Piano lesson and music theory -lesson1
Groups of Black Keys
Playing Groups of Two Black Keys
Playing Groups of Three Black Keys
Playing Groups of Three White Keys
Playing Groups of Four White Keys
II. ContentIntroduction
In this lesson, you will look at the patterns of the black and white keys on the piano keyboard. This will help you to find your way around the piano keyboard.Groups of Black Keys
The black keys on the piano are divided into groups of three black keys and two black keys.Playing Groups of Two Black Keys
Find all the groups of two black keys and play them.Playing Groups of Three Black Keys
Find all the groups of three black keys and play them.Playing Groups of Three White Keys
Find all the groups of three white keys that surround the groups of two black keys and play them.Playing Groups of Four White Keys
Find all the groups of four white keys that surround the groups of three black keys and play them.Conclusion
By recognizing the patterns of black and white keys on the piano keyboard, you will now be able to find your way around the piano keyboard!
Now try out what you have just learned on our virtual piano