Keep on rocking... wherever you are!
Keep on rocking in a free world - this song has been a companion for many years. A timeless political statement by the great Neil Young. For me, it was always a song that would overcome borders - geographically and especially in people's minds.
When I was in Beijing, I tried out Couchsurfing: I spend three nights in the shared apartment of three Chinese guys. We were sitting together for a lunch and talked about music. Soon we ended up playing songs to each other. They played some traditional Chinese music and I played some rock songs including this one. All at once, the awkward moments of silence when you just met someone were gone and we had the feeling of knowing each other for a very long time.
Another great memory of this song: I was travelling with some friends through South Korea and Thailand and we spend some nights in Pattaya. I joined a local band on stage and played this song as a birthday song for one of our friends.
This video is from a hotel room in Munich. I was working there for several months and always brought my acoustic guitar.
Have a rocking weekend!