"Wide Awake" @jamesgetsit ft. @son-of-satire
I was initially just planning to post the lyrics, but I decided I would have a go at the rapping.
Pretty evident to me now that rapping is not one of my talents, neither is editing... But, I had a lot of fun with this one, so I don't actually give a shit how bad it turned out, and I may work on it again in the future to perfect it once I have a bit more time to do so.
Also, I know that the song isn't really about that kind of "awakeness," but it really ought to be. It's perfect for it.
Check out @jamesgetsit's profile to find the @featurefriday contest if you want to have a go yourself.
Come take my hand, let's make a shadow from the light,
And in that shadow let us place those truths that are my plight,
I should have took the blue pill, but I fucked up and took red,
Now I can't seem to shake all the horrors that live inside my head,
Every night I lie down and then 'course I try to sleep,
But before long, all the shit I know, inside my head it creeps,
I've always been forgetful but some things you can't forget,
Sometimes I wish that I had never discovered the fucking internet,
For if I hadn't then there's lots of shit I wouldn't know,
And all those hours wasted trying to help, I could forgo,
Take me back to ignorance, I want to start brand new,
Why wake me up to tell me that there's fucking nothing I can do?
▶️ DTube
Yoooo dude, this really wasn't half bad... I mean, yes, it's obvious you don't do this on a regular basis, but for someone who doesn't do it on a regular basis, you were pretty natural over the beat. Your pacing was pretty dope actually, and in fact, I know MANY actual 'rappers' who can't pace as well as you did in that, that's pretty dope man.
Good shit my dude!
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I still know I can do a lot better though, and I hope to re-record this one in better quality over the next few days.
Thanks again also for this little competition. If the song hadn't been so decent, I probably would have never even realised how enjoyable it could be to do something like this.
I like it. :) Dope beat and vocals and.. I wouldn't cut yourself so short.. I think you did a good job! We all have our own unique voice and style and I think you did well. ._.
Well thanks, man. I think some lines sound okay and some do not, and the inconsistency doesn't help either. But, for a first try I am happy with it. The next will be considerable better.
You're welcome. Credit where credit is due! And definitely good for a first try. :) Looking forward to hearing more in the future.
agreed. :)
Watched the video, I thought you were one of the first two singer 😂. Then you came along and I was like hmmm He has a flow, but if some words were changed the flow could’ve been fire.
Still 10/10 for effort and guts to actually do this. You my friend have balls of carbon fibre.
I'm offended. My balls are made of adamantium.
In truth, it's cowardice that led me to do this. I am afraid of allowing fear to stop me doing the things I want to do. I'm glad you liked it though. I will have a couple more shots in future, because the second time I do something it's always three times better than the first, and the third time, it's three times better than the second. I have a quick learning curve, and I have decided that I now want to make a song of my own this year. So, with freedom of choice when it comes to the beat, I should hope I'm able to find one that compliments my voice and rhythm.
Exactly failure is a friend, even Tupac wasn’t rapping when he came fresh out the womb. It takes practice and practice.
So go forth set ablaze the rap industry and rise from its ashes like a Phoenix!
Wait! that could be your rapper name...
Have I discovered the next big sensation???
Lol. I have no desire to be a rapstar. But I am now committed to making one good song, perhaps for v4vapid's recent competition if I can work quick enough/
It all starts with a good song, good luck my friend
This is fuckin' AMAZING
Listening to it a third time now.
It really is a fucking good song. I doubt I am going to be able to leave it as is, because the song deserves better. Just need to educate myself a bit on the process of adding my voice over the top of a beat, as I was just guessing at how to do this.
Are you using Audacity or something else to mix?
Yes I used audacity, but I really didn't know what I was doing. I plan to watch a few tutorials over the week and then give it another shot.
COOL! I can't wait to hear what you come up with. :D
You've got a terrible rap voice though
Any chance I get to download it?
Lol. Some honesty. Though you're wrong. I actually sound alright on quicker UK beats( I think at least ). But, this slow shit is not so easy for me. I mighta done better just to sing to be fair.
That's a good point. I shoulda have uploaded it to dsound instead, but I had never used and wanted to avoid the short learning curve. More laziness, but I suppose I will post on there too.
I was just messing with ya
I think you sounded like Drake
Are you Canadian?
Lol. I think you have the wrong person. The person who could actually rap at the start was @jamesgetsit. I was the one at the end, who sounded more like they were just talking.
I know what I'm taking about. That's the way Drake raps sometimes - like he's singing
Wait did you write the lyrics too? It was awesome man, I don't know what you're being critical of, I loved the entire thing. I bookmarked it ;)
You have bias so your opinion isn't trustworthy. Lol. Really though, you shouldn't book mark it. I am going to do a better version this week, if I can, and then upload it to dsound so it is downloadable.
What about the chorus and the first rap?
Wouldn't be bad to have the lyrics of those two you know
Lol. You will have to consult my laziness about that one. I of course had to write my own lyrics as I developed them, so just thought I'd share them.
I'm quite a lazy person too so I guess I can relate