my friend!! you just did that :) nice! thank you very much, thats massive. much love

One of my favorite lyrics of all time: "life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall" I just hope it helps you get some exposure. Good on you for chasing your dreams.

im humbled by the love my friend! and those are fantastic lyrics, I was just listening to system of the down Aerials last night, as im working on a very alternative piece. I like to get into the zone of a genre by absorbing songs i love from that field. System of the down has some very imaginative and creative lyrics, i absolutely love them. fav

Seems like we got you a little more noticed than usual. :) Just keep doing you and you can make whatever you want happen.

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