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RE: Old Horse from Venezuela 4
Is the deadline for your experiment still set for May? What is stopping you from calling a halt to the experiment?
No illusions of golden ponds, just experiments of moving around quickly and learning how to tack and jibe in these Whale-shark infested waters. I actually like the picture you've been painting, but uncle Scrooge doesn't like competition.
Like sailing? I do.
It wouldn't be a note-worthy experiment if you could make up the rules as you go along.
I think that the era of inter net giants is changing, leaving room for other platforms like the one we are on to take over or at least fill part of the gap. This will not happen overnight and the rules are being changed as we sp.. write.
What gap might that be?
Hotmail, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc etc etc... Many will go the way of Ma Bell, AOL, Kodak, Blackberry, etc. etc. etc... Will they be replaced by Steemit? I don't know, maybe not, but something like it. Like you, I won't be sticking around if things do not improve. In the mean time I will learn all I can.
.... still doesn't really answer the real question I was posing....What would we like to see our people be doing instead of sharing drivel? Or overly-complex personal thinking? Or topics that warrant serious attention? All of which are not suited to a social-media platform. Why is everybody so bored? Or so socially isolated that they need to be on any of those "non-places"? If the Steemit experiment will proove that this is all it (the above mentioned collectively) ever was (biding time) and a desperate attempt to connect and find endorsement and support, then what next?
Pffffff... the problem goes so deep. You and I both know this. Having gone round the block a few times, helps, but there is something else, besides. Working towards putting my finger exactly on that tiny hole through which entire seas may leak.
Your presence in this woods lost for the trees - doing its learning-thing, tiddley-pom - is a blessing. For which my gratitude.