RE: René's Kili Party.
No Ladders were injured during the... used during the making of this video. I set a tripod on a table as people have a habit of standing in front of me to talk to the sound guy. He has way too many friends in my opinion. I do label myself as the Camera Monkey for a reason; I climb stuff. Fishing Pole did it's job as per usual :)
New videos will be produced with better sound as what you hear on this one is raw sound. Peter (on Guitar) has reworked one of my recordings, it sounds better than I expected, and he agreed to rework all the sound for the entire evening. That means I will produce a full show with René included and maybe a few loose songs for those short kinder-net attention spans.
Thank you for dropping in and saying hello, always enjoy hearing from ya. Cheers!
Edit: Happy new year!