Welcome To Amerika (Hall of Mirrors) Mark Shepard (Song 564, Official Music Video)
World Premiere 1/8/2019 "Welcome To Amerika (Hall of Mirrors)" Mark Shepard (Song 564, Official Music Video) A song about America and the Financial Crash. Lyrics and details below...
This song is the result of diving deep down the rabbit hole of "learning about money" which was motivated by my continual attempts at earning enough of it so I can continue to record and share my hundreds of unreleased songs.
In 2007-2008 I was clobbered and rendered homeless by an economy that I wasn't really paying attention to.
All the same problems remain in 2019 but they are exponentially BIGGER.
Music helps me to deal with stuff I have a hard time dealing with.
I hope this song helps you too.
Joe Mennonna as usual created a stunning arrangement that I can't stop listening to.
Thank you to Joe and to all the alternative media creators who have been calling us to "Wake up!" to the shenanigans of Central Bankster Cartels around the world, Mike Maloney, "The Hidden Secrets of Money," Jeff Berwick, "the Dollar Vigilante," David Quintieri ""The Money GPS" and so many more.
Welcome to Amerika (Hall of Mirrors)
It's a hall of mirrors
In a house of cards
On a debt end street
Pink flamingo yards
It's a scam of schemes
in a blur of memes
On a hill of has beens
Green screen scenes
And twitter streams that scream
"Welcome to Amerika!
Welcome to Amerika!"
Smart devices
Bankers out on bail
Chronic credit crises
Too big to fail
Corporate cronies
Buy low sell high
It's a babble of bubbles
And We're deep in trouble
Where dreams didn't used to go to die!
Welcome to Amerika
Welcome to Amerika
kKds in cages
Reality star in charge
While the wisdom of the ages
Can be Googled from your car
All the world's attention
Is the wages of his war
And the stooge on stage says
"The space brigade is the biggest one for sure"
Welcome To Amerika!
Welcome to Amerika!
It's a hall of mirrors
In a house of cards
On a debt end street
Pink flamingo yards
It's a scam of schemes
in a blur of memes
That nobody reads
and where we desperately need
comedians in our cars!
Welcome to Amerika
Welcome to Amerika
Welcome to Amerika
Welcome to Amerika...
released January 8, 2019
Mark Shepard: Vocals, Guitar
Joe Mennonna: Arrangement, Drums, Bass, Organ, Piano, Horns, engineering
Copyright 2018 by Mark Shepard. All rights reserved. Used with Permission
My books and CD's are available At Amazon.com
Song Downloads are available at: http://markshepard.bandcamp.com
Please help me to reach more people: Like, Subscribe and Share!
My Life In Song Project: 5 Decades of Original Songs http://MarkShepardSongs.com
My Online Hypnosis Programs, Sessions and Courses to help you master your mind for a change in a multiple areas of your life http://HonestHypnosis.com
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This song is the result of my dive down the rabbit hole of money, which led me to crypto and the decentralized information and financial revolution we are currently in. Thoughts? Tawk to me!
You got pimped by ArtemisNorth on Rambling radio Pimp Your Post Thursday.