
Excellent, thank you! Impaled Nazarene is nuts! And thanks for the inspiration to make a post for that part of the world. I had not listened to skyforger in way too long.

I don't know about good governance, but Finland certainly does have a ridiculous amount of metal talent in residence. GO AMORPHIS!! I love their traditional folk and prog added to their death metal template!

I will check them out. I know of many more bands hiding underground you'd probably love, knowing more of your preference now...I must post them by region tho, or group by genre. I'll move a bit away of the folk influenced focus so I can include them, and some more variety

Check out 'got ist tot' their Nihilistic anthem inspired by Nietzsche's prophetic proclimation.

Ugra-Karma is one of the bands defining albums and one of their most extreme. The usual ridiculously blasphemic lyrics are there, the thrashing drums present throughout, some excellent guitar and bass work, and topped off with fantastic vocals :))

I interpretted from your comment that you'd not hear them. you've probably been a metal head a few years longer than I ;)

I've been part of the metal militia since 1981 ;) Metallica's "Kill Em' All' on vinyl was my first metal up your ass album :))

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