Song Reflection (1976 - As - Stevie Wonder)

in #music7 years ago

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In the beginning, he's not singing, he's riffing and this shows that he's one with the song and above using words when entering the sacred space.

The introduction symbolizes the concept of being one with Nature and Divinity.



As around the sun, the earth knows she's revolving

This line shows the relationship between MAN and WOMAN, man being the sun and the woman being earth.

Man nurtures by sunlight and power, where the woman nurtures by land, water, and life.

The duality of life is apparent here – all living things require sunlight, water, and food to continue living and these are required to begin life, also the conditions for life to prosper require these elements (isn't that a good word to call them).

Also, this line shows the relationship between the creator and US because as smaller parts of the creator, we should revolve around him and in that revolving, we know our orbits and how we fit into the circle of life.

Finally, the line shows the relationship between the solar bodies in their orbits.

And the rosebuds know to bloom in early may

This continues the relationship between the nurturing of MAN (the sun) and WOMAN (the earth) and how may becomes a season of the woman's fertility as earth but the rosebuds bloom from the sunlight's power in this season.

Or does the rosebuds symbolize US and how we bloom in the right season from god's sunlight...this is for your mind to ponder over.

Just as hate knows love's the cure

This shows the duality of LOVE between MAN and WOMAN and how, since being in love makes us one, then when she feels hate, his love is the cure and when he feels hate her love is the cure, therefore, do they ever really feel hate or is it like the rest of the things not of our way, the it just a dream?

On a cosmic level, this shows that ALL BEINGS know the truth and regardless of what you do against the truth, truth and positive energy always wins the battle.

Actually, chaos doesn't exist in ALONENESS, it is simply something against order and love, which makes it a derivative existence like secondary colors.

You can rest your mind assured

This shows that love can be a taxing thing on the body, mind, and soul.

Yet, love's touch can easily appease the body, so he makes no mention of that, but he says the mind which is where LOVE is the deepest.

Also, it shows where we must seek GOD, in mind and from there, the body will follow.

That I'll be loving you always

This says it all!!!

As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow

This shows how our LOVE today isn't guaranteed and tomorrow is a mystery, but we must LOVE for tomorrow and in that preparation, tomorrow becomes now and today becomes the past.

But in passing we'll grow older every day

This shows how MAN and WOMAN must love completely if it is to work, we must know the future and what it holds and in that knowledge, we must LOVE everyday with all we have because death is approaching.

Just as all that's born is new

This shows the family structure of MAN and WOMAN and how the ripe relationship will bring forth new seeds, children, and in their births, the MAN and WOMAN'S LOVE is reborn and it serves as a living witness to what they have built.

Do know what I say is true

This shows the importance of words and their truth.

And when you look closely, the duality of MAN and WOMAN are consummated in the words of marriage, I DO.

In this line, do is first and I is second which symbolizes what it takes to make love work.

The work is more important than I, the ego.

Also, when the two lovers come together (DO I – I DO), imagine them standing together looking at each other in this fashion, when one looks through the eyes of the other, then the words read as I DO.

Therefore, I guess the eyes are the windows to the soul.

That I'll be loving you always

Need I comment on this!!



(Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky)
(Until the ocean covers every mountain high)
(Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea)
(Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream)

This hook shows the dualities of nature and God and how we relate to these two mediums. The rainbow again is an extension of MAN (the sun) and the stars are lesser lights, not by intensity, but by range of colors.

The ocean, symbolizing the WOMAN, shows the nurturing waters of NUN covering the mountains and flushing away the evils of the world and letting the world find LOVE.

The dolphin, symbolizing life in the WATER (coming from the last line of the hook), shows that dolphins could fly and parrots lived at sea in a time when LOVE ran the world.

The last line is the most significant, the dream of life and life becomes a dream, this is the most powerful line of the hook.

It makes us question, is the life we're in a dream of the real world, and the answer is YES.

The spiritual world is when life is at its truest and most pure form of LOVE and that is where we find love the most.



Did you know that true love asks for nothing

This shows how love is to be fully achieved.

How can you love someone and expect something from the other person?

This shows how when MAN loves unconditionally, then that love is reciprocated.

Her acceptance is the way we pay

This symbolizes how we should PRAY, with our palms wide open.

With two hands, this shows the duality of love as MAN and WOMAN, and also as HUMAN and CREATOR, and as HUMAN and NATURE, and NATURE and CREATOR.

By praying to our creator with palms open, we accept his role as GOD and we accept our roles as HUMANS, again, the power of duality and roles.

Her acceptance is the way the MAN pays for love, yet this is only a mirrored reflection of the earlier line of love being an unconditional act.

Did you know that life has given love a guarantee

This shows life and love are not the same, but different sides of the same thing.

