Ghost... The easy listening metal....
Ladies and gents.
This may be an unpopular opinion but it is just mine. A buddy has been getting on me to give this band Ghost a listen as I like some of the harder things in life. DimmuBorgir Falkenbach Tyr etc etc etc
Well I their new Single Rats came up in a playlist and.....
I was underwhelmed. The demonic satanist shtick is a bit overplayed in my opinion and just for shock value. Same as my parents pissed of their parents with Alice Cooper, and I with ICP, Ozzy, and Marilyn Manson.
So here is the song in question but it reminds me of something.... Listen from 1:37 to 1:44
As soon as I heard that hook all I could think about was this little song that is just a mild bit heavier and possibly less campy.... Queen singing the theme from Flash Gordon.
I hop you have enjoyed the comparison. #thingsthatmakeyougohmmmm
All music mentioned is copyright of the respective owners and linked from the bands official youtube pages. I claim no rights responsibilities to said music, video's, and characters