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RE: Things that inspire me - Marble Machine X
There is no middleman, no gatekeeper between the creator and their audience and success.
Just like it should be I think. Internet makes that a whole lot easier, now all we need to do is ignore the control freaks ;D

Find a way around them is more to the point. Yes, Steemit is one option, but our reach here isn't that far... yet.
I was reading a post on Instagram from fellow artist Chet Zar:
These companies are using dirty tricks, so we have to use dirty tricks to reach our audience.
That's...really obnoxious D: Instagram did that? Though the other ones probably aren't much different. Working around works as well. I just like hitting them where it hurts :)
not that I make any difference as I'm not popular but it's the principle of the thing ;D
Remember, Instagram is owned by FB now.
I tried out FB ads / promotions twice. My conclusion was, it's like playing the poker (slot) machines. Its actually criminal that they can get away with treating businesses like that. We know what would happen to other businesses if they treated their customers that way. But when a company can get away with it, this demonstrates that they have become too large and need to be forceably broken up.