Life is this reality we live in, but love is the true reality that we should seek.

Again, the power of the duality of nature.

To last through forever and another day

This shows how love in its truest form can't be found in life here on earth, but that our limited mortal mind can't conceive the length of eternal.

This is so because being mortal, we are mastered by time, not masters of it and therefore, we can only look as far as we can imagine.

However, in love, eternity is not that far and every true couple in love.

Don't they always start off saying they're going to be together forever?

If love starts at forever, how can this mortal life and mind conceptualize anything past that?

Just as time knew to move on since the beginning

This shows the duality of NATURE and the CREATOR.

The seasons love GOD and in that relationship, they know when to do what they do.

Essentially, the mysteries are nothing but a love relationship between HUMAN and GOD, what else can be said?

If you can know how to love ANOTHER, then you can learn the mysteries.

How can one know the mysteries and cannot find love?

Remember, whatever energy you have inside will draw that same energy to you.

Therefore, fill yourself with loving energy and divine love and what will you get – a loving relationship with the CREATOR.

Also, time is defined in its duality here, as MAN and WOMAN.

The sun defines the days and as a result, the earth knows time on two levels, day and night.

Why would GOD split days into two parts, because of the dual nature of GOD.

And the seasons know exactly when to change

The last line showed the MAN at work as the sun and now this line shows the WOMAN at work as the seasons.

She knows what to do and when to change, why?

She is in love with MAN and with GOD.

Just as kindness knows no shame

This shows the nature of LOVE.

Know through all your joy and pain

This line exemplifies the dual nature of love between MAN and WOMAN and HUMAN and CREATOR.

When the man feels pain, the woman's joy is enough for both of them and vice versa.

Therefore, they never feel pain.

The same holds for pain HUMANS feel, but when you let your soul feel the power of GOD, does that pain last?

As today I know I'm living but tomorrow

This begins the transformation of love entering the HUMAN.

This shows the mortal side of human life and knowing one's place in the universe.

Could make me the past, but that I mustn't fear

This shows death is coming, but HUMANS can't fear it. Death is a part of life, again the duality of nature.

For I'll know deep in my mind

He says in his mind and not in his soul because true love is experienced in the soul, not in the mind.

Even the Egyptians told good things about people by speaking about the heart, not in the mind.

The mind is where the ego lives and this is where the ego must be buried for true love to enter the spirit.

The love of me I've left behind

This shows MAN and WOMAN, together, burying their EGOS and, having been reborn, now can find true love in one another.

Cause I'll be loving you always



(Until the day is night and night becomes the day)


(Until the trees and seas just up and fly away)


(Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four)


(Until the day that is the day that are no more)

Did you know you're loved by somebody

(Until the day the earth starts turning right to left)


(Until the earth just for the sun denies itself)

I'll be loving you forever

(Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through)


(Until the day that you are me and I am you)


(Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky)

(Until the ocean covers every mountain high)




We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles

Can make you wish you were born in another time and space

But you can bet your life times that and twice it's double

This number adds up to 6 and when you add your original body, that makes 7.

This is the same number of spiritual bodies that the Egyptians said all humans possessed.

That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed

So make sure when you say you're in it, but not of it

You're not helping to make this earth a place sometimes called hell

This shows how heaven and hell, again the two dualities of nature, are two different lifestyles and mentalities.

When you live in the mind, you will find hell, but when you live in spirit, you'll find heaven in HELL.

Change your words into truths

A man is only as good as his word, that's what the elders say!!!

And then change that truth into love

And maybe our children's grandchildren

And their great grandchildren will tell

This is 3 generations, does this symbolize the 3 parts of humanity (past, present, and future) or 3 parts of humanness (emotional, physical, spiritual).

NOTE: This is evidence of rapping before the Sugarhill Gang, this is 1976 - I'm just saying this song is a milestone in musical history! Is it possible that Stevie Wonder is the first rapper? Not a chance, James Brown and the Last Poets were rapping back in the 60s....Sorry Stevie!!!!

I'll be loving you



Now ain't that loving you

Remember that mother nature says her work is through, this is symbolic of WOMAN, which will never be, because she's in TRUE LOVE which is eternal.

Therefore, her work is never through, even in death, which is the dual part of life as its reflection, she will continue LOVING and the cycle of life.

This shows that when we become ONE life is again as it should be from the beginning. When MAN and WOMAN are one, love exists.

When HUMAN and NATURE are one, love is found.

When HUMAN and CREATOR are one, love is absolute.

Now, the duality of nature shows the power of GOD and his handiwork. When we compare two things, what is the key word of that comparison?

Like unto something, AS something else.

Therefore the title symbolizes the song.

Is this song about love AS IT IS or about GOD and our Potential?

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